Officially announced at meeting: I am an ex-parrot......

by not a captive 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Dear Goober, I laughed and laughed--Thanks for the flick.

    Shamus--What! No heroin?!!! I imagine they were horrified to lose you. Seriously. At a loss. But we have to understand that we were learning not to care about people , truth, God, nature, cats, dogs, monkeys... you get the picture. We gotta get over our survivor's guilt I guess. I miss my friends but they can't really talk to me even if they could. We speak a different language now.

    Daring, Does their silence prove that there must be free will for there to be any real love? Love is crippled in the Organization.

    Man, does this feel like a party!

  • shamus100

    Well, notacaptive,

    I know according to them when you leave you get addicted to crack, kill babies, and rape kittens. Believe me, I found it strange when I quit drinking because I didn't need to cope with the excruciating lifestyle, got a real job that gave me a real future and a career, (making me rather succesful, imo), and being happier than I ever have been in my life - without the need for anti-depressants that are rife in the 'christian congregation'. Happiest people? My ass.

    There are a few that I am still in contact with - it's amazing the persecution complex that they still hold onto, and how they are unable to cope in society waiting for 'the end' to come. Literally, they cannot make ends meet, cry and bemoan waiting on this fictional jehovah character to help provide for them. Jehovah turned into social assistance, I'm afraid....

    Your old friends are stuck, you could not get them out even if you wanted to, and it's best that you don't even attempt it for a long time. The next realization that you will have is how the thinking - it will sicken you to no end. Personally, I can't even listen to it anymore. Talking to my old friends once a year is nauseating enough.

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Speaking of drinking--I'm going out to get a beer. Be back in a jiff...

  • shamus100

    You are so dead at gehennah. See you there!!!

  • dissed

    Don't you just love the modern age? Letting you know you have been dismissed by a text....

    From Oliver...

    Consider yourself dismissed

    Consider yourself, out of the family..

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Now that I look like my avatar....

    Just kidding. The package stores had closed (drat!) So I pulled my back-firing old truck past the watchful cops on our college row of pubs to see if i could quaff--you know--drink a beer there. So, the very picture of dereliction I sat with my $2.50 Miller in a bottle. I am sure it was a photo op that the WTS would so loooved to have had. I had but one (so the police would have no cause).

    I am 58 years old. I am starting over in a lot of ways.

    I can't pass judgement on my own life. I don't use the word Jehovah any more, not because I don't believe there is God, but because I do. But that name is tied to the figure kept so far from every not-the-anointed like myself that I am reverting back to the more intimate god named God that I was just getting acquainted with when the WTBTS found me.

    Now, of course, I was of legal age and cannot say that it was not of my own freee will that I got baptized. But what has so radicalized me about the WTS is how crooked they are in how they they represent themselves. And I am rapidly becoming a Christian more primitive than the WTS wanted me to be (obviously--They had to disfellowship me). I was not aware of the ways that religion can sterilize faith and reason in one fell swoop until I was a Witness for 20= years. They wooed us with their clever expose' of false religion all the while doing the biggest and baddest false religion job on us ever. Using the Bible. "God's Word".

    I am grateful for this board.

    I have risked being a fool. Maybe have been one.

    I'm packing up my trips and traps. My youngest has graduated, is off to a distant city to work then to a distant college to take her life on. I am unemployed as of two weeks ago. I will resume life now with my more than eccentric husband on a no-so-romantically-rustic mountaintop farm in rural Arkansas. I'll be back where I first met God and continue the pleasure of living with him without religion. (NO, I don't mean that my husband is God! But my husband will be glad to live without religion too)

    I am so glad I am out.

    P.S. I hope I can keep my internet. I have it for a few more weeks. I promise to be foolish for as long as I can.

  • tec

    I don't think you're a fool for following your faith and your conscience. I think you're brave.

    And I hope you keep your internet too!


  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Dear trueone--Most who operate w/o pills seem pretty much as you describe them. But, like some of us who left, mental health demanded either pills or change--maybe both. But so many could not find the confidence eithr in God or themselves to question what was going on . So they stay.

    Dissed--Yes, a text. From a man that was a great mentor to my self and my kids for a long time. He has a young family yet. I have wondered if he thought that what went on was right. But they can't talk like we do on this board. We kick the stuffings out of an idea (sometimes each other--a leettle bit) then do what we will with it . Our conscience is our guide. But yes, a text. I really didn't think he would talk or write anything to tell the truth.

    Good night, friends.

    The conversations on the board will rush past my party post soon. But nothing really dies on the net. So maybe I am immortal after all.

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    O Tammy! Good night, so glad you stopped by before turning in.

    You've been on some lively posts today. I was in the stands cheering you on, you gentle soul . We climbed on this board about the same time, I think. I'm glad our paths crossed, I won't lose touch . Gotta keep that internet!

  • mkr32208

    Yes and for many years we were all nailed to that perch...

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