Assembly talk admits that meetings are boring.

by easyreader1970 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    I made a post yesterday about some of the stupidity that has been flowing from my most recent assembly program. One things I forgot to mention was this:

    HD television, video games, cell phones, and other interactive electronics - all of these things are very highly stimulating to the eyes and ears and kids (and maybe some adults, too) get used to receiving this type of visual and auditory input. Exposure to these things should be curtailed because when they get to the meetings and have to sit down for two hours, they get bored.


    So the solution is not to make the meetings more interesting, but to make other things more boring.

    Nice going, WBTS.

  • WTWizard

    That really makes a lot of sense. You simply take everything else that could be more enjoyable away, so you are left with nothing but the drudgery. Whatever happened to enjoying the fruits of your hard work?

  • sir82
    So the solution is not to make the meetings more interesting, but to make other things more boring.



    Cut off all stimulation and exposure to anything even remotely interesting, and voila! Suddenly even the dreadful congregation meetings become appealing.

    Say, I bet the meetings would be even more invigorating if they recommended that each JW spend the preceding 24 hours in a sensory deprivation tank....

  • chickpea

    i have no doubt that many JW hostages kids
    find a way to "stay connected" during meetings..

    at least i am hoping mightily that they do!

  • metatron

    A loving provision from Jehovah: the hitting your head with a hammer program.

    Brothers and sisters are expressing enthusiasm for this new provision of the "Faithful Slave", "It feels so good when we stop! Thank you Governing Body!"


  • poopsiecakes
  • undercover
    I bet the meetings would be even more invigorating if they recommended that each JW spend the preceding 24 hours in a sensory deprivation tank....

    What they really need is the neural neutralizer as used at the Tantalus Penal Colony in the Star Trek episode Dagger of the Mind.

    Brother Van Gelder would be appointed the NO: neutralizer overseer...


    I always found the colour illustrations in the WT far too distracting. It would be far better to have no illustrations so that we could spend the precious time at the meetings listening to the upbuilding comments of our beloved brothers bringing praise to the fine work the faithful and discreet slave class do for us each and every day.



    Oh sh1t I forgot - I don't go to meetings

  • watersprout

    Oh my goodness! That is hilarious! Take away everything that might lift the drugery of being a witless and you are left with a bunch of moranically depressed people. They are told over and over that there is nothing outside the watchtower..... Hell yeah there is, i'm having the time of my life! Christmas is coming and babysprout has already started spending her pocket money on xmas decorations! She certainly couldn't do that in the watchtower......

    Peace and light

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