OMG! I am 50 this year! Why am I freaking out? Anger - how do you cope?

by hamsterbait 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • penny2

    Do you feel that different to when you were 30? I don't. Be as healthy as you can, try to be fit and not overweight. Walk a lot.

  • gubberningbody

    You can encourage younger people to not take care of themselves. That way they'll get sick and die before you and you can dance ontheir graves.

    I understand most community colleges have tap and modern jazz classes. You could always do that.

  • Snoozy

    50 is nothing if you have taken care of yourself..if you smoked all your life and overate the wrong things and stayed up all night partying thinking you were will be starting to pay for it now..if not nothing will change..well maybe you may get one

    Like they said, be sure to stay active and eat right, get enough sleep and pray you have good genes...

    I am watching those that smoked all their life and over ate, now dying from emphesema and heart disease. You couldn't tell them when they were younger..they thought it would never happen to them. They all say "If we only knew" when it is too late..

    They were rebellious and thought they could beat the odds..or they were unlucky and had bad genes..

    My Mom always said she was going to die when she was 83..I guess because that's when my grandma died. My Mom died at 67. So did my dad , his mom died at 80 something also.

    My daughter just turned 50 last year..she refused to celebrate. She has always taken care of herself and so has her hubby, they are both active and fit as they were in their 20's. The only thing is she has lyme disease but has almost got that licked finally.

    Message to others..take care of yourself when young!!!

    You'll thank yourself later.

    Last words quoting my 90 year old MIL.."If I knew I was going to live so long I would have taken better care of myself".

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I am mid 60's and VERY angry that I have given so much to the cult and allowed myself to be deceived for so long! If only I had the internet 40+ years ago. You have a 15 year start me Hamsterbait so make the most of it.

    I still look relatively young but wish I looked like Mick & Keith; at least it would be worth it for the exciting life they have lived! (Q - Outlaw pictures at this point)


  • Lozhasleft

    I recognize your feelings Hamsterbait...I am 58 and left the borg around 4 years ago. I got very down about the lost years since I also spent them in an unhappy marriage....I thought I could never get past the regrets...then I had my own brush with Cancer...after the treatment was over I stopped and thought ...this life is so important, and it belongs to us individually to make the best of it every day....

    A couple of years on and yes I hate to see the age in the mirror, yes I hate the aches and pains, but I've just remarried a wonderful man and am about to go into my 2nd year at Uni as a mature student with lots of lovely young people. I've lost a lot, too much in total, but I'm still alive and enjoying it as much as I can...

    Loz x

  • HappyOutsideTheBox

    Like you I'll be 50 in a few weeks. Like you all my life has been controlled and I have missed so much. However, there were many good times along the way that I don't regret.

    Now I look in the mirror and ignore what I see. We have hair dye...what more does a girl need .

    Seriously though. I do have occasional moments of anger that I missed out on my life. Now I'm in control I do thinks my way. I make my choices and live exactly the way I want.

    Don't play over in your mind what you missed - that is wasted emotion and energy. Focus instead on what you have and the opportunities that you can reach out for now. You can do what ever you please - no one will stop you.

    Don't think about illness, age, infirmity. Deal with it when it comes not before....

    Have a happy day and look forward to making the very best memories you can.


  • LouBelle

    **gives the hamster some love** I had that when I turned 34 - that I had wasted a great portion of my life BUT you still got it back and that is important!! You are in control now.

    So I suggest doing something to Africa - come visit me. I have a beautiful country, am willing to play tourguide and can cook

    Make your next 20 years AWESOME. I know a 50 year old that beats some 30 year olds - he's fit, looks after himself and has a wonderful lust for life - all that kinda makes him hehehehhee well I won't continue.

  • finallysomepride

    I'm 58. It's just a number. Still have a lot of living to do...and life is great!

  • snowbird


    I'll be 57 in November, so I know how you feel.

    I spend a lot of time with my g'kids; they keep me from feeling too sorry for myself.

    Please know that you are very much valued on this board - Gibbering Buddy alone should get you poster-of-the-decade award!



  • LongHairGal


    Hey, be grateful you lived this long. This is what I tell myself. What is the alternative? To die young? That is the only way somebody won't get 'older'. Even celebrities with all their money can die young for various reasons. As far as not achieving the things you want in the next 20 years, I have observed that even so-called worldly people don't necessarily achieve what they thought they would either.

    I got over the 'paradise' teaching long ago. It never rang very true to me in the first place. Too many holes. As far as anger goes, I know where you are coming from and it does take time to subside. The trick I found is to be sure to substitute new activities where you once did JW things. In time you will feel better.

    No sense wasting even MORE time being angry about the religion. Somebody once told me I should think of my time in the religion like being in a bad marriage. Try to make one achievable goal and stick with that and put the religion out of your mind.

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