Loaded language for december tower

by booby 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • booby

    Reap Blessings Through God's Spirit-Guided King!

    19 Among those "gifts in men" are the members

    of the Governing Body, who act in a representative

    way for the entire Christian congregation.

    (Acts 15:2, 6) In fact, our attitude toward

    Christ's spiritual brothers is a major factor that

    will determine how we will be judged during the

    coming great tribulation. (Matt. 25:34-40) Thus,

    one aspect of the way we gain a blessing is by giving

    our loyal support to God's anointed ones.

  • booby

    paragraph 18 says elders, then they slip in governing body in 19 and then conclude 19 with anointed ones. Slippery ya think?

    And listening to God means willingly
    submitting oneself to the arrangement he has
    set in place, the Christian congregation with appointed
    elders, "gifts in men."

  • jehovahsheep

    it appears they are insecure and are in trouble.

  • Gordy

    Even in the study article about singing from the new song book.

    15. As time passes, refinements are made in

    our understanding of the Scriptures. Proverbs

    4:18 says: “The path of the righteous

    ones is like the bright light that is getting

    lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.”

    Increased light inevitably leads

    to adjustments in the way in which we ‘sing

    the truth.’ For the past 25 years, Jehovah’s

    Witnesses in many lands have enjoyed using

    the songbook entitled Sing Praises to Jehovah.

    _ In the years since that book was first

    published, the light has been getting brighter

    on a number of topics, and some of the

    expressions used in that songbook have become

    outdated. For example, we no longer

    speak of “the new order” but of “the new

    world.” And we now state that Jehovah’s

    name will be “sanctified,” not “vindicated.”

    Clearly, from a doctrinal standpoint, there

    has been a need to bring our songbook up to-


    In other words , because our teachings keep changing we even have to alter the words in our songbook.

    Otherwise you might start to question.

    Under the picture on page 23 of a congregation singing.

    It says : Do you discourage your children from leaving
    their seat unnecessarily during the song?

    Now the poor kids can't even get a break from the boredom.

  • skeeter1

    rule #1 for starting a cult

    Get the followers to think you speak for God(s) as the absolute Truth.

  • BluesBrother

    Clear enough .. Ignore the Gov Body at your peril - and all the elders and hierarchy are appointed by H/Spirit - so you are fighting against God if you do not do as you are told (Control freaks!)

    P18........And listening to God means willingly
    submitting oneself to the arrangement he
    has set in place, the Christian congregation
    with appointed elders, “gifts inmen.”—

    P19 (quoted in original post)

    P 20 ....The “gifts in men” also include members
    of Branch Committees, traveling over-
    seers, and congregation elders—all of whom
    have been appointed by holy spirit. (Acts 20:

  • wasblind

    What gift's do these men claim to have, if they are not inspired ?

    Isn't inspiration by holy spirit considered a gift ?

    will someone clear that up for me if i'm wrong.

  • wasblind

    2 Timothy 1:6 says "For this very cause I remind you to stir up like a fire the gift of God......."

    Don't you need inspiration for that ?

  • Wrong Way
    Wrong Way

    Lduh, what are you?

  • WTWizard

    Nice to know that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has to waste time getting the witlesses to even listen. Seems that 90% of this rag is devoted to getting the witlesses to listen, not to teaching anything that is actually useful. And nice to know they are wasting time because the witlesses are not getting the new Kingdumb Maladies right.

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