Audio: Witnesses reaction to their private Watchtower being called "Koolaid Edition"

by kurtbethel 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • kurtbethel

    Here is an audio clip from a study where the witnesses are handing out a Watchtower and Awake, and promoting their benefit. Then the householder asks about the "koolaid edition". One of the acts surprised and the other one quickly goes into damage control mode trying to explain the term.

    Very funny, sweet beverage indeed!

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    OMG! This is what the witnessing work has come to? Is every preacher a stutterer? What a rambling, incoherent defense ... "at some point there has to be a separation..." ???? No wonder the Society scripts the little blurbs each month - WHAT TO SAY about the magazines; I suspect they already have zero confidence in their magazine peddlers; better to script the 3 sentences they utter at each door. If you can't place a rag, move on.

  • zoiks

    Yeah, MJNM, that was brutal to listen to.

  • brotherdan


    "I don't cuh-cuh-cuh consider it a kool aid drink. I consider it the most healthiest drink and the best tasting drink that there could be.

  • brotherdan

    I wonder if they are planning to use this kool aid edition as a legal defense. You know? If it's not a public magazine and they say something that they could get in trouble for, can they use the defense that it's just an internal document? It's not for public distribution? I know that at work we create marketing pieces that can ONLY be used for a specific group of people and legally cannot be handed out to their clients. I wonder if they are planning the same sort of thing...

  • brotherdan

    Scratch that...probably not since it is available publically online.

  • garyneal

    This is too funny.

    The Kool-aid edition is for the seperation work. Got it... When Jesus returns with a shout of the arch-angel, hold up your kool-aid editions and the angel of death will pass over you at armeggedon.

    The witnesses were clearly ignorance of what the householder meant "kool aid edition."

    Editted to add: I can't believe one of the brothers had the gall to say that not all people should know what they know unless that person is willing to go to the Kingdom Hall. After all, according to them, in order to be considered one of the chosen ones, go to the Kingdom Hall and get the kool aid edition. I mean, if this was really life saving stuff wouldn't they want to spread it around the world to everyone?

  • NiceDream

    Wow! I can't believe they said the new magazine makes it simpler for people without "deeper knowledge" to read so they don't have to ask questions about what a certain word means and waste paper explaining! Puh-lease!!! Who makes this crap up? At least the old Watchtowers backed up most of their "points" with a scripture unlike the Kool-aid edition.

  • wannabefree

    Kool-aid edition ... because it is sweet

    Drinking the Kool-Aid: A reference to the 1978 cult mass-suicide in Jonestown, Guyana. Jim Jones, the leader of the group, convinced his followers to move to Jonestown. Late in the year he then ordered his flock to commit suicide by drinking grape-flavored Kool-Aid laced with potassium cyanide. In what is now commonly called "the Jonestown Massacre", 913 of the 1100 Jonestown residents drank the Kool-Aid and died. One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, "Don't drink the Kool-Aid." This has come to mean, "Don't trust any group you find to be a little on the kooky side." or "Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly". The phrase can also be used in the opposite sense to indicate that one has embraced a particular philosophy or perspective.

  • watersprout

    ''You know you know you know''..... No actually i don't know!

    It's makes me cringe to think i was one of the kool aid drinkers......

    Peace and light

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