Yet one more thread on the new "generation".... Oh, Joy!

by undercover 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WingCommander

    I'd LOVE to pull up the cover of the May 15th WT on my iPad with the heading, "1914, The Generation That Will Not Pass Away" right when they are reading the paragraph on the expanding generation doctrine. That would be classic!!!

    I am 30 years old, I was born in 1979. 1975 is just about unknown to anyone in my age group in the congregations. However, it was RAMMED DOWN OUR THROATS about the 1914 Generation not passing away. To anyone with a thinking brain, this is huge. It was PROOF of the urgency of The End, and was used as proof at the doors while we were in service during our formative years of the 1980's. Instead of being at home watching Saturday morning cartoons or practicing baseball like NORMAL kids our own age, we were instead out in service peddling these magazines and using the 1914 date as proof of the end. Don't underestimate my generation's bullshit meter. Remember, 70% of us left once we turned 18 - that's 7 out of 10 witness youth!!!!

    This just might get the 30-40 year old segment to call BULLSHIT!! Just as the year 1976 coming to pass did for a "Generation" of Witnesses who left around 1980, and also for a "Generation" who left after the 1925 fiasco.

    History does indeed repeat itself, and I think we are in a stage of not growth, but of DEPARTURE for the WT Organization. They know it too, even though they pad the figures. Why else do you think we are seeing so much control in the publications? Seperate publications for Witnesses only??? At least part of the GB know the jig is up, and they are using fear as main control tactic, because god knows logic isn't it when it comes to their publications.

    If I were sitting in a Kingdom Hall on June 13th and those paragraphs were read, I'd have to stand up and say, "Checkmate". The jig is truely up with this "Generation" teaching. It is a major doctrine, and I don't think people are just going to swallow it all down nice-nice. This confirms what for a false prophet they are.

    You know, my father died 11 years ago. He told me on his death bed not to leave Jehovah or Christ Jesus. He said to draw close to THEM, not some Organization or The Society. I swear, since finding all this out about the WT Society, I HAVE drawn closer to THEM. The further away I get from the WT, the closer I feel to THEM. No BS!!!

    Another thing that rings in my head is something my father said, as he came into the Truth right after 1975 and knew all about it. He said, "If this system goes on, and they ever give up or change the 1914 teaching, you'll know we've been lied to. Then you know they are then full of shit."

    Sorry Dad, they are full of shit. Checkmate, WT.

    - Wing Commander

  • hamsterbait

    It hinges on an EQUIVOCATION.

    A generation is "those living contemporaneously"they have taken the word "contemporary" and flipped into its other meaning of "at the same time" .

    The Old Annointed were contemporaries of each other, the New Annointed are contemporaries of each other. (The dictionary meaning of contemporary with regard to a Generation)

    Since it also means "at the same time" both sets of annointed live at the same time where their lives overlap, so they are one generation.

    Now take your castor oil, and GO TO BED. You will understand once you have slept and been taken over.


  • garyneal

    I tell you. The lengths to which these people will go to preserve their authority and control over the rank and file knows no ends.

    I feel so sorry for people like my wife who seem to hold on to this and believe that it must be true. I am really interested in knowing what her parents must be thinking about this whole teaching.

    If they are simply hanging onto it because this religion 'suits them' then how are they any different from any other Christian sect who hangs on to their chosen denomination because it suits them?

    I call B.S. on the part of the WT and hypocrisy on the part of the rank and file who lap this up and criticize us for following 'Christendom's false teachings.'

  • Soldier77

    I'm going to print those notes out Leolaia and bring them to the WT study that week. Thanks for posting it.

    I've already started the groundwork for talking to someone in the hall about this generation understanding and calling BULLSHIT!

    WingCommander - truly enlighting words from your father, that speaks volumes. Thanks for sharing!

  • NiceDream

    I agree with Soldier, that is truly enlightening what your father said!

    My husband doesn't see what the big deal is about this generation change. I told him how we were taught that those in "this generation of 1914"...meaning those alive around that time, would see the end!!! His brain must have erased all that. For some reason that's one of the main teachings that was drilled into my head growing up. Probably because my great grandma was born in 1915 and we'd use her age as a guage on where we were in the stream of time. Incredible!

  • sd-7
    Regarding 'overlapping generations', look at what I found on
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    An overlapping generations model, abbreviated to OLG model, is a type of economic model in which agents live a finite length of time and live long enough to endure into at least one period of the next generation's lives.

    The concept of an OLG model was devised by Maurice Allais in 1947 and popularized by Paul Samuelson in 1958 as a way of simplifing monetary economics and macroeconomic models. OLG models can have varying characteristics depending on the subject of study, but most models share several key elements:

    • individuals receive an endowment of goods at birth
    • goods cannot endure for more than one period
    • money endures for multiple periods
    • individuals must consume in all periods, and their lifetime utility is a function of consumption in all periods
  • OnTheWayOut

    I'm not tired of talking about it yet. I think it's another huge campaign to rival the 1975 campaign so they can keep the current members all excited over the buzz and they can make strange requests to sell properties including local kingdom halls and ask that nobody question their movements in this urgent time. They may well discontinue printing altogether in upcoming years and just try to take in money without spending. It takes time, the new light gives them quite a few years before the members get tired of waiting for the imminent end.

    We can see how stupid even saying what "Jesus evidently meant" and how "this generation" is two generations in one. Members are being pressured to just go along and turn their brains off. I think they won't even get a choice of grape or strawberry when the Kool-aid comes out.

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