July 15th WT Study Article - Generation PR Fallout to Keep JW's Alert !

by flipper 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    I tend to think they genuinely believe it.

  • flipper

    THE FINGER- Well, very true. Most witnesses WILL believe the new generation teaching. But it will be to their detriment . I'm hoping some witnesses will open their minds and leave the cult over this jibberish though

  • flipper

    BTTT, all comments welcome

  • Oceanblue

    You know, I wonder how much sleep the GB is getting these days? They sure have been pretty busy with all the articles and talks lately about "the generation" and the desperate measures they are taking to cover their tracks by telling people not to record or put anything online. The GB and us apostates are the only ones obsessing over this BS. The rank&file JWs could care less. All they know is that the GB is providing them food and they must eat it without questioning what it is.

    Take my dad for example. Just yesterday, I was talking to my dad about a non religious topic and I said that even if a source is credible, you still need to do research. (This was my personal dig at the WTS, though he didn't know it). My dad disagreed with me but he couldn't prove to me why I was wrong. I blame this organizaton for making him like that. All they do is read what the WTS says, but since they aren't allowed to read non-WTS info, they don't truly understand why research is very important.

    I do think that the more they try to convince everyone that this change is good, the more people are going to start questioning whats going on. They may not leave right away, but it'll eventually happe

  • MrMonroe

    Delightful quote on Wikipedia's entry on apostasy at Beliefs and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses that relates what the Watch Tower Society says about those eeeevil people who dare to walk out: "Apostates are described as proud, independent, ungrateful and presumptuous, displaying jealousy, fits of anger and other unchristian conduct and are said to often fall victim to drunken bouts, loose conduct and fornication." Man, that's so true! First three things I did when I got out was get into a drunken brawl, do some heavy petting and lay some chick I'd just met.

  • flipper

    OCEANBLUE- Very true, the WT society IS very busy covering their tracks trying to influence it's members to keep the alleged " end " close. But the typical JW is hypnotized by the mind control information coming down the pipeline from Bethel. So it's up to us to shake them up by making them use their " real " or authentic non-cult mind to think a little. Like you did with your dad. That was a good tactic you used. I think you're right- someday some of these witnesses will wake up and wonder why the GB is SO INTENT on pushing this new " generation overlap " theory. Hopefully some will exit.

    MR. MONROE- Yeah, the WT society is always saying that apostates become orgy induced drunkards waiting to get into fights ! LOL ! Well- I'm glad you got laid anyway. LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this up for any who might want to comment. Have to work all night tonight. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    BTTT, All comments welcome

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