Growing-up Witness was Wonderful ...Until My Bubble Broke

by Green Jade 39 Replies latest social family

  • carla

    He understands my need to raise our children as Witnesses.--- You have seen the backstabbing, unloving nature, and falsehoods of the wt and you voluntarily want to bring children to a kh??! Why would you do that? You claim to love this person yet you would be willing to have your children taught that he deserves death because he is not a jw? that is your idea of love?

    If it were your honey coming here asking advice about falling in love with a current jw or 'weak' jw, everyone would tell him to run from you, sorry to say so but check previous threads on the issues and the lives ubm's (unbelieving mates) endure.

    Please protect innocent children from this dangerous and deadly cult. Research, research and research some more before you make any decisions.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    He understands my need to raise our children as Witnesses.

    Why do you need this, if it was such a source of disillusionment for you?

    I saw people who did not care for one another. I saw hatred, malice, covetness, and racism. I had been in the bubble and now the bubble burst.

    Ultimately, the JWs either have the true religion, or they don't. If you believe the GB's claims that they are god's sole channel, chosen specially by him, and that Christ returned in 1914, and that armageddon is imminent, and that the only way to survive is remaining close to the organization, you shouldn't let the behavior of others dissuade you.

    If you don't believe this, then what is the point? Why expose yourself to the hatred, malice, covetness, racism, etc.? Why expose your children to it?

  • BluesBrother

    my need to raise our children as Witnesses.

    I wonder why that should be ? Do you believe that Armageddon is due and that they are in danger? Do you believe that it is the best thing for them?

    I do not wish to come down heavy on you but I wonder why your need should be paramount? Is it not the child's needs that must be considered first?

    If you fear Armageddon and anticipate the New World, please review the multitude of threads on here and sites on the net...You may then come to same conclusion as most of us and recognize that it is Just Not True !..We no longer fear the future or believe that these are the "Last days", and that is the result of careful reasoning. But you must come to any conclusion yourself. Check it out once and for all....If the WT is right then phone an elder and get help to go back...If not , enjoy your life with your family !

  • confuzzled777

    I have to say that I do understand the pull to raise your kids in "the truth". I am in that delima myself right now. If you have not ready my story, it is still a fairly fresh thread. I was unjustly df'd in January of this year. My kids are 13 and 16. My dh and I have not gone to meetings since May?. We attended the last day of the convention this summer and that was the last time we have gone to anything.

    I struggle too with this. since my unjust df'ing I am no longer sure that I want this for my kids. The way the elders treated us and our friends has really left a BAD taste in my mouth. If they can make a grown man cry and persist that a sister is lying to them when she was NOT, how are they going to treat my kids if they do something that they need to "confess"? There was NO compassion, love OR mercy shown to the families in my situation. And I fear for my kids if they should ever need to turn to the elders for "help".

    My parents told me recently about a time when I was about 13 and had smoked my first cig. with my cousin. The elders had found out about it and wanted to meet with my parents and I regarding it. My dad spoke up for me and told them that they were NOT going to meet with me over a one time incident. Thank goodness for my dad!

    My DD is allowed to go to her high school football games and events. She has gone to her Homecoming dance 2 years in a row. This year she even went to the "sister" school's homecoming with her friends. My DS has no witness friends. All of his friends are from school and the neighborhood. I know that we have been talked about because we are allowing our kids to have "outside influences". But I have known witnesses to be just as bad if not worse than non witnesses.

    My DH and I have NEVER ONCE pressured our kids to become baptized. That is something that the kids need to come to on their own. NOT because other kids are doing it or because the society is pressuring them to do. I am still undecided as to whether or not I want to return to the org. Which is why I have not been back to any meetings.

    ANYHOO This is ultimately up to you. You do what YOU feel is right and what is right for you kids. My heart goes out to you as you are going through this. Mine is still SO fresh and I can understand the difficult decision that you are facing as I am in a similar boat.

  • isaacaustin

    Confuzzled, what is DD and DH?

  • Dumi

    DH = Dear Husband

    DD = Dear Dad??

    I think...

  • NiceDream

    DH = Dear Husband

    DD = Dear Daughter

    DS = Dear Son

  • believingxjw

    Green Jade,

    The Society disfellowships tens of thousands every year, most for immorality. In the articles where the discussion is on how brothers and sisters should treat one another or the responsibility of elders to be loving shepherds it is obvious that all is not always well in many congregations otherwise there would be no need for such articles. They also go out of their way to try and paint a picture of a pre-paradise spiritual paradise where in the Organization mature elders lovingly care for the publishers and where publishers do the same for one another. Both exist.

    Like you, I too have been to some congregations where the elder leadership was cruel, hypocritical and controlling and many publishers followed their lead. And I've also been to congregations where the atmosphere was the exact opposite. Elders who were loving shepherds and many publishers who were fine and loving Christians. My only explanation for it is that the leadership sets the tone of the congregation. Just like the religious leaders of Jesus' day set the tone in their day. And Jesus set the opposite. When I was in the harsh congregations the spiritual paradise articles were depressing because that was not what I was seeing but when in the more loving congregations those same types of articles confirmed the very good things that went on in the more loving congregation. Neither type of congregation was homogeneous of course there were loving and unloving people in both but I believe what happens is that the more loving elders encourage the more loving publishers in the congregation, they get a boost, but the unloving elders in another congregation encourage the more unloving publishers and they get a boost to do what they like to do; judge and condemn others merely to lift themselves up.

    I sympathize with your situation. First, let me say that while you will get good advice here not everyone here has kept their belief in God and/or the Bible, as with every forum on the internet, what you read will be colored by the experiences and beliefs or non-beliefs of the posters, myself included. I'm sure you're well aware of that already. I believe one of the hardest things to accomplish after leaving the Witnesses is to make up our own minds and hearts free from the influence of others. What do I believe, what do I want, what do I feel is important for me and my family. Witnesses will tell you to come back to them because they have the truth, some ex-Witnesses may believe the best thing you can do is stay away from the Witnesses and attend another church or home church other ex-Witnesses may feel it best for you to get as far away from religion as you can. All of these are well meaning but in the end it is you who must decide what is best for you and your family. A hard thing to do but the rewards are well worth the effort.

    Take your time. Let time do what it does best; start to clear the awful mist that burdens our hearts and minds after leaving the Witnesses and allow healing to begin. Eventually you will know what is the best path for you and those you love.

    You are blessed to have such a loving family.

    Peace and Christian love to you,


  • Lozhasleft

    Raising your kids as JWs may cost you those kids. I lost all mine to the cult. All five of them. Please stop and think carefully- you only get one chance at being a mum to each child, and whats more they only get to be children once.

    Loz x

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    If I can't get myself to the meetings, then how am I going to get our children to the meetings?

    My parents got me to all the meetings.

    They managed to instil fear of Jehovah and Armageddon soon into me. With Armageddon coming so soon, there was no point in getting an education. The magazines made it clear that my age group would never get to fulfill a career in this wicked system of things etc. They sold their house and moved to where the need was great.

    Armageddon was a fizzer. I look like just as big a fool as my parents for missing out on an education and the opportunity to have a career in something I really would have enjoyed instead of just making do until their God killed me.

    Raising me in their religion didn't do me any favours and I do not thank them for it. They won't apologise for their actions, and even deny some of our past conversations, pretending that it was only 'other Witnesses' that got carried away with Armageddon fervor.

    I feel sorry for them. They have invested so much of their lives and staked so much of their reputations on their God killing me soon, that to admit they were wrong would be a nightmare for them.

    Do you really want your children growing up thinking that God is going to kill Daddy soon????

    What are you going to say to them in 50 years when they haven't had an education and God hasn't killed Daddy????

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