The Lords Evening Meal: Partaking and Awakening

by Generation Me 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthseeker100

    It's true they can't silence you after the meetings but they sure as hell can during the meetings. They will give you a little time for the brain washing to take effect. Then the will make you their biggest poriah and the only ones who will hang with you ,for a while ,will be the JW's Weirdo's and believe me thats a truly weird lot. They might even lable you as spiritualy weak and undesirable for associaction.

    I guess its hard for me to believe a sane person would want that.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Oops, my question was already answered above before I could post.
  • Generation Me
    Generation Me

    I dont want to fit in or impress anyone, that is not my intention. My intention is to help others.

    Kick me out? On what grounds? Think how "good" that would make them look for kicking out a visitor having a friendly conversation with another.

  • gone for good
    gone for good
    You go guy1
  • truthseeker100

    Generation me, they don't want your help I think it is laudible that you tried to talk to this new study. The WBTS has ways of dealing with people like you. I commend your effort. They have been doing this for a long time. Do you think your the first one who has tried?

    Best of luck and drop in whenever you want and inform us of your succeses and failures.

  • Generation Me
    Generation Me

    People at times receive the best help when they have never asked for it. Let the Watchtower deal with me then. I am not screaming things from the roof tops, holding signs in front of the halls or spray painting or vandalizing their property.

    If the Watchtower wants to "deal" with me...then let them.

    I have had many Ex Witnesses piss all over my efforts in other forums/groups more then actual Witnesses piss on some of the things I say to them (which is some pretty up front stuff).

    I still try to help the ex-jw community in this way...or any way that I can. I can't make all the difference in everyone and I am not aiming for that. Many people feel if you can't fix everyone, then why bother trying to fix a few? Well those few matter to me....even if it is the weirdo ex jw community. I am probably just as weird as they are :). So bring'em on!

  • truthseeker100
    Gen me. If you can save someone, even one person from a life time of toil and delusion in the wtbts I'm with you 100 per cent. Just make sure that you don't get caught up in any of their delusions. You don't appear to be that type but you never know. Semper Fi.
  • What is Truth?
    What is Truth?

    Nice Generation, that is quite a generous thing to intervene before the cult ensnares that study. I was able to put up an 'apostate' notice this year for all to see, but no where near as brave as you. Still it got my adrenaline pumping whether the fear of getting caught or the excitement of doing something I feel is right I don't know. More power to you.


  • Question_Mans_interpretation
    I loved your story generation me! Any chance you live in California and can drop in on one of my relatives congregations, lol.
  • jhine

    Well done Gen Me .

    I too am a never a JW Christian who tries very hard to wake up JWs , Faye we have a lot to learn from Gen ! .

    I do this for the same reasons as Gen , because when I see the harm done by the WT in Yahweh's name it upsets me . Families should not be broken , people should not die for lack of a transfusion .

    I think that some Christians are called to witness to the Witnesses !


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