Substitute Circuit Overseer

by garlic81 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • garlic81

    After being appointed an elder how what is the shortest timeframe you have seen to be accepted as a substitute circuit overseer?

    • Elder has 2-3 years of regular pioneering and averages 80-140 hours per month.
    • Person has been an elder for 1-2 years.
    • Elder has completed at least one temporary bethel assignment, or temporary special pioneer assignment.
    • Elder has gone to Pioneer Service School.
    • Elder has gone to school for congregation elders.
    • Family has written the branch for an assignment in an area of greater need and is currently serving in one of those areas.
    • Gives the CO a green handout to help out with his expenses on each visit.
    • Has the CO over for a meal each visit.
    • Has phone number and email of CO and communicates at least every other month - just to chat about how things are going, good service experiences, etc. (as any other friend would.)
    • Gives District Overseer a green handout around assembly time to help out.
    • Is on very good terms with District Overseer keeping in touch as well.
  • garlic81

    Forgot to mention, the person has been baptised 21 years.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I never paid attention to such things. I know this, though. In many congregations if an elder had goals that would entail him actually leaving that congregation, he was discouraged from them. NO body of elders wants to lose a member for ANY reason.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    The only sub-COs I knew were long-time (20, 30, 40 year) elders. Of course, as in most areas of life, it's all about politics and "who you know."

  • Titus


  • JWoods
    The only sub-COs I knew were long-time (20, 30, 40 year) elders. Of course, as in most areas of life, it's all about politics and "who you know."

    Same here. My friend Marion Dunlap served as sub-CO for a month or so every winter for several years prior to the Ray Franz incidents. I never heard of anybody being asked who was under 50 and had not been an elder and servant for years. Of course, that was back in the 1970s.

  • elderelite

    I know someone appoint CO. He is under 40. times have changed. but titus is right. This is a fake thread. none of it makes sense.

  • Finally-Free

    As one MS eloquently explained to me, "It's not who you know. It's who you blow".

    Hope this helps.


  • Elder-Patrol

    It's extraordinarily difficult to become a full circuit overseer. Not so for a substitute CO, since they are graded on a much different "curve". The damage they can do is limited, and at least one is needed for every circuit!

    So if the best available elder in the circuit is 25 year old Mogli, then Mogli is it. He'll notice that 90% of the time they bring in a sub from the neighboring circuit, but Mogli is still the quote unquote "substitute CO" (in a pinch) for his circuit.

  • serenitynow!

    "As one MS eloquently explained to me, "It's not who you know. It's who you blow"."

    Now this thread is getting interesting. Please elaborate.

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