cant believe how much i have learn in a week!

by bez 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • bez

    This site has OPENED my eyes.

    I am suprised as a one time 'do gooder witness' that so many on this site are still 'active' JW's! And all the time i was a witness i really did not think that anyone would DARE even look at such a site!!!!!

    I am also suprised at the number of people in the same situation as me, and the number of people who actually feel they have something to live for now they have left the org!

    Just had to write this, as i am actually a little bit self confessed, obsessed with this site after only being a member a week!

    Im sure that with time i will just move on and hopefully feel totally free and not feel so much of a need to justify my recent withdrawel from such a crazy society!

  • Voices

    ok....the following people are the ones you should avoid:

    j/k lol Welcome to the site..I go off and on every so often i leave and come back like 4 years later...or something. =) I actually wonder how many ACTIVE people are still on this site. Not active int he organization but actually active on the site.

    Welcome by the way.


  • flipper

    BEZ- It's nice to have you here ! I enjoy your posts. I've been on the board for three and a half years- and I'm still hooked ! LOL ! I learn something new everyday here, whether it's from experiences people share , someone exposing injustices in the witnesses, or educating myself about the misguided incorrect doctrinal beliefs - lots of fellow support and information here- very true. Glad to have you here ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Quillsky

    Welcome bez! Have a wonderful and productive life on this planet. (Cult-free.)

  • Essan

    Welcome Bez,

    This place is a really great learning tool and an excellent support for those newly awakened to the lies and errors of the Society.

  • bez

    thanks everyone, its a whole new world on here!!!!!

  • wasblind

    This site is ADDICTIVE no joke

    sometimes i'm laughin' so hard i have to catch my breath,

    it's amazing how much of a stress reliever a good belly roll can be

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Hi Bez

  • ziddina

    Hi, Bez! Welcome to the board!!

    "Can't believe how much I have learned in a week?"... LOLOL!! Yeah, I know the feeling!!

    I exited in 1983; well before the "Internet" became a popular and easily-accessible tool... I always knew there was something about the religion that bothered me - my parents basically 'beat' me into the "Truth ™ " from the time I was five, but there were passages in the bible that really, really bothered me...and the superstructure that the Watchtower Society had built upon the bible didn't look or sound right to me, either...

    I stumbled onto this site a year ago, and like you, I was astonished at how much there was to learn about the "behind-the-curtain" scenes of the sect. My jaw has hit the floor - almost literally - so many times that we may have to replace the flooring around the computer ...

    And as WasBlind stated, this site IS addictive - but in a GOOD way...

    So, Welcome!!

    Zid - the resident she-devil...

  • Dark Side
    Dark Side

    Welcome to life

    Any Jehovah's Witness who knows the true nature of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, and remains a part of it, is a hypocrite, and no better than they are

    My opinion

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