Do JW's (and uppity-christians in general) walk around with a false sense of accomplishment?

by Joliette 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joliette

    I ask this because so many times when I was growing up, I was told that a certain sister or brother wasnt spirtually enough because of this or that. I wanted to ask the person who said this: What makes you so spiritual, especially since you do the same thing that the so called unspirtually person does. Except you do it behind closed doors.

  • Balsam

    My favorite reply was to say "remove the rafter from your own eye before trying to remove the rafter in your brother (or sister) eye." It usually shut up the bad mouther.

  • Joliette

    Great comment. Thank you.

  • flipper

    JOLIETTE- The " uppity Christains " - or JW's we used to attend meetings with had a skewed or misinformed view of what spiritual " accomplishment " really was. They viewed " spiritual ccomplishment " as answering at meetings, going out knocking on doors indoctrinating people, attending meetings, reaching out to be a pioneer or elder, or giving talks at meetings. Basically- all just functions . Nothing to do with showing the fruitages of the spirit- love, kindness, joy, mildness, etc.

    Their views of " spiritual accomplishments " are totally lame

  • littlebird

    I do think they act with a false sense of accomplishment because they are , as some other groups are too, are what is called "works" based. They think if they perform X, Y, Z then they are somehow in better standing with God than a person who does not follow the rules set out by their group. Works based groups give people the feeling of superiority above others, hence, you get the uppity attitudes.

  • LostGeneration

    Well that question is certainly and easy set-up. Can't speak for other Christian orgs as I have never even attended a religious service outside of the Kingdom Hall.

    The JW religion is fully based on how the performance is viewed from the outside. Were they in service on Saturday? Were they at the meeting Sunday? Did they comment at the meeting? Were they at the meeting on Tuesday? Did they have a part or a demonstration? Is that brother working overtime and missing meetings? Is that sister pioneering during the "Memorial season?" Is that couples' child becoming an unbaptized publisher? Is that teenager going to pioneer after high school?

    You get the gist, there is an infinite number of questions being posed at all times through the WT and through the meetings telling people they have to "accomplish more" or else Jehovah is going to murder them once he gets around to Armageddon.

    So these poor people struggle to keep up appearances in this sham of a religion, all to keep the rest of the "flock" from gossiping about them about how unspiritual they are.

    So the "self-righteous" ones walk around like a peacock, strutting their shi!t in front of everyone else as the model of JW perfection. Sick.

  • JimmyPage

    Do JW's (and uppity-christians in general) walk around with a false sense of accomplishment?

    No, JW's are the most humble people on the planet... just ask them!


  • stapler99

    Yes, they are certain within their beliefs which is how they make converts, and dogmatic preaching from the platform helps to maintain belief. Old zealous JW's enjoy their status within the congregation, believe it has all been worthwhile and of lasting importance - when it is nothing!

  • AuntBee

    Recited in many churches each week:

    "Most merciful God,
    we confess that we have sinned against thee
    in thought, word, and deed,
    by what we have done,
    and by what we have left undone.
    We have not loved thee with our whole heart;
    we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
    We are truly sorry and we earnestly repent.
    For the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ,
    have mercy on us and forgive us;
    that we may delight in thy will,
    and walk in thy ways,
    to the glory of thy Name. Amen."

    If Christians are 'uppity, they aren't really getting it. "Wir sind alle Bettler. Hoc est verum.” (We are all beggars, this is true) -- Martin Luther

  • Ding

    Despite Jesus' harsh criticism of the Pharisees, it is easy to judge spirituality by externals that can be measured.

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