Since reaching middle aged adulthood, you ever have moments of uncertainty that frightened you?

by miseryloveselders 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    Today's been somewhat of a strange day for me, but what concerns me is that I can't provide an explanation why. I awoke a couple minutes before my alarm clock went off, as I always do. Its rare that the alarm wakes me. I ironed some khakis, a polo shirt. Jumped in the car, minimal traffic. I clocked in on time, sat down and started working. For some reason though, I feel irritated today. I'm a tad aggitated, even slightly angry. I don't have a reason to feel this way though, and it bothers me. I got up to microwave a can of soup for breakfast, and there was this huge line around our office kitchen. The line was for free flu shots. For a brief moment I thought to myself that maybe, maybe I'll get the shot this year. I haven't had a flu shot since middle school if my memory serves me correct. I walked the long way around the line and entered the kitchen through another door. I stirred my soup, placed it in the microwave and nuked it. I turned to the vending machines and got a bottle of water, and some M&Ms. The microwave beeped, and I took the container out, and stirred it. While stirring, I got a weird nervous feeling. All the while I'm feeling awkward, yet stirring my soup, I realized I've done this before. Many times before. It was almost like Deja-vu. I looked at the doorway from the kitchen, and I noticed some newer faces in the line for flu shots. I walked out the back door, and headed back to my desk. I passed a coworker, and she greeted me, and I greeted her back. For some reason though, I felt cold toward her, kinda numb. I'm at my desk now, and even as I'm typing this I feel a kind of dread. Everything just seems all too familiar. Too repetative. I've never felt this way before.

    Is this what happens when we reach our thirties or older? Is this whats meant by mid life crisis? I've never had an uncertainty that I couldn't explain. I don't even know if I should label it anxiety as there's nothing concrete thats on my mind or pushing my buttons at this time.

  • undercover
    Is this what happens when we reach our thirties or older?

    30s, huh? Just wait till you get in your late 40s/early 50s...


  • miseryloveselders

    30s, huh? Just wait till you get in your late 40s/early 50s...


    The thought of that just seems unreal. I have more faith in the latest generation than me reaching my 40s and 50s. Got Dang, I just can't fathom being that old man.

  • LostGeneration

    I get what you are saying....happens to me a few times a year. I don't chalk it up to a mid life crisis or anything like that, but its interesting that you say you have never felt this way.

    Maybe your inner consciousness is trying to tell you something. Is it time to change jobs? Stop being an elder? I know you have struck a balance in staying in the org...something I couldn't do for very long once I figured out the lie....

  • SixofNine

    sounds like a mild panic attack.

  • undercover
    I just can't fathom being that old man.

    LOL... thanks...

    We're both in a funk now...

    Seriously though, I think everyone goes through those feelings from time to time. It might not be so much a mid-life crisis thing as it's a bored with your job thing.

  • blondie

    Actually, I am enjoying my "mature" years. I finally have worked out the abuses in my life, emotionally and spiritually. I have a wisdom that allows me to make better choices and enjoy life. I have a peace I would never have had if I had stayed in the WTS. I see better the opportunities I have and I don't have someone in the background saying I will fail and that no one loves me.

    I have learned to find joy or wonder in something everyday, no matter how small; I keep learning new things....piano lessons. Treat yourself, try something new.

    I never had a flu shot (never had the flu) until an immune disease bloomed in my body. But it is for prevention.

    Mentally I am healtheir than I have ever been.

    Love, blondie

  • tec

    I think the more you dwell on the feeling/anxiety/dread, the more its going to bother you. I think just accept the feeling, for whatever reason you've got it today... and just kind of observe, rather than try and figure it out or fight it. This is only advice for short term strangeness, mind you. Long term anxiety/dread, I would talk to someone about.


    The thought of that just seems unreal. I have more faith in the latest generation than me reaching my 40s and 50s. Got Dang, I just can't fathom being that old man.

    It creeps up on you..

    I used to be 18,now I`m how frigg`n old??..

    If I knew it was going to go by so fast..I would have paid more attention..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    You need some collard greens and smothered pig tails.

    That'll cure what ails you.


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