What's the WORST thing a JW ever done to you?

by XPeterX 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    I sold a successful cleaning business with all the hardware and clients to a pioneer in the Onieda, NY congregation back in the 90's on a handshake.

    He still owes me 25K, the terms were 5K/year over 5 years. Never saw a dime.

    Also, several times I contracted a strip and wax to some local *Brothers* . . I ended up having to re-do parts of the jobs.

    Come to think of it, every time I ever got fucked, it was a Witnoid who did it . .

  • blondie

    Did not protect me from the pedophile in my home.

  • miseryloveselders

    Being born into this nonsense. Somedays I feel I woulda been better off aborted, or discarded to a rubber in the garbage can, or contracepted. Been a miserable existance. I love my parents, but I look at them somedays with scorn.

  • Lozhasleft

    Things were really bad in our family - my ex was being an abusive monster and I was trying to leave him...things between our adult kids were difficult and strained. This elder decided to gather my adult kids to challenge/ attack me in a back room after a meeting....I crawled out in pieces ...and our family was destroyed forever that night despite any attempt at repair.

    Loz x

  • TheClarinetist

    I got off pretty easy... Most hurtful thing a JW ever did to me was my mother told my (now ex)fiance (not the lovely girl in my picture ^_^) that if she decided to leave me and become a JW, my mom would disown me and she could be her daughter.

    Oh, and mustn't forget the ever-lovely 'it would be good if you died in a car accident, because then I could see you in the new system'.

  • undercover

    I saw some pretty dirty dealings business wise from assorted JWs over the years...saw some mean things said, lies and gossip that hurt people

    ...but Serenity's, Blondie's and Lozhasleft's posts were most sobering, showing how entire lives wer impacted forever by the horrible actions of supposed lovers of God and members of his earthly organization.

  • LongHairGal


    You tell yet another horror story of JWs defrauding their 'brothers'! Is it too late to take this person to court and get some restitution (?)

    I am sorry but it is no coincidence that these stories are endless. The belief system of the religion lends itself to people thinking they can take advantage and do bad things and expect to get away with it or be forgiven. Part of it is their belief in 'adamic death' wiping the slate clean and also I think to some extent some feel their ministry is a 'whitewash'. They think Jehovah will look the other way because of their wonderful record of service. You'd be surprised at the twisted thinking of people there.

    From what I have observed, I personally believe that JWs defrauding their brothers is rampant and is a carefully hidden scandal. Who knows that it might equal the hidden stories of child abuse. This is the tip of the iceberg.

    Earlier on, I saw the irresponsibility and the mentality of people there and swore that I would never have business dealings. I would have to be out of my mind!

  • miseryloveselders

    I don't know if I'd label it rampant per say, but it happens enough that its generated letters from the Branch. Another thing, the COs during their meetings with the Elders, a couple years ago had a small part regarding business related disputes and how they should be handled. It does make you wonder. Maybe it is "rampant."

  • Lozhasleft

    Thank you Undercover - acknowledgement really matters.

    Loz x

  • XPeterX

    Looks like Christ's sheep fuck their own brothers.Lovely

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