Christianity’s Role in the Rise of the Nazis

by AK - Jeff 23 Replies latest social current

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More
    .....their own asses started to feel the tingle of Nazi tyranny

    Terry: When your own ass starts to feel the tingle of Nazi tyranny, it's called self defense! In all of Jesus' instructions on being kindly and doing all to save a life, surely he didn't mean to disregard one's own?

  • Terry

    Terry: When your own ass starts to feel the tingle of Nazi tyranny, it's called self defense! In all of Jesus' instructions on being kindly and doing all to save a life, surely he didn't mean to disregard one's own?

    Says who? You?

    I don't recall much in the way of Tae Kwan Do from Mr. Messiah when the Romans came for him!

  • Terry

    The turn the other cheek was Jesus explaining the crucial element of forgiveness and compassion and how just as violence begets violence that, eventually, love will beget love.

    Ghandi and Martlin Luther King Jr, agreed and proved him right.

    "But, DEAD, double-oh-seven, DEAD!" M to Bond in Never Say Never Again (Edward Fox to Sean Connery)

  • glenster

    The Nazis used elaborate propaganda of "scientific racism," bastardized Dar-
    winism about race, which was also used in eugenics, claiming Aryans as the best,
    Jews and Gypsies as the worst.

    There's a lot you could editorialize about there, but the Biblical Christian
    outlook would be to go among Jews and Gentiles without giving offense to gain
    them to God (1 Cor.10:32-11:1). Christians by name is a broader category since
    it doesn't look at whether or not they show their faith by their works (James).

    I guess it relates to a JWs forum in that Nazi Germans led by Hitler were a
    bit like JWs propagandized by their leaders--many thought they were following
    the facts. As it relates to the opening editorial, the editorialist's question
    is like asking why JWs at any time didn't show the JWs leaders lied in their
    misrepresentation of research books. That's not likely till they realize
    they've been propagandized. Fortunately, most of us aren't JWs (and most people
    weren't Nazis), and we can spread the word about the ways of those leaders.

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