Darn Smurfs

by SoulJah 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • SoulJah

    any one remember the smurfs; especially that evil papa smurf?
    the cong I attended even gave a talk about their evilness.
    roumor was one even animated itself [little plastic figure] inside the K-hall.
    this led to my sister having to get rid of her smurf collection.
    I'd have to say though at that time it made me happy ;being she
    got 2-3 new smurfs every week, and they woldn't even ever buy me a Hotwheels car

  • notoriousmadman

    thanx for that

  • Fredhall


    You can't live without them. Right? If you have an extra one, then give it to mindfield. He need something to play with his useless time.

  • mindfield

    Fred, somehow I just clicked on this thread, and I saw my nick in your post. What is it with you? Am I some kind of curiosity in your life? Are you frustrated? With the low frequency that I post in here, it's surprising that's it's me you chose to vent yourself upon. Why not pick a real apostate instead?

    Jeez. [8>]

    On the other hand, it's a compliment to be a figure in your frustration.

  • Fredhall


    Are you stalking me? Sorry, Jessica Alba beat you. Stalk someone else Mindfield.

  • mindfield

    As you once said, Fred, "You're the one who put yourself in this situation". Remember that?

    It would be idiotic to believe I'm the one stalking you when you are the one mentioning my nick in completely unrelated posts. Oh wait. Unless we balance it out and I mention you in some unrelated "Anal Cancer" thread.

  • Fredhall


    Are you stalking my butt? AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • mindfield

    I'll just pretend that's funny and give you the satisfaction of a little chuckle.


  • David Gladden
    David Gladden

    When I was a kid I was told the story of the animated "demonized" smurf. What I find amazing is that the adults all (at least pretended to) believe it without question!

    I never once saw an animated smurf and never met anyone that saw an animated smurf. It was always: "Somebody heard that somebody knows someone else that saw a demon possessed smurf".

    So much for the scripture to "Make sure of all things...” All you have to do is start a demon rumor involving an "upstanding" member of a congregation and Walla! You have an Org Fact. [8>]

  • Francois

    I think we oughta come up with a new urban legend of our own. Of course, it's going to be hard to come up with something as mindless as the Smurf thing, but as creative as this group is, I feel sure we can come up with something.

    Something like - the government is using television to effect the public by putting subliminal thoughts on the screen for a few milliseconds. Like they want everyone to abandon their religion and register as atheists with the gummint. And the registration number is the mark of the beast. And you can't get your social security payments without that number. And the number is contained in a microchip that's glued to one of your molars, or tattooed on your forehead in invisible ink that shows up under a special light.

    I'll bet it wouldn't take more than a week to be all over the place that now JWs can't watch tv at all 'cause tv is demonized by the gummint.

    This would make the Smurf thing small by comparison, and it's pretty difficult to come up with anything dumber than that.

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