30 minute C.O. talk against the phrase "Take It Easy"

by lepermessiah 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • lepermessiah

    My buddy and i were recalling some of the worst talks we ever heard.

    One classic we remembered was one by a new C.O., who gave this talk on his first visit.

    The guy was an arrogant tool, and he thought he was the voice of God.

    We couldnt remember the title, but all we remember was a 30 minute rant against the phrase "Take It Easy". We thought it was supposed to be talk encouraging pioneering, but it quickly took a turn for the worse......

    "We often hear worldly people use the phrase "Take It Easy" - as Christians, we DO NOT take it easy!"

    "We should never hear the phrase "Take It Easy" here at the Kingdom Hall"

    "I'll hear people say goodbye to their brothers and sisters by saying "Take It Easy", and I quickly correct them - Jehovah's people do not EVER "Take It Easy!!!"

    No wonder most people in the hall felt burned out and discouraged!!

    We were cracking up remembering the talk - the guy came across as such a D-Bag. Of course, the guys our age went out of our way to yell "Take It Easy" to each other as often as possible after that. Our dads even got in on the joke since they hated the CO as much as we did.....(and they were elders at the time)

  • undercover

    I remember that same talk!

    It was pretty silly but I remember a lot of people took it serious. I used to use the phrase all the time and I had to check myself from using it around uber-dubs...

    undercover - of the 'taking it easy' class

  • finallysomepride

    What a dumbars.

    Take it easy, I do.

  • jookbeard

    dont they contradict themselves all the time with these silly talks, I remember one ass of a CO (Micheal Purbrick) who gave an example of "a load being light" taken out of context from some scripture where the work load of a Dub should be light and easy.

  • Cagefighter

    Usually if it's easy and I got the energy, I'll take it twice.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    I guess that C.O. is not an Eagles fan.


  • sacolton

    I would have told that CO to "take it easy" after his talk.

  • Anti-Christ

    I remember a talk once that the guy said "if some one asks you how are you doing a Christian should not reply really good because then you know you are not doing something right" what an a hole.

  • happy1975

    One that sticks in my mind is a talk that railed against the saying 'don't work too hard'. The speaker totally took it to the next level saying that if we used that term we were encouraging laziness and sloth.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I hated all those guilt tripping talks and especially the pioneer interviews one time there was this pio tightly wound sister who got up on stage looking frazzled & ready to cry saying how she would like nothing better than to stay home fix up her place do some crafts but that wouldn't be right. she went on about the urgency of the times and saving her personal desires for the new system. I thought about how I hated these displays of self rightousness.

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