Spiritual Widow??

by Xena 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    By what I read above, then I guess my wife is considered a "spiritual widow," since I DA'd. One of her kids slipped a while back and said that an elder told them I was no longer the head of my house. Funny thing is, I can't get any of her elders to admit that statement.

    As far as I am concerned, if I am no longer the head of my house, then someone else better start paying all of the bills. Still, the wife can't see how they are controlling her.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • out4good3

    I guess it's a good thing you heard that from your kids and not your wife.

    If I ever heard that from my wife, she and the elders had better be ready to back it up by paying ALL her bills.

  • Xena

    I would imagine from the husbands perspective it would be pretty crappy for your wife to go around calling herself a "Spiritual WIDOW"...

    Are you married sister?

    Yes but I am a spiritual widow. I basically consider my husband a gonner...just waiting it out till Armageddon and then I can get a REAL husband.

    hhhmmm by their fruits you will know them...

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    The only kinda widow you are is a BLACK WIDOW.
    One of those spiders that eats her male consort after....
    never mind.
    And I wouldnt start thinking about "real husband" post the big A.
    When that comes my girl, I regret to inform you youre gonna find yourself in the lake of Fire and sulphur!
    double lol.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I'm a "spiritual widow" and am not to discuss such matters with him.
    (and I can't stand that line "can't we just agree to disagree")
    What I do for stimulating conversation is invite a friend or 2 over and introduce a current, controversial topic or some kind, like say afganistan & the taliban, muslim history, jewish history, fundamentalism, etc and just go at it from all angles. I can see he wants to contribute but knows that his arguments don't hold water. But it sure gets him thinking, I think.
    Little at a time I hope.

  • ashitaka

    OHHHH, spiritual WIDOW, not spiritual WINDOW.....I thought I was going to be able to be a spiritual peeping tom.

  • ozziepost

    Tell me, is a spiritual widow the opposite of an unspiritual widow?

    or, maybe an unspiritual husband?

    Don't ya luv that theocratic language!


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • safe4kids

    Hey Xena gal, how are ya?

    I was considered a "spiritual widow" and my children "orphans" as a JW (ooooh, may those days NEVER come again! LOL) because I was married to a nonJW. Funny that I never really thought about it back then but I have to wonder how my hubby would have felt had he known that was the party line view. And interestingly enough, although there was MUCH talk about how to treat 'widows and orphans', somehow my kids and I never benefitted from the treatment that was officially espoused by the WTS. I'm not complaining because I didn't miss it until I really needed it and by then, the lack just served to help me out the door a bit faster so actually, I'm grateful!

    As a side note, my 'virtually dead' hubby, now ex, was and is still a better father and provider for his children than some of the live JW men I knew (elders included). By their fruits you will know them indeed.


  • SusanHere

    Will Power,

    PLEASE tell me you were kidding in your posting. If not, your intentional cruelty towards the man you are supposed to love and honor is sickening. If you are serious, I hope he gets the kids after the divorce you are forcing on him. No man (or woman) should have to take the treatment you are forcing on him.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Hi Susan
    First off
    Thanks for the concern for my husband, no one is more concerned than I.

    This is not intentional. When friends come over and we discuss news, world events, the latest book, etc. the WT parallels are not discussed, they are just blatently obvious. I can't help that, I don't make up the news or WT agendas.

    Now for the reasons why?
    I crave & miss intelligent, adult discussions about world news, human relations, other cultures, new ideas etc.
    We used to call it "Solving world problems" when we'd all get together maybe have a few beers and let the opinions fly. Everyone always ended up learning something - if not about the topics certainly about each other. Its a part of building relationships.
    We agree to disagree.... (me following order not to discuss WT related topics - thats why I come here, on the sly of course so as not to offend)
    Since WT thinking is intricately woven into all aspects of human thought, it makes it difficult to discuss anything with any depth other that maybe the weather. Even that is risky if it happens to be a very dark day, or the thunder is extra loud.
    One day you can talk - the next day you can't,
    one day your opinions matter, are valued and even asked for - the next day you're accused of speaking for the devil.

    Sorry if you think what I do is sickening, i'm in the middle of the greiving process and only want my husband back.

    My kids will learn independent thinking is a gift to grow by.
    And I will not by example wear the invisible burka.

    Will Power, I use it all to hold my tongue.

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