Watchtower says: Anointed DO NOT have MORE Bible Understanding

by UnDisfellowshipped 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • booby

    In the june 15, 2009 issue of the watchtower it has this to say on page 23 paragraph 14:

    How should these anointed ones view themselves as they await their heavenly reward? They realize that although they have received a wonderful invitation, it is only that-an invitation

    And paragraph 15 adds this tidbit: however, Christians who have truly received this anointing do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special insights beyond what even some experienced members of the "great crowd" may have.

    Sooo , either they have themselves (the governing body) in a special sub-group of anointed or why should anyone listen to them as they demand?

  • AGuest

    There was and is SO much wrong with these proclamations, dear UnDf'd (peace to you!):

    The Anointed DO NOT have MORE Bible Understanding than the Great Crowd!

    The great crowd are also anointed. BOTH groups, the 144,000 (which are purchased with the blood of the Lamb, but taken ONLY from among the sons of Israel), and the great crowd (which are also purchased with the blood of the Lamb, but are taken out of EVERY nation, tribe, etc.), are the chosen ones of JAH. The first are the "holy ones" and the second are "fellow citizens of the holy ones." Together, these, Israel, and the nations (which God takes out of a people for HIS name)... are kings and priests. They are kings in that they co-rule with Christ for 1,000 years... and priests in that they render SACRED service IN THE TEMPLE of God (which only a priest can do!)... day and night.

    “The ‘other sheep’ today perform the same preaching work as the remnant, under the same trying conditions, and manifest the same faithfulness and integrity. They feed at the same spiritual table, eating the same food, absorbing the same truths.

    Because... they make up ONE flock, with ONE shepherd. BOTH groups, the little flock (of Jews) and the other sheep (which include the OTHER 10 tribes of Israel, as well as those of non-Israelite nations)... hear... listen to... and follow the voice of Christ.

    Being of the earthly class, with earthly hopes and a keen interest in earthly things, they might interest themselves more in scriptures relating to earthly conditions in the new world;

    NOT true. ALL are to keep their minds on the things ABOVE... and NOT on the things on the earth.

    whereas the anointed remnant, with heavenly hopes and strong personal interest in the things of the spirit, might study more diligently those things in God’s Word.

    Another LIE. The true ANOINTED...KNOW that (1) the Bible is NOT God's Word... rather, Christ is that Word... (2) searching the scriptures is vanity... (3) while their hope IS in a CITY that "belongs to heaven"... that CITY... Heavenly Jerusalem... comes down OUT of heaven and is "established"... ON THE EARTH, and (4) as a result, their rulership is UPON th earth... not OVER it (as in above it).

    . . . Yet the fact remains that the same truths and the same understanding are available to both classes, and it is just how the individuals apply themselves in study that determines the comprehension of heavenly and earthly things they acquire. The Lord’s spirit is available in equal portions to both classes, and knowledge and understanding are offered equally to both, with equal opportunities for absorbing it.”

    More lies: there is to be only ONE law between Israel... and the mixed crowd that goes WITH them. And there is only ONE hope. The WTBTS, however, teaches the Christ... divided.

    In the first century C.E., when a general invitation was going out to seek entrance into the heavenly Kingdom, not all anointed Christians held positions of responsibility as members of the governing body or as elders or ministerial servants.

    There WAS no "governing body"... the "elders" were merely men of a certain age, and "ministerial servants" included both men AND women. Phoebe was a minsterial servant. The PROBLEM is that the WTBTS have absolutely NO idea what a ministerial servant did... because they don't know what the "overseers" did. Both positions, overseer and ministerial servant had absolutely NOTHING to do with preaching the good news, per se. The apostles actually REJECTED being "overseers" in order to continue with such work.

    The postions AROSE... as a result of discrepancies in the DISTRIBUTION. After the pouring out of holy spirit began, those who had would bring what they could and combine it all together to give to those who did NOT have. Some items (valuables, land, etc.) were SOLD to add to the "pot." As a result there was food, clothing, money, etc., that now needed to be DISTRIBUTED... to the widows, orphans, and poor. Unfortunately, the GREEK-speaking widows began to complain that THEY were being OVERLOOKED in the distribution... in favor of the HEBREW-speaking widows. Meaning, whoever was responsible for making sure ALL of the widows received a fair share... wasn't doing their job. They were hypocritically playing favoritism.

    Because THEY had the work Christ gave THEM to do as witnesses "in all Judea, Samaria... and to the remotest parts of the world," the 12 Apostles directed that seven men be chosen and appointed... to OVERSEE THE DISTRIBUTION. Such men were chosen by holy spirit. These... were the "OVERSEERS." Since there were only seven, however, they needed assistance getting the items TO the widows, etc. And so, THEY... appointed "MINISTERIAL SERVANTS,"... or those who MINISTERED... to the widows, orphans, and poor. These servants... were also WOMEN. There was NO way that a male could go to a widow's house... and "minister" to her. Perhaps she needed assistance bathing or dressing... or eating. The LAW... of ROME... would NOT have permitted such a thing. Paul (?) later stated "prerequisites" for the MEN... in order to alleviate any reproach on the PROCESS... those responsible for it... and those who benefitted from it. Remember, they were under ROMAN rule at the time... and the Jews were seeking every opportunity possible to have them arrested, if not sent to the lions.

    Many were women, and they had no special authority;

    Another lie. Some of them were prophetesses. Some, like Phoebe, received authority directly, she from Paul...

    nor does spirit anointing bring extraordinary understanding of God’s Word, for Paul found it necessary to instruct and counsel certain anointed ones. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3; Hebrews 5:11-14)

    Notwithstanding the one (lie) that the Bible is God's Word, this is yet, another lie. It is only BY such anointing that one can understand the scriptures, for it is CHRIST himself who "fully opens [them] up" TO one. Yes, Paul offered instruction and counsel... and it got him a LOT of hot water. He almost brought to ruin the entire Corinthians congregation as a result of his "counsel". The Apostles knew this and stayed away from him. Some never had a relationship with him, but it was only when James (who was NOT one of the 12!) supported Paul on the subject of circumcision that most got over their chagrin with him. And HE arrograntly and sarcastically referred to THEM... as "superfine" apostles when they tried to tell him that what he was teaching did NOT comport with what they had seen and heard... and learned... directly from Christ himself.

    That Paul was NOT led by holy spirit (nor is he the man who went to the 3rd heaven, as some erroneously teach!)... is born out by the number of times he had to change his position... which can be seen if one read the letters attributed to him... in their WRITTEN order... and not in the Biblical order.

    Those with the heavenly calling do not view themselves as prominent individuals, and they do not draw attention to their being anointed ones.

    The first part is true: they realize, by means of such anointing, that they are the SERVANTS of all, that they must be the LEAST if they wish to be the greatest, that they are to take the LOWLY seat at the table, that just as Christ washed the feet of HIS disciples, they must wash the feet of one another.

    The second part, however, is yet another LIE: for they KNOW... that what they hear whispered... they must SHOUT from the rooftops. They know that they MUST let their lights shine and NOT HIDE THEM under a basket. They KNOW... that Christ... IS THE GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM... that his death and resurrection was PROOF of his favor with God, and his granting of the kingdom... and that by means of HIM... one can receive water of LIFE... holy spirit... so as to have their sins COVERED... and their flesh and spirit CLEANSED... so that they CAN... LIVE... FOREVER. That even if their flesh dies... THEIR spirits... NEVER will... but receive NEW bodies... WHITE "robes"... which is the "outer garment" of flesh WITHOUT sin... the INCORRUPTIBLE body... that no longer has sin... and thus death... IN it. THAT... is the GOOD news... "of the kingdom."

    Rather, they manifest the humility rightly expected of those having “the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16)

    This is absolutely TRUE; however, such "manifestation" NEVER means DENYING who... and what... they are. Christ didn't deny it. The Apostles didn't deny it. Paul didn't deny it. The brothers of Christ didn't deny it. Indeed, Christ said, "He that is ashamed of ME before men... I will be ashamed of HIM... before my Father."

    These, however, the false prophets and IMPOSTERS of the WTBTS... wish those who are in union with Christ to DENY that union... to hide it... keep it secret... as if it is a STAIN... rather than a GLORIOUS rainment! But they don't stop there, no. They want EVERYONE to disown that glorious calling... to REJECT it... by teaching that any one laying claim to it could possibly be "unworthy" and so eating and drinking "judgement" against themselves. THIS IS A LIE... for ALL those who partook during the first century were of the "calling." ALL ate and drank, just as did Israel... AND THE VAST MIXED CROWD who accompanied them out of Egypt. ALL ate the manna and ALL drank from the same rock-mass... that is Christ!

    The eating/drinking "unworthily" had absolutely NOTHING to do with WHO they were... or whether they had been called... for they ALL had been called. It had to do with their HEART CONDITION... WHEN they ate and drank. They were to make sure, then, that they were clean... ON THE INSIDE... as well as that they truly DISCERNED that what they were in fact "eating" was the "flesh" of Christ... and what they were in fact "drinking" was his blood... and NOT simply some old bread and sweet wine. Otherwise, whatever "judgment(s)" they where holding against others... IN THEIR HEARTS... they themselves would be judged BY. By eating and drinking they were symbolizing the re-RATIFICATION of their covenant with God... mediated by Christ. If then, they wanted to be RELEASED from THEIR sins and errors... so as to be CLEAN... in order to ENTER into the Covenant... they, then, had to release ALL OTHERS... who had sinned and erred... AGAINST THEM.

    They also realize that God’s righteous requirements must be met by all Christians, whether their hope is heavenly or earthly.

    Another LIE: regardless of one's "hope"... if one has NOT received holy spirit... has NOT been ANOINTED... then one is NOT a christian. For THAT is what the word "christian" MEANS: anointed/chosen person. "Christ" (kristos) person (ian).

    Professing to have a heavenly calling does not bring a person special revelations.

    Professing to have does not. HAVING... does. It is the PURPOSE of the anointing!

    God has a channel of communication through which he provides spiritual food for his earthly organization. (Matthew 24:45-47)

    God... has... NO... earthly... organization. His kingdom... belongs... TO THE HEAVENS. And that CHANNEL through which He provide spiritual food is the same One as it has ALWAYS been: Christ. HE... is... the... BREAD... from... heaven. The... TRUE... manna! He... is... One... through... whom... God... communicates... with... mankind. Previously, that One is the One through whom the Most Holy One of Israel spoke to the Prophets... through whom God spoke to Israel. NOW... that One speaks DIRECTLY to mankind... Israel... as well as the nations.

    So nobody should think that being an anointed Christian gives him wisdom superior to that of the “great crowd” with the earthly hope. (Revelation 7:9)

    No, nobody should. Because there is absolutely NO difference between the two, other than the first are from among the sons of Israel, from each tribe except Dan... in fulfillment to God's promise TO Abraham... and the second are out of EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people. There is no superiority of one group over the other but, in fact, the OPPOSITE is true: they are all SERVANTS of one another... of God... of Christ... and of all mankind.

    Spirit anointing is not indicated by proficiency in witnessing, answering Scriptural questions, or giving Bible talks, for Christians with the earthly hope also do very well in these respects.

    Indeed, spirit anointing is indicated... BY HOLY SPIRIT... and the GIFTS of that spirit... which gifts INCLUDE... wisdom... and knowledge. Not because of the person themselves - they have no wisdom or knowledge on their own or in and of themselves. But such anointing imparts such wisdom and knowledge TO them by giving them... the MIND OF CHRIST. So while they may not have much wisdom and knowledge as to the PHYSICAL world... the things of the SPIRIT realm are "OPENED" to them.

    Like anointed ones, they too are living exemplary Christian lives.

    One, if they have received an anointing, they are not christians and therefore cannot be living a christian life, exemplary or otherwise. They may be leading a exemplary life, but not as a christian. Two, ALL have sinned and fall short. ALL. And while we may appear all "righteous" and "spiritual" on the OUTSIDE... God... does not look at the outward appearance, either as to looks... or conduct. HE... looks at the INSIDE... the man we are that is HIDDEN from all others. HE... examines the HEART... and the KIDNEYS... not the size of bookbags, the number of magazine placements, or "regular" meeting attendance.

    For that matter, Samson and others of pre-Christian times had God’s spirit and were filled with zeal and understanding. Yet, none of that ‘great cloud of witnesses’ had the heavenly hope.

    Yet another LIE. They obviously didn't read Hebrews 11:16, after reading 4-15, or 11:26, after reading 17-25. And they MISSED THE POINT ENTIRELY of the TRUTH that some "would not accept release by some ransom, in order that they might attain a BETTER resurrection." Better? Than what? Than the SECOND resurrection - these looked forward to attaining the FIRST resurrection.

    The WTBTS is a wild beast... that comes out of the EARTH. It has two "horns" (the WT and AW) "like" a lamb (Christ), but which speaks "like" a dragon (Satan). It is a bevvy of liars... and its leaders, scribes, and "Pharisees" are the "offspring of vipers"... poisonous serpents... and THEIR "bite"... is death-dealing. It is among the "kings of the EARTH"... that Babylon the Great... those who PROFESS to be anointed but do not remain TRUE, LOYAL, and CHASTE to the husbandly owner... CHRIST... "fornicates" with. THEY, such so-called anointed... are ADULTERESSES... and thus FALSE "christs" (anointed)... and together these... the WTBTS and their "anointed"... make up the FALSE PROPHET.

    I, SA, have shared these truths here, now, just as I received them from my Lord, the TRUE and ONLY "Faithful and Discreet Slave"... the One who is the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, named directly by God, the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... as His beloved Son and ANOINTED One.

    May those with ears... hear... listen... and get the sense of these TRUTHS.

    Again, I bid you all peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    The Watchtower, June 15th, 2009, Pages 23-24:

    "They do not believe that their being anointed gives them special insights beyond what even some experienced members of the "great crowd" may have. They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the "other sheep" have."

    Also, here is a link to another great thread on this topic:

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    The Watchtower, April 15th, 1952, Pages 255-256:

    Questions From Readers

    • Do the “other sheep” have as much of the Lord’s spirit as the anointed remnant, and as clear an understanding of Jehovah’s purposes as the anointed have?—A. M., Colorado.

    If they are filled with holy spirit, how could any others have more than that? If a container is full, how can it hold more? Both classes must be equally faithful, under the same trying conditions. It is only by Jehovah’s spirit that any of us can stand. So if the “other sheep” do not have as much of the Lord’s spirit, yet have to endure the same tests and prove the same high quality of faithfulness as the anointed, they would be operating under a great disadvantage in the test of integrity. Jehovah God does not so handicap them, but gives them equal help for similar tests. Faithful men of old had Jehovah’s spirit, to write inspired scriptures, to cure lepers, to raise the dead, to cause rain or drought, to pull down pagan temples, to slay lions and bears, and to perform many other powerful works possible only with the help of God’s active force. Though not of the anointed class, they were filled with holy spirit.

    The “other sheep” today perform the same preaching work as the remnant, under the same trying conditions, and manifest the same faithfulness and integrity. They feed at the same spiritual table, eating the same food, absorbing the same truths. Being of the earthly class, with earthly hopes and a keen interest in earthly things, they might interest themselves more in scriptures relating to earthly conditions in the new world; whereas the anointed remnant, with heavenly hopes and strong personal interest in the things of the spirit, might study more diligently those things in God’s Word. So because of these different personal interests the two classes might show greater interest in different features of the message, and comprehend more in those fields because of their special study of them; yet the fact remains that the same truths and the same understanding are available to both classes, and it is just how the individuals apply themselves in study that determines the comprehension of heavenly and earthly things they acquire. The Lord’s spirit is available in equal portions to both classes, and knowledge and understanding are offered equally to both, with equal opportunities for absorbing it.

    So rather than the determining factor’s being whether one is of the anointed or other sheep class or not, it lies with the individual himself. One may be more willing to receive the Lord’s spirit and its guidance in his life than another, who may be quenching the spirit by not walking wholly according to its guidance. One may spend more time studying or naturally have greater mental capacities for learning than another, who may neglect study and mental training.

  • Scully

    Anyone who says they do not consider themselves to be "prominent" and say that Anointed™ are equal to Great Crowd™ and yet publish this

    Approved association with Jehovah’s Witnesses requires accepting the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses. ~ Watchtower, April 1, 1986, p. 31.

    are liars.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Booby & UnD: Belated thanks. That was the reference I was trying to find! My WTL stops at 2008.

  • Essan

    They are trying to have everything their own way.

    The GB hijack the authority of the "Slave" which according to their own teaching is all anointed Christians.

    Then because they want to be the ONLY anointed ones who are respected or have a role providing "spiritual food" they try to disenfranchise the other anointed by claiming that the anointed generally have no particular insight.

    Actually, if you get you NWT and search for the words anointing and anointed in the NT you'll see that the Scriptures very clearly claim that anointing does lead to 'special insight' and teaching from God. The Society knows this and has very clearly taught it in the past. This is 'new light' as an unscriptural defensive response to the growing number of 'anointed ones' who were writing to the Society to advocate changes and reform both in practice and doctrine. It is a measure to quell dissent, centralize authority, and tighten control.

    In short, the GB are lying, manipulative, wolves.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    * Also, here is a link to a thread about the Governing Body admitting that they make mistakes and errors and false predictions:

  • AGuest

    This thread is making me feel nauseated (peace to you all!). Well, okay, the WTBTS lies are. The wormwood is virtually gagging me.

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who feels a headache coming on...

  • agonus

    Not only do they not have 'more understanding", they are most likely suffering from "mental strain" (whatever the hell that means). Of course, the GB are apparently exempt from these rules (which makes perfect sense considering they invented them in the first place).

    Agonus, of the "You CAN'T make this shit up" class

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