Okay, men...need your opinion here, please...

by diana netherton 25 Replies latest social relationships

  • PSacramento


    The following is in JEST ONLY !!

    I made a vow to myself to STOP being thatwoman...the friend one the booty call one.

    Before you go ahead with that vow, can I have your number?


  • JeffT

    What he says vs what he means

    Maybe we could have coffee some time = some time I'd like to have sex with you

    Maybe we could go to a movie some time = some time I'd like to have sex with you

    Maybe we could have dinner some time = some time I'd like to have sex with you

    I love you = I'd like to have sex with you now

    I'm not sure you're right for me = I don't think you're as good looking as I thought when I was drunk

    Let's talk about this later = maybe one of us will die in the meantime

    do we have to talk about this now?= there's a game on

    On a serious note (sort of), I agree you should talk it over with him and find out what he meant. Be braced for the fact that he may not know either.

  • Quentin

    I'm with Terry on this and some of the other comments as well, up to a point.

    I'll give myself as an example...My first date with Kathy, my wife of 30 plus years, ended like this, if she had not been amused there would be no 30 plus years.

    Escorting her to the door gave her a nice slow kiss, then babbled this: I, ummm, er, had a nice time tonight. Did you? Er, ummm, WELL, give you a call sometime, maybe, errr, ummm, yeah, hummina, hummina, hummina. Yeah, had a good time myself, hope you did, ummmmm, errrr, see ya sometime, BYE!!! Or, words to that effect.

    Her house had a tall poorch, almost landed in the flower bed as I fled to the car. Conclusion, context means everything. I was smitten with her, it's a wonder she came to the phone when I called later that week. Guys can be as Terry said, or we can be goofy as Elmer Fudd.

  • moshe

    Not Sure? Then ask him. I used to tell ladies when I was single that I was looking for a long term relationship. That answer was extremely satisfying to everyone, until one girl (a skeptic I guess) asked me to define what "long term" meant - "six months", I replied.

    Hmm, she wasn't as happy as all the others had been.

  • tec

    Moshe - that's funny.

  • finallyfree!

    Lol! Haha! Nice one moshe!! I've personally used the whole friends excuse and it meant different things at different times for me. For example: when I know I am at a place in my life that I know i don't have time/mindset to commit to a relationship, I'd rather not disappoint and would rather be friends without the wierd morning after. If I meet a girl that I'm into but I'm not ready for a long term thing that's the way I approach it as when my situation changes I'd have already gotten to know her and there's not much ice to break. I usually try to tell them straight though "listen I really like you and am into you, but I'm not ready for a relationship." On the flipside, if I Am in a position that I'm ready for a serious thing and I date a girl a few times and I see things I'm not fond of or It doesn't click, then I could use the same same phrase and it means subtly that I don't wanna pursue things any further. If I see she doesn't get it though ill usually elaborate. I guess the best way is to askdirect. You'll get the answer right away.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    This is some brilliant advice....P Sacramento, very amusing.

    This is what happened since. After the friend thing, I took him to the airport (visiting his family in the UK).

    Have a thing for Brits as my ex is one. :) Hugged at the curb, said he would be in touch in the

    next ten days. Called me from the UK the next. I didn't pick up the phone. I just didn't

    feel like talking. Maybe I should have but I'm just so over it.

    BTW guys...what do you think of someone who listens to Neil Diamond, squeegies

    his shower EVERY morning and wears white socks to bed in summertime?????

  • BurnTheShips
    You may want a relationship with somebody but you will end up just being his "chum."


  • PSacramento

    OIVEY !!!

    Girl...that is one anally retentive a-hole you don't need !

    And as a major anal retentive a-hole I should know !

  • undercover
    what do you think of someone who listens to Neil Diamond, squeegies his shower EVERY morning and wears white socks to bed in summertime?????

    Nothing wrong with listening to Neil Diamond... at least pre-Barbra duet anyway...

    The shower thing... he's a neat freak.. a little anal for the typical guy.

    Socks to bed anytime of the year is weird. Maybe his toenails need clipping and he didn't want to carve your legs up...

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