The Society, having lost its younger generation, now appears to be doing its darndest to lose the older ones as well

by sir82 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82
    Is this crap actually in writing anywhere?

    At this point its just handwritten notes.

    But if past precedent holds, the AGM is where "new light" gets run up the flagpole.

    There will likely be a WT study article on this topic some time in 2011.

  • flipper

    SIR 82- Excellent thread ! Thanks for sharing this info. Your question : " Are they that detached from the " real world," or even genuine human emotion ? " Answer : Yes they are . Also, " Surely nobody is that idiotic, are they ? " Answer : Yes, they are.

    It's called being under the influence of cult mind control. It desenitizes most ALL of the normal human emotions even the governing body have inside themselves as their own " cult personality " takes over their " authentic personality " they each had when they were born. It's not that they are " idiots " in the stupid sense - but their thought processes ONLY emphasize WT society needs and totally overlook rank and file members needs as inconsequential. It's like the leaders of the WT society have a mental illness due to the cult indoctrination - I believe Steve Hassan called it "dissociative disorder " which enables them to totally disconnect their empathetic emotions towards normal rank & file JW's.

    These guys at the top of the WT society could care less if older members are getting burned out. As long as the GB gets THEIR"S ( that is comfy retirement with all expenses paid for them ) it's all they worry about. They ARE that self absorbed.

    A couple years ago I asked my JW 81 year old mom a pertinent question . Her and my dad have been in the JW cult for 60 years about . I asked her, " Mom, did you ever think you'd live to your 80's in THIS system of things- or did you feel we'd be in the paradise ? " She replied, " No, I thought we'd be in the paradise ! I never thought I'd hit 80 in this system of things. " Then I told her, " I know how you feel . I remember being in high school and people telling me " Flipper , you're lucky you'll ever have to marry or raise children in THIS system of things ! " Then I paused and said, " Well- Look at me now mom ! I have 3 adult children in their mid 20's and I'm about 50 yrs.old now ! Isn't that something ? " She said, " Yes, that's true . But we still see bad things happening in the news on T.V. and wars & crime " . Sh said this as if trying to convince herself it's not been all a waste of time. So- I went on to a different subject as I felt sorry for her.

    I hate the leaders of this organization and how they have stolen people's lives and precious time away for their own selfish endeavors. I feel not only for my parents- but ALL older ones who have ben duped by this criminal organization

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I don't remember the JWs crossing the dry Red Seabed with pharoah and his armies killed. Technically, it would be more accurate that the JWs are still afflicted in Egypt and many have decided to become doctors and engineers, rather than continue making bricks as unskilled laborers.

  • metatron

    An unnoticed danger in the organization is that they could easily 'go Rehoboam' in their frustration with publishers. They could get so extreme relative to the weakened state of the organization that they trigger their own demise.

    I am hopeful that this happens. These stupid remarks push things in that direction. Keep in mind that the friends do not need to openly rebel. They just need to slack off, stop contributing, ignore whatever the Watchtower says, and pretend.


  • Lets Think
    Lets Think

    Good one Billy. That is the truth.

    Metatron that is where I am at ,as a just resigned elder. I am not going to fight things, just chill and back off. I tried fighting things, does not work, there is an extreme need to have aboslute unity. So what has happened is the extremeists have control, moderate Or liberal elders get pushed out. The extremeists promote only the extreme and on it goes..... those who even point out things out that are true and accurate like i was told that i would not get old,, are branded as rebels.

    What has driven me crazy is facts are branded as evil. I once told a few publishers that Violent crime has been going down for the last 20 years (in the USA) and this should make us think about really where we are in the stream of time. A fellow elder got wind of that and said I had apostate leanings. Can't win.

    Things are getting worse every day don't you know, please do not bring up facts.

  • Ding

    I love that phrase "lucrative career."

    If you want some money to retire on, you're Ebenezer Scrooge.

  • EmptyInside

    It's funny how it's okay for them to plan, but it's wrong for the rest of us to save up for a rainy day. I don't want to have to be cleaning houses in my 80's thank you very much.

    I know an older sister who recently lost her husband. They took all his retirement to pioneer,and now she is worried she will lose the house they built.

    What a "brazen" comment for them to make,is all I have to say.

  • TD
    Many older ones already are telling the younger ones how they regretted not getting an education, pursuing a lucrative career, saving up money or not having a retirement plan. The sad truth is that such ones are like the murmurers of Israel when coming out of Egypt.


    The Israelites only wandered in the wilderness for forty years (One generation...) during which time they were miraculously clothed and fed.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have been wandering for three times that long during which time they had to take care of themselves....

    ...and now they're being criticized for attempting to do so....

  • baltar447

    Hey, GB, Bethel lurkers:

    Want to make people feel better? show so damn compassion. It's not hard. How about being sympathetic to the flock? Perhaps something like this:


    At Proverbs 13:12 the scriptures say: "Expectation postponed is making the heart sick, but the thing desired is a tree of life when it does come." We know that most of us have expected Jehovah to put an end to this wicked system sooner. But we can feel glad that Jehovah's patience has allowed more to come to an accurate knowledge of bible truth. Those who have put Kingdom interests first can rest assured that they have "stored up treasures in heaven" and Jehovah will not forget their sacrifices for his name's sake. We know that some among our dear brothers have felt that perhaps they could have done more in a secular way to provide for their future. We empathize with these ones but encourage them that because they have sacrificed much in the way of worldly pursuits, Jehovah will not forget the love they have showed for his name. Despite whatever hardships we may face in this system, we know that our grand provider will continue to provide sustenance for us, and that no one of his sheep will be 'searching for bread'. We admonish all dear ones to continue firm in the faith and know that Jehovah cares for them.


    That took me, a nobody, five minutes to write. How hard is it to just show a little concern?

  • bobld

    The R&F will eat all the GB/FS tells them.They the GB/FS set the example they said "look at us we simplified" you do the same less secular work more field service work and Jehovah will provide.However the R&F just don't get it when GB simplify, it means kicking out old time bethlites,selling their high priced real estates,moving printing facilities to countries where they can get away with labour laws such as Canada,closing Mexico,etc,etc.Oh yeah their are countries where they are growing(3rd world).


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