Violence Training

by MrFreeze 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MrFreeze

    Did anybody notice the paragraph in today's study edition that pretty much said that "violent video games and movies are training people to be violent towards each other during the Great Tribulation".

    I really had to do my best to not laugh when I read this. I don't know if any of you watch Penn & Teller's show. They did a show on violent video games and their effect. They interviewed a young kid (in the 9 year old area) who plays a lot of violent video games. So they wanted to see how the video games trained him to be violent. They took him out on a shooting range. The kid took one shot and didn't want to shoot anymore. He even started crying. Yup, those video games sure bring out the killer in people.

    Also another paragraph went as far as to say that "if you aren't in the organization, that means you are automatically prideful and selfish". Yes because everyone in the world is prideful and selfish. Why should we question that statement?

    Then of course you have the magazine telling you to avoid internet sites. Here's my question, if it is so obviously the Truth, why are people so easily persuaded against it, by visiting websites? If something is the truth, it should be extremely difficult to dissuade anyone of it.

    I don't know, these were just some observations that I had.

  • elderelite

    yes I caught that. I also caught it when a brother in our hall made a comment about violent music causing people to committ murder.

  • Mythbuster

    What I noticed was a comment by a "sister" that went something like, "as the dates have come and gone, we haven't gotten discouraged".

  • notverylikely

    It also warned against pride. I guess that doesn't apply to JW's.


    It said this:

    During Jehovah’s day, those who have been molded by the world and its evil spirit will display their true nature, even slaughtering one another. In fact, it could well be that the numerous forms of violent entertainment popular today are conditioning the minds of many for the time when each man’s hand “will actually come up against the hand of his companion.” (Zech. 14:13) How important, then, that we reject anything—movies, books, video games, and so on—that may engender within us traits that are detestable to God, such as pride and the love of violence! (2 Sam. 22:28; Ps. 11:5) Rather, let us cultivate the fruitage of God’s holy spirit, for such qualities will prove to be incombustible when the figurative heat is on.—Gal. 5:22, 23.

    There are some movies I really don't see the point in except to disgust you. Don't care to watch this stuff anymore.

  • yknot

    Evil laugh.....

    I enjoyed the little elbow nudges to hubbies and knowing glances from JWmoms of the afternoon's impending round up of teenaged boy's toys.......

  • nelly136

    and being taught to look forward to the genocide of billions is absolutely fine.

    who needed violent films games as a kid when you had borg literature and the bible dishing out torture death and destruction by the shed load.

  • inbetween

    strange WT study alltogether anyway,

    admittedly, some kind of modern entertainment goes overboard with graphic gore and violence, even "worldly" people agree on that...

    however, if you make a movie exactly according to the bible, it would be R-rated for sure...

    The statement of the WT, violence in modern entertainmen tis training people to slaughter themselves in big A is weird.

    Training ( or here molding, conditioning) usually has a goal, a purpose, this must be, as the world is in Satans hand, from Satan himself. So he is training his people, so they can fulfill biblical prophecy of Zecharaiah 14 ?

    Another thought, if the big issue is, that mankind is not able to rule itself without god, than this issue is not answered either, because mankind does not rule itself, it is ruled by in fact mankind never had the chance to rule does this answer the issue of universal souvereignty ?..

    and if the rule of satan should be in any way a competition to Gods rule, should we not expect to have a better world, since any badness proves satan a lier and just gives evidence in favour of God ? head hurts....

  • baltar447

    What's silly is that this contradicts what they've printed in the past. I can't seem to find it, maybe someone can help, but I seem to remember reading that Jehovah may cause people to turn on each other violently. Like he did in the OT several times.

  • elderelite

    per your request baltar




    About ten miles [15 km] across the valley from Megiddo lies the hill of Moreh where in the days of Judge Gideon, the combined troops of Midianites, Amalekites, and Easterners gathered to wage war. (Judg. 7:1, 12) Gideon’s small force finally numbered only 300 men, but with Jehovah’s help, they routed the large enemy force. How? Following God’s direction, they surrounded the enemy camp at night holding jars that concealed flaming torches. When Gideon gave the signal, his men smashed the jars and the hidden torches were suddenly revealed. At the same time, they blew their horns and shouted: “Jehovah’s sword and Gideon’s!” The enemy were thrown into confusion, and they turned to killing one another; survivors fled across the Jordan River. Meanwhile, more Israelites joined in pursuit of the enemy. Altogether, 120,000 enemy soldiers were slaughtered.—Judg. 7:19-25; 8:10.

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