I want to know the truth

by robson 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • robson

    hi, I need to ask a question about the privileges a CO posseses at the helm of the christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I would like if someone would like to respond to some of my questions cause you all know at the hall nobody will do that for me and I've done that in the past and they just don't care about me so you guys are my only hope.

    1. Who finances the CO expenses.

    2. How true is the blue envelope given to them at the district convention.

    3.Where do they live.

    4. Who pays for their cars.

    5.How they get insurance.

    and so forth, any one knows about all of this going on at the teocratic bureaucreacy.

  • dudeson

    Jehovah provides for His people.

  • robson

    well, thanks dudeson that's what I thought but I want to know the real facts behind the curtain would you mind sharing what you know about the organization arrangement with the COs.

  • yknot
  • yesidid

    What I do know is that they do NOT make money and they do not do it for the money.

    Power perhaps, but not money.

    I have had two of them in my family and I can assure you it's not the money.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I recall it being the congregations in the circuit thay paid for everything in my day...


  • IsaacJ22

    If it helps, I know a local congregation that built an upstairs apartment for the CO to live in! They did this of their own accord. I was told that before this, they had different arrangements depending on what congregation they were at. But I think that last part might have been an assumption on the part of my wife. :-)

  • IsaacJ22

    I meant, they built an upstairs aparment in their KH for him and his wife to live in.

  • wannabefree

    I don't know about the blue envelope, but the expenses are covered by the circuit, weekly expenses while visiting each kingdom hall are covered by that hall. They, like Jesus, often have nowhere to lay their head except at the homes of publishers in the congregation they are serving ... some have apartments or small homes attached to or near a centrally located Kingdom Hall.

  • robson

    Well I think I was looking for more but you guys didn't tell me anything I didn't know so far I'm being a witness all my life so I was searching for something coming from someone who's been a CO himself however thanks and since I came to my own conclusions is good to know them as far everything is cool. Good Bye Robson

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