Can Spanish people recite the alphabet???

by asilentone 137 Replies latest jw friends

  • notverylikely

    notverylikely, I am deaf since birth, my english is not always that good, sometimes I have trouble understanding her. That would be a problem for me.

    Then why would you be critical of someone for whom English is a second language?

  • asilentone

    poopsiecakes, she is intelligent enough for me, I guess that the language barrier is a problem for me. I might give her a chance.

    notverylikely, I am not criticizing her at all, I was thinking maybe Spanish people have different alphabet order????

  • poopsiecakes

    I think I would prefer someone that is more intelligent than that. Oh well.

    ...just sayin...

  • BurnTheShips

    There may be a bit of a language barrier between the two of you. What country is she from? I am Spanish speaking, and last I checked, I know the alphabet. Good luck with the pretty lady.


  • asilentone

    BTS, I did not ask her what country she is from yet, I should have asked her that, but eventually I will find out.

  • BurnTheShips
    notverylikely, I am not criticizing her at all, I was thinking maybe Spanish people have different alphabet order????

    Same alphabet order. A few extra letters.



  • asilentone

    BTS, Thanks for the links!

  • BurnTheShips

    No problem amigo.


  • notverylikely

    poopsiecakes, she is intelligent enough for me, I guess that the language barrier is a problem for me. I might give her a chance.

    Well let's hope for your sake she has low standards too.

    notverylikely, I am not criticizing her at all, I was thinking maybe Spanish people have different alphabet order????

    Gosh, if only there was some tool we could use to search on the internet for answers to basic questions, some way things.

  • AGuest

    Greetings, dear ASO... and may you have peace!

    While I did not take your post as racist (ummm... her "race" is "white", albeit hispanic), I have to agree that it is somewhat bigoted, on a couple/few levels... although perhaps merely nothing more than a [very] poor attempt to ask whether someone of another national origin might be illiterate (and that does appear to be the case). It is easy to see why it may have been offensive to some; however, I do get that you most probably would have the same concern (illiteracy), regardless of the woman's national origin.

    What concerns me MORE is your comment that:

    She does look very good, but I am not sure if we are compatible. Wait and see.

    First, looks can be deceiving, dear one. In addition, it is merely an affectation... as is hearing. Meaning, "she" could very well conclude that YOU are deficient because YOU do not hear audibly. Wouldn't THAT be sad, however, given that you are as good as anyone else... regardless of the limitations of your flesh? But then you follow that with:

    I think I would prefer someone that is more intelligent than that.

    Intelligence has little to do with literacy, dear one. There are HIGHLY intelligent people who can't read. True, many of them become criminals, but they aren't stupid, per se. Also, there are very literate people... who aren't intelligent. Not by a long shot. Just because someone can recognize a few letters, even strung together to make words, phrases, sentences, etc., doesn't mean they COMPREHEND what those symbols are communicating.

    I think the comments from the others may have given you pause and reason to think on what you posted. But I would ask you to take it a step further and ask yourself WHY. Why did YOU feel that this woman was, in ANY way... "inferior"... to you... or anyone else... simply because she may not be able to read... yet. Or that if she didn't "look good," you would have counted THAT against her, as well.

    Because that IS what you've communicated to us, here.

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


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