Those who have Judeo-Christian perspective: Is Satan a poor strategist?

by SweetBabyCheezits 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    I really don't see how Satan can be spiritualized like this, given all the Bible says about him.

    For example, God converses with Satan at length in Job 1-2; this can't be explained as something inside man.

    In Luke 10:18, Christ says he saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

    In Luke 22:31, Jesus tells Peter that Satan has asked for permission to sift him like wheat.

    Revelation 12:9 refers to Satan being cast to the earth along with his angels.

  • Billen76

    I am not suggesting solely a spiritualization of the events. What I am saying is, that all these are figures explaining parts of the consequences of the choice we have. I think, that if one tries to rationalize the texts, one will never understand them and illogical contradictions will then allways surface disrupting the picture of belief one have.

  • cyberjesus

    He might be, but he is relaying on JW prophets and the GB who cant predict shit! he has been granted another 70 years courtesy of the FDS


    The Jude-Christian perspective is part of a mind set that takes everything literally. Even God is a person who talks and has fits of rage.

    In reality, Satan represents an aspect of the human psyche. Not necessarily a bad but a part that seeks self interest above a perceived greater cause.

    The idea that such a person exists and hangs around trying to tempt people is absurd, in my humble opinion.

  • inbetween

    asked myself this question often,

    why is Satan in such a hurry since 1914 ? did he not know beforehand, when the gentile times end ? Russel even knew it ?

    why did he manuever things in a way to fulfill prophecies in order to prove the bible right ?

    why did he attempt to kill baby-jesus, when he must have known that God will protect him ?


  • moshe

    I get the feeling some people here take Satan seriously.

  • bottleofwater

    Wouldn't making sure that the prophecy regarding him not be fulfilled be better for him? And wouldn't that put God in a conundrum because he gave Satan free will? What if that is what Satan's plan is? I mean if we can think of something like this, why can't someone with far greater intelligence do so?

  • snowbird

    I take Satan seriously because our Lord did.

    It is my belief that not only is Satan a poor strategist, but also a poor tactician.



  • brotherdan

    I personally don't think Satan has been allowed to KNOW alot about the prophecies about him. I have always believed that Satan and "his" angels were kept in spiritual darkness. If this is true, then they don't know what will happen to them.

    For example, when Jesus was expellilng demons, they would frequently ask that they NOT be sent to the abyss. There is no indication that he EVER sent any of them to the abyss. I don't think they knew what to expect or what Jesus plan was. I don't think they understood His second coming, or any of the prophecys related to it.

    But I don't think that you can call Satan "dumb". I personally think he is a genious. I agree completely with Ding. It makes absolutely no sense to me that Satan can be spiritualized. That also violates the rules of hermeneutics. Hermeneutics state that unless directly stated or directly obvious to any reader, everything must be taken literally.

    JWs spiritualize Revelation to a HUGE extent. They think the ENTIRE book is symbolic. So even when it speaks of a specific event happening, they spiritualize it and say that it occured during a 1927 district convention.

    Satan is a real person just as God is a real person. I can understand not believing in Satan if you DON'T believe in God. I won't argue that with anyone. But if you believe in God as a real person, you MUST believe in Satan.

  • PSacramento

    Satan has his Job to do and his job is to Accuse US before God and to prove to God that we are not deserving of God's Grace.

    Satan is OUR adversary, not God's anc Satan truly did not Challenge God but Us and temptation is his way, our pride gives him Strenght and our reluctance and unwillingness to admit that we NEED God is his victory.

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