Christianity’s Role in the Rise of the Nazis

by AK - Jeff 23 Replies latest social current

  • Terry

    Terry, wrong again. Jesus said his kingdom was no part of this world. But IF his Kingdom were part of this world, his attendants WOULD HAVE FOUGHT. You've got to read the scriptures c a r e f u l l y.

    Let me take your hand in mine and walk through your "reasoning" slowly.....

    Was Jesus telling his disciples and Apostles to "turn the other cheek" in Jesus' other world kingdom? Or, the current worldly kingdom?

    Not resisting evil could not apply to Jesus' own other worldly Kingdom, could it?

    Jesus instructing his attendants to allow the Roman soldiers to arrest him RATHER THAN FIGHT........was it instruction to Rise Up against the Roman Nazi.....or...turn the other cheek in the here and now?

    In all the above instances, Jesus did not at any time instruct his followers to DEFEND THEMSELVES. His message was for this world, this planet.

    Christians in Europe and the U.S. could not possibly believe Jesus and yet take up arms against a deadly fascist dictator..........until.....their own asses started to feel the tingle of Nazi tyranny. Then, Jesus was ignored and the Old Testament warriors were invoked in his place.

    How can you disagree with this? Perhaps a more careful reading of your more careful reading is indicated.

  • freydo

    The Nazi experience was Jacob's Time of Trouble. The Protestant Christian Churches basically apostacized and allowed the cathaholic church to form a union with herr hitler. But three years later, Israel was again a nation. That's not a conspiracy theory. It's fact. And it fulfilled Daniel's prophesies of the 1260 days, 1290, and 70 years - from 1878 to 1948 after the Romans destroyed the temple and the conclusion of Israel's mishna. It's astonishing to me that the wtbt$$ is so blind to this. It just proves without question their role of being a false prophet and part of replacement theology. it's almost more astonishing that people who see their errors are also blind. The blind lead the blind I guess.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The blind lead the blind I guess.

    Uh, yea.....

  • BurnTheShips

    How many people ever rise up against tyranny?

    I submit to you that most people are cowards. They would rather be slaves than risk everything.

    They prefer security over freedom.

    A full belly over justice.

    Natural born slaves.

    It does not matter if they were brought up in a Christianized culture.

    If they are not convicted in their hearts, they are not convicted.

    Even in our own American Revolution, Patriots never really numbered more than 25% of the population.


  • Terry

    I submit to you that most people are cowards. They would rather be slaves than risk everything.

    They prefer security over freedom.

    A full belly over justice.

    Natural born slaves.

    It does not matter if they were brought up in a Christianized culture.

    If they are not convicted in their hearts, they are not convicted.

    Even in our own American Revolution, Patriots never really numbered more than 25% of the population.

    Your premise can't possibly be correct or there would be one world government run by the baddest dude.

    Every decade the world has existed has consisted of armed resistance to domination.

    And, it isn't how many rise up to resist; it is HOW EFFECTIVE that resistance is at overcoming the enemy.

    The American Revolution had patriots on both sides. A "patriot" is loyal to the cause they themselves espouse.

  • jamesmahon


    Just a point about the Time magazine article. Don't suppose this could have been propoganda do you? I mean, look at the stats "80% of the population of concentration camps are christian". Ermm, that would mean that about 40-50 million christians were in the camps. I suspect that whilst this story had some truth in it the article was published (either knowingly or unwittingly) to get Americans angry enough that when war was declared they would be willing for the fight. Just an idea.

    I submit that most people are not cowards. An individual will do what they have to do to keep themselves and their family alive. Most people are willing to die for their family, friends or even neighbours if their lives are in danger. Most do not place their and their families lives above a particular political or economic system. The American revolution started because the American population felt disenfranchised politically and being taxed for the privledge. Would I be prepared to lose my life and leave my family without a father to fight and kill to stop that? Probably not. If I felt their lives were in danger? Definately. That does not make me a coward. Were the woman who did not fight for the next hundred years after the revolution because they were similarly disenfranchised cowards or did they in the end see a different way to get what they wanted?

  • BurnTheShips
    80% of the population of concentration camps are christian". Ermm, that would mean that about 40-50 million christians were in the camps.

    Your arithmetic-fu is very weak. I will submit you in the first 30 seconds of round one.


  • BurnTheShips
    Your premise can't possibly be correct or there would be one world government run by the baddest dude.

    It is. Leaders lead. The herd follows. I tell you, only a minority in the Am Rev was actively fighting the Crown.

    Historians' best estimates put the proportion of adult white male loyalists somewhere between 15 and 20 percent. Approximately half the colonists of European ancestry tried to avoid involvement in the struggle — some of them deliberate pacifists, others recent emigrants, and many more simple apolitical folk. The patriots received active support from perhaps 40 to 45 percent of the white populace, and at most no more than a bare majority

    History is made at the margins.


  • jamesmahon

    BTS? Don't get that sorry. There were approximately 10-12 million jews in the concentration camps meaning that if 80% of all people in the camps were christian there would have to have been 40-50million of them in there as well. Of course there wasn't, which was my point.

  • PSacramento

    The turn the other cheek was Jesus explaining the crucial element of forgiveness and compassion and how just as violence begets violence that, eventually, love will beget love.

    Ghandi and Martlin Luther King Jr, agreed and proved him right.

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