by Wrong Way 126 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    Persecution is hunting people down and putting them in jail or killing them for BEING of a specific religion.
    The JW's have never been persecuted.

    There was this thing called the Holocaust. It happened back during WWII under Hitler and the Nazis. Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, Bible Students/JWs and other undesirables were rounded up and put in concentration camps. Some were killed, some died due to the horrible conditions.

    You can argue semantics if you want, but JWs have been persecuted off and on. Even in the US and Canada, they've suffered persecution.

    I don't like the WTS and it's faux religion but I won't let my dislike of them and what they've done to me affect how I feel in general when I see oppression from a governmental source trying to stop people from worshipping/believing as they feel they need to.

    The shortcomings of the WTS/JWs is secondary to the issue if and when a government is seeking to control what people believe or want to believe.

    If the Russian government determines the WTS a dangerous cult and bans them, what next? Who next? I think, for it's shortcomings even, the US freedom of religion is the way to go and caveat emptor to anyone who becomes involved with any religion.

  • Wrong Way
    Wrong Way

    They will not stop the religion of JWs. Organization will not suffer.

    Individuals are those who will take the load on their shoulders.

    That's sad!

  • peacedog
    So they outright lied to the court!

    Reniaa's lies are much easier to "understand" when one remembers she is defending a LIAR ORGANIZATION.

  • PSacramento
    There was this thing called the Holocaust. It happened back during WWII under Hitler and the Nazis. Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, Bible Students/JWs and other undesirables were rounded up and put in concentration camps. Some were killed, some died due to the horrible conditions.

    That was religious and ethnic persecution and if any one groub is to be singled out, it is NOT the JW's.

    To say that they were persecuted by the Nazi's is to say that every non-nazi was persecuted.

    You can argue semantics if you want, but JWs have been persecuted off and on. Even in the US and Canada, they've suffered persecution.

    Suffering religious intolerance is not the same as persecution, just ask the Muslims in the Balkans.

    Sure SOME JW's have been killed for their beliefs, but what religions has NOT suffered that? what RACE has not suffered that at one point?

    Again, I am not for banning any religion, thoug I think regulation in some cases is needed, but lets not fall into the whole "peresecuted martyr" things.

  • isaacaustin

    Peacedog, well John says Satan was the father of the lie, and the org is called the JW members' mother. They certainly have a history of lying and falsely prophecying. That would make them the mother of the lie.

  • peacedog

    As regards the alleged involvement of children the applicant association [The Watchtower Society] submits that children cannot become members of the association but only participate, together with their parents, in the religious activities of the community. In respect of the refusal of blood transfusion, the applicant association submits that there are no religious sanctions for a Jehovah's Witness who chooses to accept blood transfusion and that, therefore, the fact that the religious doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses is against blood transfusion cannot amount to a threat to "public health".

    I wonder how the parents of these children would feel upon reading the above?

  • BluesBrother

    Bans on religious freedom are both morally wrong and a bad idea. The Russians banned J W's from the 1950's and they flourished underground. The new generation of dubs would do the same.

    Exposing the Organisation for what it is, should be the way forward allowing the people to be free to reject it

  • jam

    complicated world we llive in. A solution for cult religions. We have label warning for almost everything

    we consume in our bodies, it,s the law.We take food, drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes all with A warning.

    The gov. has warn us , so it,s our problem if we ignore the warning. Gang members and the mafia make it clear

    if you join us it,s for life. Make it clear if you join A cult like the JW, a disclosure statement must be provided by

    the org. The disclosure must be sign by the new member , that he or she is fully aware of his or her

    responsibilites too the cult. You are aware by joining this cult the Government will have no future recourse .

    The government must make it clear what is required too be A member.I know this sound ridiculous but hey

    it,s A start.

  • donuthole

    The Watchtower literature was in violation of Russian law. The law seeks to protect the religious rights of all of their citizens. Whether or not the law is good or bad is a matter of debate.

    In the beginning of this matter the Watchtower could have made concessions to maintain freedoms such as ceasing to distribute literature in Russia or simply censoring some of the "extremist" statements the Government had issues with. (In Russia you simply cannot go door to door passing out tracts condemning all religions and showing meteors crashing into churches.) The Witnesses could have continued to meet and worship privately without sanction.

    The hyprocrisy is that they will fight for their right to print what they want in a word court and turn around and persecute their own members who wish to exercise the very same religious freedom.

    I think this case well highlights how integral the literature is in the life of Jehovah's Witnesses. (I would suggest for control and financing.) I know of one student in Australia who is currently working on her master's thesis on this various issue. I'm very eager to read it when she publishes it.

  • steve2
    Keep talking your gibberish Reniaa, you may actually convince yourself of it.

    Is Reniaa back? I've quickly scanned posts on this thread but didn't notice one from her. What's up?

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