Two sisters come a-callin!

by uncle al 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • uncle al
    uncle al

    Last month the spanish congregations were having their Distric Assembly and two sisters were in my neighborhood delivering an invitation to a neighbor. The neighbor was not home but I was outside washing my car, so they come over because the older sister, in her 70's, knows me and wanted to say hello. I took the opportunity to mention the fact that I haven't been to a meeting since 2006. She acted as if this was news to her. She started to say how sorry she was, that the end was so close, that I should not let differences of personalities keep me from attending the meetings and on and on. I let her finish, and then I explained that I love the friends, that I don't have a problem of any kind with any brother, that my problem is with the Society! A blank look appeared on her face almost immediately. I decided that I could not let her go without saying something that could help open her mind and heart to the real truth, that the Organization is not who she thinks it is. I asked her, were not we as Jehovah's Witnesses taught that we had to preach the good news of God's Kingdom? (she): Yes. (me): What is the good news of God's Kingdom? (she): That Jesus will destroy all of Satan's organization and then establish an earthly paradise for those who are in Jehovah's Organization.....but you already know that! (me): I know that that is what we were taught, but what if that is not true? (she is starting to get nervous) She had her Bible with her, so I decide to use it. Referring to Mat. 4:23 she reads where Jesus preached the good news of the Kingdom....then we go to Gal.1:6-9, where Paul warns of Christians beginning to preach a different sort of good news, and a curse would fall on them if they did! (note: what she says about what the W.T. says is good news can be interpreted as "good news" like the text says "a different sort of good news".) I tried to show her three texts that clearly explain what were the good news of God's Kingdom preached by Paul and others (1Cor.15:1-4; Acts 4:33; Acts 17:18) She clearly didn't want to hear any more and by this time the younger sister is telling me that the Bible also warns of false prophets. I say, we can talk about false prophets later if you want, but the good news of the Kingdom is all I'm talking about right now. They couldn't get away from me fast enough. I asked them to come back and visit if they wanted to continue our coversation, then the older sister, whom I've known for over 30 years, says: " Your mother is very sad because you don't go to the meetings any more!" That did surprise me, because when I originally told her that I had not been to a meeting since 2006, she acted as if she didn't know!... Oh well, sooner or later the real truth comes out.

    P.S I don't know what I did but it all changed to bold, sorry!!!

  • Magwitch

    Typical Reaction...Run away!

    At pioneer school one of the C.O.'s said "Apostacy is backed by Satan. Do you think you are stronger than Satan? You are not so RUN from apostates and any apostate thinking"

  • Soldier77

    Good job staying on topic. It's funny that she acted shocked when you told her you haven't been to the meetings in 4 years yet ends with her comment about your mother being sad that you don't attend the meetings.

    Stupid people are just...well, stupid.

  • Ding


    Since she talked about false prophets, you might ask her what a false prophet is and how we should respond to them when we spot them.

    Show her the October 8, 1968 Awake (page 23), in which the WTS says that those who announced an end to the world, even announcing a specific date, were guilty of false prophesying.

    Get her to agree with the Watchtower that this is the definition of a false prophet. So far, you haven't criticized the WTS at all. You've AGREED with them about what a false prophet is.

    Ask her if she knows any groups who have done this type of false prophesying.

    Show her Deuteronomy 18, which says that someone who prophesies in the name of Jehovah something that doesn't come to pass is a false prophet. Ask he if she knows any groups that have done this.

    Then show her the WTS statements about 1914 being Armageddon, the END, not the beginning of the Bible's "time of trouble" and wait for her reaction.

    If she asks if you are calling the WTS a false prophet, say, "I haven't said any such thing to you. What made you think of such a thing?"

    If she doesn't get the point, show her Millions Now Living Will Never Die (1920, page 89), where the WTS says that we can confidently expect the resurrection of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in 1925. Ask her what she thinks about that.

    If that doesn't work, show her the WTS prophesies about 1941 and 1975.

    No need for you to actually say, "The WTS is a false prophet." Just tell her, "All I'm doing is showing you things the WTS has said."

  • moshe
    (she): That Jesus will destroy all of Satan's organization and then establish an earthly paradise for those who are in Jehovah's Organization.....but you already know that!

    Funny, but a JW wouldn't admit that is what JWs teach to a non-JW householder in the beginning. Good job with the sisters.

  • sabastious

    Funny how when you mention that possibility that what they are teaching might be wrong the other girl pipes up about "false prophets."

    I just think that is kind of funny.


  • WingCommander

    False prophecies, you mean like The Generation That Saw 1914, Will Never Die? Did she mean like that? I would have whipped out the 1984 WT Bound Volume and shoved that in her face.

    WT fits Jesus' warnings of a false prohpet and also wolves in sheeps clothing to a "T". It's so obvious to me now, but hard to see when you are still in.

    Also, gotta love that C.O. quote above. Imagine, you faith is so weak and on such a piss-poor foundation that it cannot withstand any scrutiny, examination, or critism. Sounds like a pretty weak faith if you ask me. If you have the truth, REAL TRUTH, it will stand up to any examination and critque. That guy really showed the WT's hand with that remark. Satan my ass!! If you have the whole truth, nothing BUT the truth, how is Satan going to stand against that? Besides, Jesus said HE was the TRUTH, the Life, and the Way!!! Guess the WT really doesn't have Jesus huh, just the false Christ in the form of the F&DS!!!

    - Wing Commander

  • garyneal


  • tinker

    and she had to toss in 'your mother is sad' just heap guilt on your head.... AS IF ! what about you being sad that your mother Goes to those meetings....

  • WingCommander

    Know what I told a sister who came to my door one time who said about how "sad" it was that I no longer attended? I told her I thought it was "sad" that she was still out here in (2008 at the time) peddling literature because the Society said the world would have ended by now, and why are we standing here, aren't we supposed to be in the New Order RIGHT NOW??? That completely shut her up, she was dumbfounded....had no response. Now that was SAD.

    - Wing Commander

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