Another thread to my story

by MrFreeze 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • RosePetal

    I am so sorry for this terrible tragic loss you suffered. The pain and the grief must have been unbearable, only time can heal the grief and pain. Be comforted by her sisters words when you tried to blame yourself. Her sister knew how deep the depression went. You were not to blame.

    She was in such a state of depression that she misjudged you and thought you didn't care. If she had been well as oz said she would probably have shrugged it off. So don't keep blaming yourself you were a victim of circumstances as so many on here are. I am so glad you came here and told us your story so we can share this with you. There is so much support here, so don't stop talking to us about how you are feeling.

    All the best RosePetal

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    I am glad you were able to get that out- you've been holding in that grief for so long, thank you for sharing-

    I wish you peace (someday... I know it will take a lot of time)


  • coffee shop guy
    coffee shop guy

    MrFreeze - It's been five years now since my daughter was violently murdered in her dorm room. I can't tell you how many times I've blamed myself for one thing or another believing I could have prevented it. It's taken so long to come to know nothing I could have done would have saved her. I live to honnor her and press on in a positive action on her behalf.

    It truly was someones free will to choose to do it. It wasn't Gods will, my will or even hers. A young man without respect for life did it.

    The pain you feel and re-live daily is very real. Process your loss every day until it becomes easier to wake up, eat breakfast and live like you're suppose to.

    Please for goodness sake, continue to open your mind, your eyes and your heart to a life without the JW bondage. The freedom without is amazing and renewing.

    Take all the time you need to process every one of your life losses. Do it right.


  • MrFreeze

    I can't imagine experiencing the kind of loss that you did. I think that would be an even tougher pill to swallow. I'm sorry for your loss as well. Thank you for your words of encouragment.

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