Are you interested in Bible Congruence?

by sabastious 130 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    But seriously, God killed kids...

    That's messed up... right?


  • sabastious
    Not any more than any other oxymoron.



  • PSacramento
    why did God need to "show his wrath" by slaughtering infants and children in the OT?

    God slaughter no one, don't ever confuse what people WANT to believe and write in the bible that is out of character with what God is in the bible and is revealed to be in th ebible.

    I know that isn't always easy ( understatment of the year) but I use a simple test:

    God made man in his image as such, man's moral code is from God, so no man can have a superiour moral code than God. As such, if man finds an act immoral then God must, be default, find it even MORE SO.

    So when we read a passage that eludes to God being immoral then it is either a mistake of the scribes ( more often than not) or a misunderstanding of what is being taught.

    Hebrews went to war, the killed and slaughtered, if they won that means that YHWH was on their side and as such YHWH condoned their actions, all of them, as YHWH's will. Of course this is ancient man and that was his grasp of things and if they were right and if they scribes were right then the old covenant would have been valid and there would have been no need for Jesus and the New Covenant.

    Jeremiah accused the scribes of lying of saying they had the word of God and they didn't because they would say, " God says this and God ordered that" and that typiclaly would be something that God did NOT say or order.

    Why did people believe them? follow them? because people chose to believe what they were taught by MAN rather than the Laws of God written into their hearts.

    That is why when Jesus came he cleared much of that up: " not love they neighbour but love they enemy" , " God is light, not dark, God is love, not hate, God is all that is good and nothing that is bad for in God there is no bad".

  • Inkie


    Wars happen EVERYDAY today. Your own nations do it. People get killed right and left, including children, including infants! Why is there no TRUE outcry against the U.S. when it does this? Against the allies of the U.S. who do this? Noooo . . . only when it happens against the U.S. What hypocrisy! You condemn God for supposedly killing infants. WHY DON'T YOU CONDEMN MEN whom you know are doing it right now today for killing the innocents whether they be infants or grown?


  • sabastious
    God made man in his image as such, man's moral code is from God

    Sac, I have a hard time accepting your arguments sometimes. I find it inconsistant to say that the Biblical accounts of infanticide are untrue (because it was written by men) but then say that "we are made in God's image and our moral code is from that" also because it's in the Bible.


  • sabastious
    Why is there no TRUE outcry against the U.S. when it does this?

    War is a human concept. Why would God feel the need to go to war against neighboring nations of the Israelites?


  • sabastious

    I can understand defense, but God (through Israel) was 100% on the offensive.


  • snowbird

    Well said, Inkie.

    Consider this also: God has the power to restore life.

    We don't.

    Yet, we kill.


  • bohm

    Inkie, if i had a chance to prevent genocide, without any bother or risk to my own safety, i would not sit on my hands one second.

    God does.

    Furthermore, if i did find myself not acting, i would not think i was moral.

    And i wouldnt give a crap about satan, the fruit or sin. Live and let live.

  • PSacramento
    Sac, I have a hard time accepting your arguments sometimes. I find it inconsistant to say that the Biblical accounts of infanticide are untrue (because it was written by men) but then say that "we are made in God's image and our moral code is from that" also because it's in the Bible.

    I am not saying the accounts are NOT true, I am saying that attributing them to God is incorrect.

    As for the moral code thing, If you want me to explain how I see the bible based on what is written in the bible then I need to use the bible :)

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