JW men - wordly women

by larc 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    I have read your essays on the subject and they are vivid in my mind. Now, the next question is why are the sisters so horny? I think it is because they hear sex talked about all the time at the Kingdom Hall, and added to that, they are told how easy it is to give in to the temptation. Now, when you hear sex, sex, sex, and you are told that you will give in, well guess what, they get steamed up and are ready to rumble. What do you think?

    Now, another pregnant question (pun intended), why don't the brothers take advantage of this like you did, instead of going outside of God's blessed arrangement and straying out into the world, that evil place full of darkness?

  • Prisca

    Why are the sisters so horny?

    Because they like sex just as much as men do.

  • larc


    I think that both the young men and women within the organization are horny beyond the norm, because sex is shoved in their face at the Kingdom Hall. They have the hormones raging and they have people reminding them of it all the time. Not a good strategy in dealing with teenagers.

  • Prisca

    I grew up as a JW, and it was my experience that from the platform and from the publications, sex was never discussed in a positive light. It was something that was seen as an evil that all singles must avoid, and any expression of sexuality was to be kept for the marriage bed.

    Had sex been given a more positive angle (no pun intended), as something perfectly natural and wonderful, then I think more single JWs would have had a more realistic view towards it.

    Articles on masturbation were always negative, never showing the postitive aspects of that subject.

    Many young JWs today are forming their own ideas about what is morally right and wrong, and I think it's about time the WTS realised that we aren't living in the 1900s anymore.

  • plmkrzy

    I remember once when I was about 15yrs old, the elders called me and my parents into the back room to discuss the fact that my hem-line was to far above my nee and that I should refrain from crossing my legs at the meetings because it is to distracting. I remember thinking to myself,
    "Why are they looking up my dress during the meetings?
    But yet I! was being naughty.

  • Prisca

    I didn't know brothers were allowed to wear skirts


  • larc


    They talked about it negatively and they talked about it too much. A very unatural world indeed.

    Then they put on the resistrictions about only dating someone if you intend marriage and the whole chaparone business. Fortunately, my wife and I dated before all that came down.


    Yeh, then if some brother came on to you and even raped you, it was not his fault, it was yours, because of your hem line. What a load of crap.

  • cellomould

    What is backward now was also backward in the 1900s.

    Can you imagine wearing a complete dress as a swimsuit? Where is the utility in that? Yet that's what you see in early black and white beach photos.

    People really thought the human (especially female) body was to be hidden from view at all cost.

    Some societies still hold to this concept; not only is it old fashioned, it's also illogical to the extreme.

    Now, a question more relevant to the discussion:

    Why is is that women must decide how much to reveal while men perhaps will decide whether to wear a suit jacket? Nothing too revealing about men's possible choices of kh attire.

    Reminds me of the comment by one of the women on this board about her remaining partiality to white-collared men who were unafraid to 'roll their sleeves up'.

    So is there anything else sexy about JW men?


    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

  • Englishman

    They want to leave the religion, but once they get involved with someone, they realize how much they are going to loose and run back to mamma


    Surely you mean lose?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • larc


    We are now covering the whole range of sexual issues as it relates to Jehovah's Witnesses, which is OK. However, I am still interested in why JW men bed down with worldly woman, sometimes for very long periods of time. This deal brings heartache to both parties. We have all seen it in the stories told here by several women.

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