I'm going to the Kindom Hall to please my parents

by Joshnaz 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • believingxjw

    It's good to be with family. Enjoy their visit!

  • Twitch

    I can relate to this. I did the same years ago after I made my decision to leave and after a few years of being away, I attended a convention to observe my younger brother getting baptized out of respect for him and my parents. I had no intention of going back but my mother took it as a sign I would. As much it was good to make mum happy, it was harder on her in the long run methinks. I didn't intend to mislead her but it wound up that way. Since then, I've made my stand and position very clear and tho she hopes and prays and tries to this day, I will not do that again since she still hasn't accepted the fact. Your mileage may vary.

  • cognac

    I have gone many times even though I didn't want to. For me, it's helped prevent the walls from going up with hubby and has allowed open communication. Now I'm at the point where I no longer feel a need to go. Once in awhile I do but not really. Life is about compromise as long as you keep true to yourself and your values at the same time. Everything I did has a specific "bigger picture" reason for it. My husband is now going to a spiritual gathering with me this Saturday so it definitely has had positive results! I wish the best for you!

  • Joshnaz

    Congnac--Excellent advise

    Twitch--I will make sure they know that for no reason do I want to or will return to the kingdom hall but I am just doing this to make them feel comfortable.

    Believingxjw--Thank you. This is a big step for me and my family. They are staying with me and we will be together for the first time in a long time

  • cognac

    I meant to say Sunday, not Sat.

    Anyways, something else I'd consider. Why not consider sitting down in a suit and no i phone? It could put down there walls, encourage communication, and allow you to tactfully ask the hard questions. They might just go down that road since they have there walls down a bit. Anyways, just a thought...

  • moshe

    You are a nice son to do this for them.

  • lovelylil2

    bring your own reading material I say. Some suggestions are; crisis of conscience, In search of Christian freedom, the kingdom of the cults, Jehovah's Witnesses monuments of false prophecy or the like.

    Just kidding, it is nice of you to take them. I myself literally could not stomache going to another kingdom hall in my lifetime. Good luck you are doing the right thing and hopefully you will have a nice visit. Peace, Lilly

  • startingover

    I say be respectful, dress appropriately, just sit and listen and don't participate other than standing up when required. I have done it several times. I found that I never really listened in all the years I went, and now when I go and actually listen it's amazing what I hear.

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