We Women Know How to Stretch a Dollar!

by snowbird 56 Replies latest social family

  • snowbird

    Something Burn linked to on the thread about gender equality got me to thinking.

    The statement was made that it is mostly the woman who is in charge of the family budget, and she knows instinctively that you can't spend your way out of debt.

    I know that, but this basic fact seems lost on some.

    For example, I see my oldest daughter making financial blunder after financial blunder.

    She has, in effect, told me to stay out of her business, yet it is I to whom she comes begging for help when her money goes South.

    My maternal g'mother, who lived to the age of 104, had a favorite saying: "Root, hog, or stay poor. Swim or sink."

    I've decided to let her stay poor or sink - whichever comes first.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I tried to stretch a dollar and I ripped it.

  • snowbird


    Smart bummy!


  • BurnTheShips
    The statement was made that it is mostly the woman who is in charge of the family budget, and she knows instinctively that you can't spend your way out of debt.

    About 75% of major household spending decisions are made by the woman of the house.

    I'm no profligate, but my wife is much more hardcore over saving on transactions and squeezing the last nickel out of a deal. I tend to leave the bargaining to her. She is better at it.


  • ziddina

    Yay!! Go, Women!!!

    Oh, wait...

    I thought you said "SPEND".... Spend a dollar...

    My bad...

  • snowbird

    About 2 years ago, I met a man at Wal-Mart trying to shop for a Thanksgiving dinner.

    He confided to me that his wife was abed, sick with a bad cold.

    He. Was. Clueless.


    I felt so sorry for him, took him under my wing and showed him how it's done.

    He expressed heartfelt appreciation and admiration for us womenfolk.

    His parting words to me as he was exiting the store, "I don't see how you women do it!"


  • snowbird

    LOL @ Ziddina!

    Girlfriend, come on over here and let us lavish you with love and praise!



  • BurnTheShips

    Walmart? Could you bring me back some pork rinds and a 12 pack of Natural Ice please?



    is it more of a generation than gender thing? the older generations who have seen poor times know how to make do. Kids today who may be experiencing their first recession (ahhh bless) want everything now.

    I hear a lot about young people on the radio who can't afford to get on the housing ladder and buy their first home. They still drive a nearly new car, go on holiday and have the latest gadgets. I had one takeaway a year till I saved up a deposit for a house (those were hard times). The only way to learn is the hard way. Being tough on them is a kindness in the long run (jeez I'm sounding like my dad - I take it all back - SPEND SPEND SPEND!).


  • snowbird


    He was buying a roaster pan for the turkey, aluminum foil, cornmeal, and spices.

    Bless his dear heart.



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