How did you dispose of all those excess magazines?

by chicken little 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    We were always told not to throw away literature, so just what did we do with it all? I know that I would sneak it into the bin for recycling quite regularly.

    My parents kept all the magazines for over 20 years in Ritz boxes in a cupboard, they all went yellow and smelt wierd. They all got thrown out when they moved house.

    I remember when I was pioneering leaving it in washrooms, what a cheek I think now. The funniest experience was when we stopped as witnesses, we took all the literature....all of it...over 40 years of collection and put it into the recycle bin over the road from us. As my husband was carrying the aid to bible understanding and other noticeable books over, some brothers and sisters pulled up to say hello. My hubby just waved and said he would be over in a minute and then calmly threw the lot in the bin with the brothers watching. Classic.

  • finallyfree!

    I used to live in the country and we'd heat with wood. Let's just say sometimes I ran out of newspaper to start the fire. Lol! I like ur experience though..classic!

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I remember one very elderly couple that studied with an older elder in the KH. I always thought it was a mere social call. These people were pack rats. I hesitate to go as far as hoarders. I did not think they were reading the magazines, even though they had subscriptions to both The Watchtower and Awake! magazines. But, how do you prove it without coming right out and asking? Since they were paying for the magazines, no real thought was ever given.

    One day I was with the elder on the "study" and the elder asked the couple if they remember a certain article in the WT. Their memories were undoubtedly fuzzy, so the old husband says, "I have that magazine over here in the drawer, let me get it." The man hobbles over to a cabinet, opens a drawer, and inside were literally hundreds of magazines -- with their subscription mailer covers still on them. On the front of each one was neatly printed in shaky handwriting the exact date they receieved said magazine in the mail. It went from the mailbox to the drawer with only a brief stop for notation. Not once in many years had the magazines ever been opened let alone read.

    I wonder what the old couple's kids thought when they cleaned out their parents house when they died? Trash bin I presume. This was before recycling was commonplace around here.

    Oh yeah... the old couple never became witnesses, the elder stopped the study not long after that and the subscription was never renewed.

    Weird where that memory came from.

    Snakes (Rich )

  • lepermessiah

    We would drive around, leave them in payphones, and count our time and the placements!

    Then we would come a week later, replace the tattered, soaking wet magazine with a fresh one, and repeat the cycle!

  • finallysomepride

    When I visit my parents in NZ I often look at the pile of mags & books they have hoarded away & would love to build a great pile of it at the kh car park and set fire to it LOL

  • designs

    Paper Recycling................... its Green!

  • isaacaustin

    Yes Designs, save the environment! In more ways than one! LOL

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Having never been a dub myself, how did you end up with extras? How many are we talking about here?

  • Soldier77

    To the trash! In fact I would go as far and say I'm evil, because I still get 11 magazines a month (5 WT, 5 Awake and 1 study WT) I throw all but the study one away and I've never..... donated anything for them..... ever.

    I'm proud of it too.

  • loosie

    You could put them in the paper shredder and make colorful gift wrap stuffing with them.

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