Watchtower installs a "Trojan Horse" in their followers and take over their brain

by TastingFreedom 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • TastingFreedom

    I'm convinced JW's are under sooo MUCH brainwashing and fully indoctrinated that their brains are disabled. They will never analyze or question any beliefs. It is all about the emotions, their brains are literally paralyzed. They cannot do any critical thinking. They will never question or debate any ideas with logic, coherence and facts. It's all about circular reasoning on flawed data/logic that leads no where. Their arguments will always be biased on the doctrines imposed by the Watchtower.

    At any moment where they may start to think or question something, mental triggers will kick in to induce guilt and fear, this starts a chain reaction to shutdown the brain. It's actually a very basic formula. They have been literally programmed like a machine to stop working when something is considered a threat to their survival. The routine is simple; induce emotions for everything and shutdown any critical thinking abilities. The brains are essentially wired to protect the Watchtower identity (self-sacrifice, slave mentality).

    Emotions are basic survival instincts that prioritize based on the extent that something could pose a threat to a person's life. Anything that can endanger your survival has a higher priority. Anything that causes fear will be avoided at all cost. That's why the BORG will build the concept of a "spiritual counciousness" that guards against any ideas that may be considered a threat. They basically protect those mental triggers and reinforce the guilt and the fear with shunning, and other cult practices.

    They have literally installed a "trojan horse" in your brain that acts like a firewall that blocks the ports that communicate with the brain. This analogy may be the best way to illustrate what effect they have on a person's abilities to think on his/her own. They destroy that ability to trust in your own belief system and to constantly fight it.

    They like to use the concept of the heart (based on emotions) as being a lot more important than the brain. But they will tell you, the "heart is treacherous", not to trust it. Basically, they want you to get rid of your own thoughts...and only accept what we they tell you!

    From my personal experience and seeing others, you need a major shake up in a person's life that could cause a reboot of the brain, in order to start thinking on your own and to start questioning your belief system with logic and research. You have to start from scratch. This is the only way to bring down the firewall that could enable the brain to start functioning again.

    Any explanation from the Watchtower on anything will be sufficient to accept their beliefs, it doesn't have to make sense (e.g. "blood fractions", "generation overlap", etc.). This is the case for the great majority of witnesses, they will keep going without thinking. They encourage that behaviour, the acceptable way to gain status and to have a sense of belonging and purpose within the cult.

    The cult is all about denying yourself as an individual with free will, getting rid of the self. That explains why birthdays are not allowed, anything that excels the self is forbidden (e.g. masturbation, etc..). It's all about the collective (the group, the leadership), the great fellowship around the world, God's people on earth and not about what you think, but rather what is imposed on you from the group.

    This is how I can summarize the cult mind control and how they've managed to have so much control on millions of people.

    Your thoughts?

  • Hadit

    I agree - great summary! Mental triggers to shut down critical thinking ability. Trick is not to use trigger words and to ask questions that FORCE them to think. They sure do know what they are doing when it comes to mind control and it's certainly not just coming from a bunch of old men in bethel. It is a sick thing they are doing.

  • TastingFreedom

    You have an excellent point, it may be possible to overcome or bypass the mental triggers by avoiding use of the "loaded language" such as kingdom, armageddon, great crowd, resurrection, etc. However, I still think it's not the words, but the emotions that are created.

    The triggers execute on emotions, what you feel...not necessarily on what words you hear.

    Singing Kingdom melodies, for instance, immediately gives a sense of feeling good...triggers emotions. If there was a talk that included things that didn't make sense. You immediately get distracted with the song, and forget your doubts or questions about the talk. Now you feel great about singing praises to Jehovah. He will be the one that will provide the answer at some point. He will clarify things in the future. We have to trust in him --not in ourselves. We are imperfect, flesh, sinful and not worthy to question anything. Jehovah uses his organization, who provides perfect guidance in our lives for the present time. We have to be humble and submit to it, otherwise, bad things will happen to us. (FEAR)

    Same thing happens after the Watchtower study, you may not fully understand something, even disagree, have doubts about some of the points being argued. You're only supposed to underline the answers, and not even research the points. When you're barely starting to think about something, you have anoter kindomg melody to sing (makes you feel good), then prayer, which is a way to blank your brain (which shuts down the analytical part of the brain). Then you have the great association from the friends, the sensation of feeling good is reinforced... So it's all about feeling good. You are conditioned over and over again about feeling good, and to set aside your thinking ability, forget doubts. This happens over and over again....until your brain is fully disabled, it's all about feeling good.

    Helping someone to become less emotional and more analytical is the key. Being able to overcome the fear and the guilt. Helping someone by replacing the emptyness left out from leaving the cult is the key to being able to overcome such a critical transition. Provide a sense of purpose a sense of belonging is very important before you can attempt to leave a cult.

  • wannabefree

    If your brain is cluttered with the WatchtowerWorm Trojan, these malware tools have proven to be quite successful in removal.

    Crisis of Conscience

    In Search of Christian Freedom

    Releasing the Bonds

    Captives of a Concept

  • TastingFreedom
  • OnTheWayOut

    Brain-disabled: that is what a dangerous mind-control cult can do to a person.

    Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual "systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated". The term has been applied to any tactic, psychological or otherwise, which can be seen as subverting an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making.

    At any moment where they may start to think or question something, mental triggers will kick in to induce guilt and fear, this starts a chain reaction to shutdown the brain.

    I have actually seen my wife shut down. Early on (before I learned to not discuss religion and instead reach her through empowering her to think for herself without discussing religion) I would try to discuss WT stuff with her and she would put her hands on her ears and say how she has a headache and is too busy to discuss the matter.

    From my personal experience and seeing others, you need a major shake up in a person's life that could cause a reboot of the brain, in order to start thinking on your own and to start questioning your belief system with logic and research. You have to start from scratch. This is the only way to bring down the firewall that could enable the brain to start functioning again.

    Different people are wired differently. I didn't need a "hard reboot" but my primary personality (my non-cult true self) needed time to bypass the WT programming. For some it will be "new light" not fitting with preconceived beliefs. For my mother, it might just be old age and sickness, or that might not work and then she dies in it. I think for my wife, it will be as you say- a major shake up.

    I hope my wife is not too badly hurt in any major shake up of her life, but I will take it rather than let her wither and die in that dangerous mind-control cult.

    I have heard from David Reed's HOW TO RESCUE YOUR LOVED ONE FROM THE WATCHTOWER that chipping away at doctrine doesn't usually work. They eventually retreat and repair the damage through more flawed logic. Often, it does take a huge attack on the tower to collapse it's influence on a person- doctrinal change or conflicting inputs or huge shake ups like you suggest.

    It's all about circular reasoning on flawed data/logic that leads no where.

    I studied the LIVE FOREVER book, so I found this simple discussion fascinating:

    The poster also has other videos about WT stuff.

  • serenitynow!

    "If your brain is cluttered with the WatchtowerWorm Trojan, these malware tools have proven to be quite successful in removal."

    Crisis of Conscience

    In Search of Christian Freedom

    Releasing the Bonds

    Captives of a Concept

    Good list.

    I would like to add- a basic psychology 101 textbook, a logic textbook. Those will open your eyes to the WTBTS's manipulative ways.

  • Mary

    Re: the Trojan Horse example, I think it's an excellent one, psychologically speaking. There's the mental block that's in the minds of anyone in a high control group, whether they are Witnesses, Mormons, Scientologists, etc. that convinces them that they and they alone have 'the truth'. Anything negative that's said about the group cannot be allowed to infiltrate the mind too far. The Trojan Horse won't allow it.

  • Chalam


    Watchtower installs a "Trojan Horse" in their followers and take over their brain Your thoughts?


    The thing is, the contents of the Trojan Horse will emerge and destroy the host.

    Trojan Horse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Galatians 1:6-9 (English Standard Version)

    No Other Gospel
    6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. Blessings, Stephen
  • Leolaia
    "They will never analyze or question any beliefs. It is all about the emotions, their brains are literally paralyzed. They cannot do any critical thinking. They will never question or debate any ideas with logic, coherence and facts."

    While this is true for some, we see people joining this board all the time who do what you construe to be the impossible. Your generalizations are rather overdrawn. Many follow in step with whatever the Watchtower Society says, but others (unknown how many) are questioning and have doubts, or who believe "their own thing" regardless of what the GB says.

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