Another GEM from the 9/15/10 WT

by civicsi00 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • civicsi00

    This is taken word for word from the Study Article entitled: "Unity Identifies True Worship", page 13, paragraph 8:

    "Similarly today, a Governing Body composed of spirit-anointed Christians contributes to the unity of the worldwide congregation. The Governing Body publishes spiritually encouraging literature in many languages. This spiritual food is based on God's Word.Thus, what is taught is not from men but from Jehovah."

    There you have it, people. Straight outta the horse's mouth: Jehovah is the Grand Person behind all the false prophecies, flip-flops, you-name-it that Jehovah's Witnesses are responsible for. You can't make this stuff up!! I'm thankful for the Writing Dept when they write this stuff.

  • zoiks

    Thanks, Writing Department!

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    "Thus, what is taught is not from men but from Jehovah."

    So then the false teachings are attributed to God. Which seems grossly disrespectful. Having said that they do not acknowledge them as false, saying that they were what we needed at the time.

  • StAnn

    Where can I get me one of them 9/15/10 WTs? This one sounds priceless!


  • sir82

    Jehovah tells them what blood fractions are acceptable?

    I'd sure like to have been listening in on that one!

  • laverite

    Awesome stuff!

  • DaCheech

    the loophole is, that they're getting the info from the bible babble.

    I can make up any teaching I want, and use misquotes/partial quotes to back up anything I want.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Jehovah, like Piderman, looks confused.

  • aniron

    "Similarly today, a Governing Body composed of spirit-anointed Christians contributes to the unity of the worldwide congregation. The Governing Body publishes spiritually encouraging literature in many languages. This spiritual food is based on God's Word.Thus, what is taught is not from men but from Jehovah."

    You can be sure if you point out were they have made changes in teachings, doctrines and false prophecies.
    They will say that they are only men and imperfect will get things wrong.

  • wannabefree

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