God is not a good Samaritan

by peacedog 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • palmtree67

    We can't end suffering. Only God can.

    All we can do is help each other endure it.

    If you can't help someone, at least don't hurt them.

  • tec

    There aren't enough good samaritans in the world yet. Some of them get killed in the act and that sometimes scares people from stepping in to help.

    Palm - I think we have the ability (with God's help) but I don't think that we will. Does that make sense?


  • AGuest
    Just trying to understand why a supposedly loving God who is at the same time all-powerful allows his creation to suffer each and every day (and yet tells us to be "good Samaritans" and help those who are suffering).........

    Perhaps this will help you understand, dear Peacedog (may you have peace):

    "... his disciples came to him and said: “The place is lonely and the hour is already far advanced; send the crowds away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves things to eat.” However,JAHESHUA said to them: “They do not have to leave: YOU give them something to eat.”

    "... the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, YOU who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for YOU from the founding of the world. For I became hungry and YOU gave me something to eat; I got thirsty and YOU gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and YOU received me hospitably; naked, and YOU clothed me. I fell sick and YOU looked after me. I was in prison and YOU came to me.’Then the righteous ones will answer him with the words, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty, and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked, and clothe you?When did we see you sick or in prison and go to you?’And in reply the king will say to them, ‘Truly I say to YOU , To the extent that YOU did it to one of the least of these my brothers, YOU did it to me.’"

    Dearest booby... may you, too, have peace! In light of what's stated above, I have to ask, what are YOU doing about that African woman holding her child, lying up against a fence, fly's buzzing about, both near starvation? Or those like her? Or those in, say, Chile or Peru? Bangladesh? Haiti? New Orleans? Los Angeles? Did/do YOU feed any of these? Give them something to drink? Receive them into YOUR home? Clothe them? If not, why not? Aren't they YOUR responsibility, too? Or are you of the notion perhaps, like many, that these are not your responsibility, that you are not your brother's keeper? Are you SURE you want to judge the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, in this thing? Are your hands really that "clean"?

    In the account of the Good Samaritan, dear ones, the Most Holy of Israel wasn't depicted. That is because the parable wasn't about Him; it was about US... earthling man... and what most of US would do (i.e., see our brother in need, and step over him, if not cross the street altogether, rather than lend a hand to help. Particularly if it means coming out of our own pocket and ESPECIALLY if it involves a stranger!).

    The parable was about a man who did NOT do that, even though the one needing help considered HIM an enemy.

    We can look around at the world, dear ones, and say, "What is God doing?" or "Why isn't God doing anything about...?" I would warn you, however, that when you take that look, you should most probably start in the mirror. Because those very same questions are going to be asked regarding you, one day. To what extend did YOU... or didn't YOU?

    "If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself... "

    I bid you all peace!

    A slave of Christ.

    SA, who has learned, from the Holy One of Israel, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, that before I can rightfully cast stones in any direction... even at God... I should start with the [wo]man in the mirror...

  • booby

    Aguest = I of course have no clue as to who you are and therefore cannot ascertain if you are a wise person of God perhaps or just one who likes to write many words. The scriptures say that in any endeavour of this nature, that you suggest that I could become more fully involved, one start with ones own household. I have two grown children who I find myself helping, one with her two children, and it taxes me pretty much to the limit both mentally and financially. I would agree that there is always some way to do more. However what I and others can do to eleviate human suffering is totally inadaquate to the task. BUT if God felt the compassion of a good samaritan, he does have the purported power and ability to truly make the difference. And since these are his creation or children why does it fall to me to fumble along in an inadequate manner to "fix" it. And if you suggest like some of the comments that this is an opportunity for ones like myself to learn compassion, I would say why do others have to suffer so that I can learn. If you look at the world scene it is obvious that many of the human family do a great deal, limited only by their ability, to be good samaritans. So for me I still wonder why God does not chose to end all the suffering since he is apparently the one that is capable of doing so. And as a closing thought on your post I do find it to be condescending and rude. And may you to have peace.

  • superpunk
  • Robdar
    While so many of us suffer and are in need each day, God simply passes us by. Though he has it in his power to appease our suffering and assuage our need, he chooses not to.

    My thoughts are that only emotional babies need a big sky daddy to take care of them and then whine when he doesn't.

  • Pistoff

    As I see it, this parable is about arrogance, and the assumption that one's own faith is the ONLY one or the best one; I also see it as being relevant to the claim by religious folk to having a corner on morals and ethics.

    It seems safe to say that the jews hated the samaritans; they were regarded as posers, impostors. What is the modern equivalent? For christians, maybe muslims or atheists. So insert the word muslim or atheist, or illegal immigrant maybe, in the parable, and see how it might change perspective. Christians seem to regard atheists as without ethics or morals, and muslims as corrupt.

    I see Jesus point as being that our deeds, not national or religious identity, testifies about our ethics, and that ethical behavior is not exclusive to one faith or even non-faith.

    That was certainly a revolutionary way to view one's enemies.


  • AGuest

    Aguest =

    Greetings, dear booby... and, again, may you have peace!

    I of course have no clue as to who you are and therefore cannot ascertain if you are a wise person of God perhaps or just one who likes to write many words.

    Does it matter? Either what I shared is true... or it isn't. Nothing else really matters, does it?

    The scriptures say that in any endeavour of this nature, that you suggest that I could become more fully involved, one start with ones own household.

    I am not so sure I agree. Paul says that, yes... but then, Paul didn't write "scripture." However, LOVE, would certainly say that - I mean, how can you "love your neighbor as yourself," if you don't love "yourself"? And one's household is certainly an extension of one's self. So, I get what you're getting at...

    I have two grown children who I find myself helping, one with her two children, and it taxes me pretty much to the limit both mentally and financially.

    I understand. Let me ask you: how many "grown" children does the Most Holy One of Israel have? And how many children do they have? I don't think this scenario flies, dear one, truthfully. I mean, sure, your response will be, "But, yet, doesn't He have/own everything, etc.?" But my response wasn't about what He has or does not have; it was about your calling someone else on the carpet if you yourself have not "risen to the occasion." In my mind, that's hypocritical and so, I'm back to that "man in the mirror" thing...

    I would agree that there is always some way to do more.

    I agree.

    However what I and others can do to eleviate human suffering is totally inadaquate to the task.

    I disagree. What I, you, and others can do is GREAT toward alleviating human suffering. Problem is, we don't do... or don't do enough. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule - some do a GREAT deal, far more than their "fair share." But that is not most of us... And I am just as guilty as the next person: I don't do enough and could do more. Which is why I don't point fingers at those who don't do or don't do enough, particularly not the Most Holy One of Israel.

    BUT if God felt the compassion of a good samaritan, he does have the purported power and ability to truly make the difference.

    He does... and did. He sent His Son. Unfortunately, you and many others don't really grasp the full significance of that. But it is this: if ALL followed in his footsteps, not leaning on their own understanding and not following others of earthling man... but just did as they know him to have done... a GREAT deal of this world's suffering would be GREATLY alleviated. How so? Well, the sick and lame would be healed. The deaf, dumb, and blind would hear, speak, and see. The hungry would be fed. The dead... would be resurrected. Get it? I know, I know, you're gonna say, "Oh sure, like WE can do all of that." That is the point, dear one: we can. All it takes is FAITH... the size of a mustard seed. Unfortunately, faith is not a possession of all men, indeed of MOST men... and so, we can't do it. Well, most of us can't. Why? Because, along with our lack of faith... we don't really WANT to. Because if we DID... we would ASK for faith so that we CAN. But, the truth is that it's MUCH easier to say, "Why isn't GOD doing something?"... than to say, "I WANT to" (feed the hungry, heal the sick, resurrect the dead)... and then do so.

    And why is THAT? Well, first, because we don't believe we CAN (i.e., LACK of fath), and second, well, if we COULD, then what? Well, then, people are going to come to us. And we can't have THAT, can we? Because THEN we're either going to have to deal with them... and/or the skeptics... both of which will "infringe" on our... privacy, person, time, space, psyche, emotions, freedom, etc.... in some way or another.

    Yes, I know, I know... "Wait, if I can do all of THAT, then why would I NOT? I mean, I could become RICH!" And that's the problem - you would NEVER receive such abilities/gifts so as to use them for personal gain. Indeed, you would most probably become even poorer than you are now. You would certainly become sick because that is how a TRUE "healer" heals - by taking the "sin" (illness) into their OWN body. And who wants to do THAT? Who has sufficient compassion for a STRANGER... to do THAT? Yes, many give organs, etc., so that others might continue to live... and they are to be commended. But if the choice is "give this stranger your kidney and he will live... but you will die"... well, that wouldn't be so popular a choice would it?

    And since these are his creation or children why does it fall to me to fumble along in an inadequate manner to "fix" it.

    Forgive me, but I think the first thing I think we should do here is set the matter straight: "they" are not necessarily HIS children. He that hates his brother (i.e., his fellowman) is NOT a child of God. Second, it does not fall to you: it falls to ALL of mankind... to at least make an attempt. He made the attempt... first. Now, what are YOU going to do?

    And if you suggest like some of the comments that this is an opportunity for ones like myself to learn compassion, I would say why do others have to suffer so that I can learn.

    I would not suggest that. Indeed, tt should NOT take suffering for us to learn such a quality. Should NOT. And the truth is, that even WITH such suffering, most STILL don't learn it.

    If you look at the world scene it is obvious that many of the human family do a great deal, limited only by their ability, to be good samaritans.

    This is inaccurate. It is really a very small minority that do. Many humans do... ummmm... "something"... but NOT a great deal. Not by a long shot. And most of them give out of their "surplus," not their "want."

    So for me I still wonder why God does not chose to end all the suffering since he is apparently the one that is capable of doing so.

    Well, why don't you ask Him? You are more than welcome to do so. Truly, He is not far off from ANY of us... and He IS approachable... by ANY of us. One just needs to go through the Door.

    And as a closing thought on your post I do find it to be condescending and rude.

    Yes, I got that you may have felt that way but truly you shouldn't have. That I "touched a nerve" is unfortunate, but it wasn't malicious, truly. I only asked of you what you ask of the Most Holy One of Israel. I am sure YOU didn't mean to appear condescending and rude... either. Perhaps, though, your feelings were... ummmmm... "pinched"... because you feel frustrated that YOU can't do more. I get that. If so, I would say, GOOD for you. Because that says to ME that you WOULD do more, if you COULD do more.

    But it doesn't always take money, dear booby. Sometimes, it just takes "wanting" to.

    I accept your greeting of peace and bid you the same, again.

    A slave of Christ,


  • booby


    How does god sending his son help the starving african mom and child who more than likely have never heard of either god or the provision of his son?

    And how are all humans not his human children. Without his creative beginings there would be none. And are you suggesting that if my son hates his brother he is not my child. If he has done wrong I can just disown him.

    And lastly, I don't think you "touched a nerve" so much as "agitated some brain cells".

  • AGuest

    Dearest booby, again, peace to you!

    How does god sending his son help the starving african mom and child who more than likely have never heard of either god or the provision of his son?

    By compelling those who HAVE heard to help her...

    And how are all humans not his human children.

    Well, my Lord IS recorded to have said to some that they were from their father, the Devil...

    Without his creative beginings there would be none.

    No, children? I am not so sure. True, we all descend from Adham, but we are not all "beget" by God... by means of holy spirit... which makes us a child of God. Adham was beget by the spirit... which made him a son of God... but not necessarily all who came after him...

    And are you suggesting that if my son hates his brother he is not my child.

    Absolutely not. I am saying that if your son hates his brother... or ANY of his fellow humans (i.e., "brother")... he is not GOD'S child. Whether he is YOUR child or not has nothing to do with it...

    If he has done wrong I can just disown him.

    That these days men often disown their own children notwithstanding, I would say that if he IS your child... by means of blood... you can (technically)... but can't (literally). And if he your son/child... but NOT of your blood (for that occurs, too)... then you can... both technically AND literally...

    And lastly, I don't think you "touched a nerve" so much as "agitated some brain cells".

    Hey, whatever gets 'em goin'... and thinkin'...

    Again, I bid you peace!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


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