I can't believe how many people are leaving now...

by mac n cheese 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman

    I think your approach is very smart mac n cheese - listening and giving the pros and cons rather than coming across as a raving apostate. Many who leave simply want someone who understands what they're going through and someone with whom they can talk and relate.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Thanks for the good news Mac n Cheese. I hope this is also true in my area. Because my wife is still a JW and we don't discuss things that deal with the Watchtower I have no way of knowing.

  • Palimpsest

    It's harder to tell over here, so I'm not sure if it applies to JWN, but at least at JWR, explosive growth has been noticed this summer. It seems that a lot of people have gotten fed up as a result of their DCs and have finally either fully called it quits or begun to doubt and fade. DCs used to be all about "energizing" the flock, but it seems like something about this one is pushing people straight out the door. Impressive.

  • flipper

    MAC N CHEESE- Awesome, just awesome ! I too feel that the District Convention releasing the " generation overlap " theory is driving more and more people out of the organization . I'm so happy for you and your friends you know that many are leaving. It gives me hope that one day my adult JW daughters may exit the witnesses too. Thanks for sharing this

  • sherah

    Glad you are seeing 'growth' in your area, MNC.

    XYZ - why the fact that they also left, in some way validates my own leaving. I wonder if this validation of my decision to leave is in some way behind the desire I have to encourage others to leave as well. If so, I'm not sure if it's a good motive.

    Though i'm fully convinced that the WTBS is fraud and am ready to stand alone when I break it to my family and friends, validation is certainly something for me to think about personally. I would think that most xdubs are looking for support rather than validation.

  • sabastious
    I too feel that the District Convention releasing the " generation overlap " theory is driving more and more people out of the organization .

    Or at least sowing a seed that eventually will lead them out.


  • misocup
    It's like moving to a foreign land. When you move there, you may not have any clue as to local customs and traditions but as time goes by you tend to adapt to them and while you may never fully appreciate it as the locals do, you learn to appreciate it enough to enjoy it with them and to respect their ways.

    I have to grin at this. It's a great way to describe how it is when you get out.

    I had the odd experience of trying to explain to my co-workers how when I was a child I tried to convince my parents that Santa was real based on the news reports we were getting of how they were tracking his sleigh on radar. lol

  • Mattieu

    My wife attended the district convention on the weekend (1st one wihout me) tons of people asked her where I was (though most already knew that I didnt go, just wanted to goss), when she told them all that I no longer go and dont believe its the truth, most said "he would be the last person I would have thought that would leave the org....)

    I remember thinking the same thing when my favourite circuit overseer left the borg when he realised it was a fraud. It has been a gradual decline here, the only ones being baptised are kids raised in the borg, no new ones and more inactive than 10 years ago... Cheers, Mattieu

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    So what's the latest?

  • hamsterbait

    I heard that at the last circuit A$$embly there were only 500 on the Sunday.

    It used to be 950 plus....

    what is JWR?


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