A question for those who believe in noahs ark

by bohm 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs


    You don't lie when you tell an allegory because...well its an allegory.

  • bohm

    witness - try the same argument with mice or bacteria who duple their population a lot quicker. ANYWAY it does not adress the original question at all and is at best post-fact reasoning.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Do you tell your kids Santa is real? How about if they are adults now? Same difference, if Noah was just a "story". The context is always as if he was a real historical figure in a real historical event and that lessons should be drawn from such.


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Then bohm you are clearly too intellectual for your own good and need to take up drinking beer to restore the balance

    Personally I had to read your question about 3 times to even understand what the hell you are on about. So WTF are you on about as you say i got it wrong? I thought you wanted something (anything) that "could" be used as backward pointing proof of the flood event.


  • Kinjiro

    Maybe you should ask Gilgamesh... after all his story is a lot older than the mythological genesis account...

  • TD

    If the flood story were true, then other things must of necessity be true as well:

    Three quick examples:

    1. There's a lot of water on the earth to be sure, but not nearly enough to cover the earth as we know it today. Therefore the flood story predicts the rapid rise of mountain ranges.

    2. If entire populations of animals can be reduced to two breeding pairs and brought back as the story suggests, then the story predicts that the genetic diversity we see today (e.g. The many varieties within family Canidae) can occur rapidly.

    3. Closely allied to #2 above is speciation. Even the most hardcore advocate of Biblical literalism is willing to allow that Noah did not bring every known species and subspecies on the ark. The flood story therefore predicts a rapid rate of speciation.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    OK I get you, He wanted the forward looking prediction model not the backwards one. (no i didnt read the end of his 1st post) The flood event predicts the world as exactly we see it today, therefore it has to be true. .

    I dont know what I believe anymore for sure so i just try and play devils advocate and just be fair to all available information.

    He asked the question after all...


  • bohm

    WMF: Im not interlectual, i am just not a native english speaker, so i often garble my posts so they are hard to understand :-).

    As i understand it, the devil is in a lot of trouble, so i welcome anyone who wish to play his advocate.

  • bohm

    11 hours, 0 flood-geologists who has taken up the challenge.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Give it another 4400 yrs and you'll have your answer....


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