Reinstated But Not Forgiven?

by Pitchess Co-Gen 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Pitchess,

    Welcome to the forum.

    The comments below are, perhaps, an answer to your question ... from the very top.

    All the best,


    Karl Adams, Writing Department overseer, wrote a letter to President Knorr (November 18, 1971), questioning the keeping of voluminous files containing embarrassing information on disfellowshipped persons. Even after individuals were reinstated, their files were retained:

    "At the present time the names of even those reinstated are kept in the file, and bulky records are kept of their cases, labeled 'Do no destroy.' It seems tantamount to saying: 'We believe you are forgiven, but we are keeping a record of your sin.' Or like saying, 'Your sins are washed clean but we are storing the dirt in a jar with your name on the label.'"

    Decades later the practice continues.

    IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM, by Ray Franz, p. 324, footnote 22.

  • Leprechaun

    Thus we see, the destruction and hurt that the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses do to the spirituality, of our Lords sheep at this end of the gospel age. First and foremost, it is to Jehovah your god and his son, that we all have hope, it is not to the governing body and their set of draconian rules that they will in due time will have to account. Praise be to our loving god who by means of his son has provided a ransom to deliver us (all) from the hurt of sinfulness. So, fear not.

  • daringhart13

    Yeah.....never mind that whole Isaiah 1:18 thing.....there is still a 'stain' on you the rest of your life.

    While we're at it......never mind that whole precious, ransom sacrifice of God's son either.....

    Its all so absurd......

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    To be honest if you want to go back so be it. What I am trying to say is that if you really believe that is right for you to go back then you should irrespective of what others think or how you are treated.

    My husband was disfellowshipped aged around 14 for associating with is parents! Many years later his mother took steps to get him reinstated in the congregation near to where he was then living. However, he said he was always treated like a leper.

    He remained a bachelor until he met me (aged 45). He said no witness would ever want to be with him (because of having been disfellowshipped) so he has never ever been out with one.

    I attended meetings with him for 6 years and we were both then treated like lepers.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.

  • jookbeard

    TBH looking at the whole reinstatement thing (I was not DF'ed after appealing) but in no uncertain terms I was told that I would never be an elder,nor ever be able to give a public talk, would never be allowed to be a pioneer, at the outset my hand was ignored ,(due to the my "apostasy") so it sealed my fate not to play along with the stupid games and finish my stupid Dub career for ever, I believe the stigma and pain it caused to my then wife caused her such serious physiological damage that she never fully recovered. Pitches put it all behind you and move on with your life,don't give this shit the satisfaction, you wont regret it.

  • WTWizard

    Usually, when you are reinstated, they treat it as if you are now "reproved". The witlesses are allowed fellowship, and you are allowed to do field circus. Until further notice, those are your "privileges"--you will not be allowed to comment, say the prayers, or participate in the boasting sessions in that fashion. And, even after you get back those "privileges", you are usually looked down on with suspicion unless you go ballistic and do everything you can to get as many people into the cancer as possible. You are not allowed to pio-sneer, however, until a year after a reinstatement--you are allowed to get in the hours.

  • Ding

    If you believe the WTS system is the truth after reading all the postings on this site, we have failed you badly.

  • BluesBrother

    I heard a speaker once say that if you break a porcelain vase, you might be able to superglue it together again, but the cracks will always be there.....That was his illustration of disfellowshipping and reinstatement.

    BUT...If you really want to go back, do not let us stop you. The facility exists for people like you. However PLEASE think carefully before you rejoin the high control cult that is based on false expectations and flawed reasoning. Men's ideas dressed up as Gods direction.

    If that is your wish , Go for it and Good luck.

  • cantleave

    For pities sake don't go back to the vomit.

  • Scully

    The only forgiveness that really matters is the forgiveness you grant yourself.

    The imaginary crimes that the WTS holds over peoples' heads (fornication, loose conduct, immorality, apostasy, smoking, wearing a poppy) are not real crimes. That's not to say that people haven't been hurt by some of these behaviours, but I feel that many of the charges against DFd people are jacked up bull$h!t designed to humiliate people and make them feel worthless.

    I have never tried to convince a JW to leave the religion. I have never attempted to hinder a JW's faith. In fact, I've refused to enter discussions on some topics, saying that I prefer to keep my personal opinion to myself. It's the JWs who pester me to tell them whether or not I believe the GB is appointed to lead Jehovah's Spirit-Directed™ Organization™. THEY need to know so they can finally do what they want to do to me: label me as an Apostate™ and treat me like a piece of dog $h!t on their shoes. I'll NEVER give them the satisfaction.

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