Question about an elder visit at home...

by paranoid 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • paranoid

    Last meeting my father was asked what a good day/time would be for the whole family to be present at home by one of the elders. I haven't exactly been behaving within JW 'standards' so I'm a bit paranoid (SN ;]) A friend suggested it's probably just the visits they do (forget the name in ENG.) and as our CO visit is in about 2 weeks it makes sense...

    Could they possibly be coming to confront me about my actions though? Has this happened to anybody? Any time I've ever been spoken to w/my family present has been in the KH...

  • Mattieu

    Hi Paranoid, without knowing the circumstances of your family, it could just be a shepherding visit. Quite possibly they may want to discuss your "conduct" and your role in the family arrangement. It could also be that the elders there have been slack in the "shepherding arrangement" and are trying to do as much as they can before the co visit to make themselves loog good statistically.

    And, oh behave ;-)

    Cheers, Mattieu..

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Could be they just want to be able to tell the CO that they are doing their job.

    Shepherding visits are usually done by two elders or one elder and one MS (ministerial servant).

    Just do what we all would do: either deny deny deny or don't show up for it.

    Maybe you have to work that day

  • yknot

    Are you baptized?

    Did you do something that could get you DFd?

    We need more deets!

    There is a new 'Elder's manual' being shipped out this month but the old one is still in official use......

    Here is a link...

    It could be just a regular 'make sure you are presentable' for the CO visit but every BOE varies on that type of control...

    I almost forgot...

  • paranoid

    Thanks for the welcome!

    More Info: Yes I am baptized, and yes I have done things that could possibly get me DF'd...a sister recently confronted me saying she 'found out' about my coworker and I, but had a talk with me and I told her I had ended things, and that it before anything went too far. She hasn't said a word since.

    And that situation wasn't enough for me to be DF'd in my opinion. The more serious stuff is still not 'out in the open' :)

  • caliber
    whole family to be present at home by one of the elders

    One Elder to me is more of a friendly visit... two would be present if they thought they needed a second Elder as a witness

    to some wrongdoing . Three Elders is of course judicial action only !

    More than likely it's just a standard shepherding call , thus an encouragement to all the family otherwise they would herd you off by yourself

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Nope, not enough to be DF'd but enough for private reproof if it's not common knowledge.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Welcome paranoid!

    I like the name. I know what 'paranoid' feels like for sure. Like others have said, either deny the allegations or avoid the whole thing altogether. I admit that it does sound rather spooky, like an intervention or something. You're just living your life, right? It's not like you're on drugs or anything... (right?) Stick around. You'll learn things you've never imagined...


  • paranoid

    Thanks for the support, honestly. I'm not sure if more than one elder will be coming. I know the coworker situation is not enough for me to be DF'd, so I'm not worried about that, I just would like to be prepared for the situation with the parental unit. I've had a private reproof before, but that was held at the KH. Any sort of confrontation for an accusation would usually be held at the KH though right?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    If you are stuck with parental units for a while until you move out on your own, then if they ask you about it, I would be the most sorry and broken hearted person they had ever seen.

    Could try crying a little, if you are female. It worked wonders for me when I was talked to about pot.

    If they don't say anything, I wouldn't bring it up at all.

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