When you realized that it was all a lie.. how did you cope?

by stuckinamovement 62 Replies latest jw friends


    I`m Canadian..Canadians solve problems with beer..

    There is no problem Beer can`t handle..


  • sabastious
    Sab - I love ya lots. But with all due respect, I do think the Watchtower Corp. higher ups knowingly lie to the rank and file.

    Oh they definitely lie to the members, but I don't believe that they know their entire theology is full of sh*t. They are captives of a concept just like the rest of us were, them even more so because of the power and responsibility they weild.


  • laverite

    Brother D - regarding Sab's point, yes, I see what you mean and I agree.

  • laverite

    Sab - great point. I am with ya!

  • brotherdan

    Also SIAM, try not to view your life as having lost the best parts to JWs. You haven't. You are FREE now!!! You can make the rest of your life wonderful! And you can make it better for your wife and your kids. The best parts of your life are still ahead of you. So make it all count.

    I know what you mean about realizing that your really don't have any friends. Their love is extremely conditional. But you will find that other people are not that way. You've got friends on this site, and you WILL make new friends out there. Ones that are closer than a brother. (Prov 18:24)

    Just keep your head up and look forward to what is to come. Sometimes the shock of enlightenment can initially get you down. But that eventually will go away.

  • laverite

    Outlaw - I have strong ties to Canada. Don't want to say too much on here about that, but can I just say I LOVE Canada!!!!!!!! (And I have never even tasted beer).

    Ô Canada!
    Terre de nos aïeux,
    Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
    Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
    Il sait porter la croix!
    Ton histoire est une épopée
    Des plus brillants exploits.
    Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
    Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
    Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.



    Edited to read: P.S. I'm not Candian but I totally wanna be. But I would never be able to drink beer or even taste it.

  • gutted

    I came to this forum! Expressing myself really helped. Then further reading on the internet and books removed the viel.

    I started hanging out with "wordly" people, went to clubs, joined a sports team. Basically I saw it was NORMAL stuff, there was absolutely nothing wrong with it as the society harps on and on about.

    I still don't know exactly what direction my life will take but I feel more free and happier then ever before. Some days I am depressed, but hey, that's life. Gotta be realistic.

  • gutted

    I'm Canadian... I love beer...

    laverite, I don't like the french...


    Most Canadians don't besides ones in Quebec.

  • johnnyblazedog


    I started to realize something was wrong when I was like 6 or 7. Stuff just did not add up in my young mind, so I spent the rest of my young life with this secret that would burn inside of me but had no idea how to go about it. For me it was BEER and WEED!!LOL - I praise jehovah for making that awesome plant!!! It made it all BETTER!

  • stuckinamovement

    OTWO- Thanks, my wife is aware that I have doubts, but not to what extent. I have discussed them quite a bit and gotten her to admit that all is not well within the org, but the response is to let it rest in Jehovah's hands. I have to dial it back a little because she is now closing down whenever I bring up something critical.

    Outlaw- beer has become the primary way I cope. I hate to say it but three or four beers helps to shut my mind down to a point where it is bearable, or beerable.

    I am convinced that the brothers who write the publications as well as the GB are aware that that much of what they publish is lies. They have been lying for so long they can't see a way out. The biggest problem that i have is they claim to be inspired. You cannot be inspired and get it so wrong. Be honest, its ok to say "we were wrong" or "we don't know". Just stop making crap up and calling it the truth.

    For those who don't know, I am currently serving as an elder and looking for a way to ease out. I intend on stepping down shortly and fading over the space of a year or so.


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