What will they say as to why they don't celebrate ThanksGiving??

by lavendar 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    Thank you, JWoods. My last post was actually directed to miseryloveselders; your post just beat mine to the board.

    "Encourages gluttony". That is so ridiculous. The excuses they come up with are laughable. I plan to challenge my family member this year. And I plan on telling him that he is MISSING OUT on SO many quality family memories and bonding.

    I believe the REAL reason the WTS doesn't allow its members to take part in family/friend holiday celebrations is because they're afraid their members will hear something negative and damaging about the Organization! And therefore....start them thinking that perhaps the WTS really ISN'T what it claims to be!

    I feel so sorry for him that he's chosen this cult over his family. It's heartbreaking.

  • JWoods

    Yup - NiceDream found a reference; that was what I was remembering.

    Also had forgotten the backhand references to "professional sports".

    Like Snowbird said - they just can't stand to see anyone have a good time.

  • snowbird
    I believe the REAL reason the WTS doesn't allow its members to take part in family/friend holiday celebrations is because they're afraid their members will hear something negative and damaging about the Organization! And therefore....start them thinking that perhaps the WTS really ISN'T what it claims to be!

    I do, too.

    The WT is so much like a jealous, abusive mate!


  • undercover
    is considered a "worldly" holiday by WT.
    JW's are to be no part of the "world," ergo, no celebratin.'

    That's the usual answer you would get from a JW, but not so concise. When it come to Thanksgiving, they kinda beat around the bush. I think even to JWs, the reasoning not to celebrate a traditional Thanksgiving is hard to justify. That's when you get the ole standby, "we should be thankful everyday"...

  • miseryloveselders

    Lord knows they hate sports with a passion. So I guess I can't watch "America's team" on that day, or the Lions, Redskins, and whomever else is playing that day. Ridiculous logic. It's amazing seeing gluttony mentioned in that article, because as a kid raised in the 80s, I can't recall any articles focusing on gluttony. Its one of those tabboo subjects. I wonder if it has to do with the amount of obese witnesses prevalent within the organization?

  • undercover
    I guess I can't watch "America's team" on that day, or the Lions, Redskins, and whomever else is playing that day. Ridiculous logic.

    Watching the Cowboys was my Thanksgiving tradition. I hated when they played the late game because it was never over before having to leave for the Thursday night meeting.

    It's the little things but when I became inactive, it was so refreshing to be able to sit down and watch both games, enjoy a few beers and enjoy the over indulgence of foods and sweets. Ah, freedom...

  • JWoods

    As long as we are on the subject - does anybody else remember the acute embarrassment of being sent out door to door to sell magazines on "the worldly thanksgiving day"?

    YUK. Anybody with a half-functioning brain (even a JW) should have known that this was a horrible time to be bothering ordinary people in their homes celebrating a holiday dinner with their families. I finally quit doing this on any of the holidays long before I left the JWs, just out of common courtesy toward other people.

    Who in the hell did they think they were to be pulling this kind of stunt?

  • snowbird

    I remember going in FS on the holidays - Thanksgiving & Xmas.

    People would invite us in and offer us food.

    It was hard to resist!


  • undercover
    does anybody else remember the acute embarrassment of being sent out door to door to sell magazines on "the worldly thanksgiving day"?

    Oh yeah... what torture... Thanksgiving and xmas were the two worst days for field service yet our parents drug us out anyway. When I was finally old enough to drive and set my own field service schedule, I never, ever went in service on a holiday ever again.

  • blondie

    It's right up there with "witnessing" at graveyards on Memorial Day (or any day).

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