Question about an elder visit at home...

by paranoid 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot

    Well if things get 'hot' keep your attitude simple and humble.........this way things will blow over quickly!

    I strongly suggest you read the Manual........before the meeting!

    If things go sour, they go sour....... dont' let it ruin your perspective on the rest of your life.

    Reinstatement can be easy if you are focused (be seen, sit looking all sad before and after meeting but alert and taking notes during meeting, at least 3 highlighter colors for your study material....... well you get the picture.... and a decent kiss heiny letter in 6 months)


    (btw if there are two elders..... you could be under investigation isn't limited to the KH)

  • caliber
    Any sort of confrontation for an accusation would usually be held at the KH though right?

    I believe you are right... Elders never like to be outnumbered ..where others could prove to a second witness against them.

    also they have caught on to the fact some may use their home as a way of recording their proceedings.

    I think they are going to use your family as a way of getting you to conform to their wishes(what ever that is )

    Fact gathering is the worse possible outcome for you.... what you spill to them !

    Your family , they must feel is friendly to their cause.

    Otherwise it's just a friendly call to encourage the whole family.. and you are just overworried

  • paranoid

    I have a link to a PDF version of the manual on my bookmarks :) so I've reviewed it. Knowing that at least one elder is coming is definitely spooky! I'll be on the lookout to see if there is more than one...paranoia is not pleasant at all.

  • 1Robinella

    Growing up, I remember the elders coming over before the CO visit. It's really to get all their paperwork in order (so-to-speak). It's because if the CO asks the elders if they "Do any shepparding calls and how long ago?"...the elders can truthfully say "Yes, infact last week we called on____." I'd suggest if your worried, don't be. If it was me, I'd just make sure I wasn't home. Lol. Shut your cell phone off and go hang out with a buddy. Order pizza and watch a movie. Tell your buddy and have a laugh about it. If asked about it from your family or the elders, say: "Oh wow! I totally forgot and my cell died." Unless your into this JW thing. If so, wait for them to counsel the family on who knows what.

  • jehovahsheep

    thats the problem with getting baptized at a young dont fully appreciate that you are now governed by the wts.if you intend to continue in immorality -you need to da yourself.if you intend to stop-let your conscience dictate.

  • braveheart

    Welcome Paranoid...this forum is a safe place to get wisdom, understanding, ideas from great people who sincerely care about you and your situation.

    It takes courage to be an independent thinker and post on this board.

    Peace and Strength to You...and I look forward to your story of FREEDOM someday! -BH

  • thenoblelodge

    Parnoid - Welcome, nice to meet you.

  • lisavegas420

    I think I was probably 17-18 and an elder showed up at my parents house to talk to me. Might parents might have planned it out, I'm not sure....but, I was soooo stoned it was surreal.


  • confuzzled777

    This sounds like it is just a shepparding call. My DH, kids and I had one about 6 months before I was df'd. It was an elder and an MS that came over. They asked that the kids (12 and 15 at the time) be present for it. SO to me that is what your's sounds like. Nothing more. I would guess that if they had somthing on you, they would not call the whole family together. Someone else mentioned that it could be related to the upcoming CO visit. I tend to agree.

    Having been df'd back in January (see my story) please be very careful with what you say. Anything you say CAN AND WILL be held against you. Be careful with your attitude. If you are guilty....don't look it! lol Just lay low.

  • Soldier77

    Deny everything. I'm assuming your coworker you had a thing with was 'worldly' so at best, you'll get private reproof ONLY if it is confirmed by a second witness. However, if you admitted anything to the witness that confronted you on what they saw, you're backed into a corner.

    Next, time, say nothing.

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