The Day After DC 2010

by wannabefree 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Evidently, 1+1=1

    That's awesome!

  • WTWizard

    There is nothing of value in going to these wastefests. The witlesses always seem to think every Grand Boasting Session is so grand, and that they "need" one about every month. However, the talks and the material they come out with are always exactly the same every year. You seen 'em one, you seen 'em all.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    "get better every year" "best convention ever"

    That they are able to distinguish this particular DC from all previous ones is the most remarkable thing.

  • somebody

    Hi wannabefree,

    First of all, let me give this hug, seeing as how it not during a prayer


    You have to stop attending conventions and meetings because now that you know the WT is nothing but hogwash and a cult and that it's followers MUST believe that the WT is not hogwash or a cult, but truth.

    I know others who tried to keep quiet and their own physical and mental condition sunk lower and lower. The ONLY time they stated to get better is when they stopped attending meetings and WT conventions.

    I don't know if your wife knows how you feel, as I haven't read your background yet. If you don't think your wife can handle the truth about HOW the WT comes up with and passes changes it's teachings or anything else you know about the WT, just tell her you are taking a break from all meetings to have time to think. Don't tell her any negative things yet, and that'll give you time to plan on a way that'll make her think and open her eyes.

    Whatever you decide, I would think about your own well-being first. Because you cannot keep on the way you are. It is not good for your health and I mean that!

    I wish you the best and stay strong!

    In time, maybe you can ask on your wife's facebook page or your own, that JWs explain in their own words what the "gereration" is and then list all the evidence that backs their explanation. Who knows what answers you'll get!



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