The Reason Why the Society Changed the Meaning of "Generation"...again

by Olin Moyles Ghost 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    This has been discussed...and discussed...and discussed some more on this board. But I thought I'd go ahead and put down my thoughts on why the WTS changed the meaning of "generation" again in 2010, after changing it in 2008. In short, I think the 2008 "new light" caused many JWs to doubt that The End is imminent, so the WTS tweaked the meaning of "generation" to re-kindle the zeal in the flock. A bit more explanation follows below.

    For the sake of completeness, here is a list of the Society's various meanings of "generation" over the last few decades:

    • pre-1995: people who were old enough in 1914 to discern that the Last Days were beginning (the so-called "generation of 1914")
    • 1995: wicked people alive during the Last Days
    • 2008: anointed JWs alive during the Last Days
    • 2010: anointed JWs whose lives overlap with other anointed JWs who were alive during 1914

    I think the 2008 generation change had an unwanted effect. It caused many JWs to think that The End may not come in their lifetime. Shortly after the 2008 "new light" came out, I heard through the grapevine that a long-time elder said that when he read this article, he realized that he was going to die in this system. I doubt he was the only one with this reaction.

    The Society may have been surprised that the 2008 new light elicited such reactions. In a way, I was surprised about the hoopla that surrounded it. As far as I'm concerned, there's no practical difference between the 2008 and 1995 doctrines--in both cases, 1914 is irrelevant and there's no limit to the length of the Last Days. To this day, I'm not sure why the 2008 generation change had this effect--I recall seeing lots of discussion on JWD around that time, and for the life of me, I never understood how the 2008 new light made one iota of difference in the date for The End.

    But, for whatever reason, in 2008 a number of JWs came to the realization that The End wasn't as close as they thought. The Society had to do something about it. So, the theme of the 2009 District Conventions was "Keep on the Watch"--it was an absolute fear-fest. Then, in 2010, the Society decided to tweak the "generation" to add a bit more urgency.

    Based on what I've read on this board, the Society seems to be (as a practical matter) trying to tie in the new generation to the ages of the guys currently on the Governing Body. While this is not as clear as the old "generation of 1914" teaching, it does give JWs a light at the end of the tunnel. Combine that with the current economic problems, oil spill, etc., and you have a recipe for some good old fashioned End Times Hysteria. And that's what the Society does best.


  • JWoods

    It is probably at least a good possibility.

    I am still amazed that they felt safe in tinkering with this generation thing again and again.

  • snowbird

    For the record, from the start, I never believed the WT's interpretation of "this generation."

    The WT is either monumentally stupid or thinks its followers are.

    It is also reactive as opposed to proactive.

    I hope the 2010 explanation will implode the same as the 2008.


  • wannabefree

    I was in service with CBE and others a month or so ago, somebody was talking about how close the end was because of the earthquakes in one place after another and other disasters, I asked (trying to bring it up in an innocent inquiring way) if the earthquakes are only just now occuring in one place after another and the Bible says this is a sign of the beginning of the pangs of distress, then what if the last days are only starting now instead of 1914?

    CBE said no way, there are too many signs that point to 1914, 1914 is a fact. No comment.

  • Leolaia
    I think the 2008 generation change had an unwanted effect. It caused many JWs to think that The End may not come in their lifetime.

    But why wouldn't the change in 1995 have the same effect?

  • bob1999

    Some of the JW's I have talked to don't even know about the 1995 change, let alone the 2008 and the 2010 change.


  • snowbird


    The Associated Press picked up a story on the 1995 generation change.

    They even interviewed Ray Franz.


  • thetrueone

    I think its funny how the WTS. motors along until its time to make a new light change to make them appear truthful and viable.

    Its really a position of arrogance and opportunity to exploit people's emotions in a effort to control them.

    This new light was obviously instituted to cover over the fact that people who saw the events of 1914 have all but disappeared

    and this generation has passed on , but wait there's new leaders at the Tower now who are complacently in control and driving

    the Watchtower money making machine . So there is a need for the continuation of propagating bullshit to the masses to keep the stream of financial

    support in operation.

  • JWoods

    So, taking Leolia's question - what was the reason for changing the 1995 explanation to the 2008 explanation?

    It seems to me that they may just be experimenting around on this.

  • bob1999

    "So, taking Leolia's question - what was the reason for changing the 1995 explanation to the 2008 explanation?"

    I think it was just so they could get to the 2010 explanation and re-link the whole thing back to 1914.

    The 1995 change was the big mistake. If they had thought of the 2010 explanation in 1995 they would have gone straight to it.


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