The earth survive forever?

by sayitsnotso 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • yknot

    We are taught in Dubbieland that this means....

    *** it-1 pp. 616-617 Destruction ***
    The possibility of eternal destruction for some is also indicated by Jesus’ words at Matthew 10:28: “Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” Regarding this text, The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (edited by C. Brown, 1978, Vol. 3, p. 304) states: “Matt. 10:28 teaches not the potential immortality of the soul but the irreversibility of divine judgment on the unrepentant.” Also, Bauer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (revised by F. W. Gingrich and F. Danker, 1979, p. 95) gives the meaning “eternal death” with reference to the Greek phrase in Matthew 10:28 translated “destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” Thus, being consigned to Gehenna refers to utter destruction from which no resurrection is possible.—See GEHENNA.

    Besides if you love Jehovah don't simply obey because of potential rewards or punishment.

  • sayitsnotso
    Your spirit is a whole different matter.

    The word for spirit is a form a ru'ach (See and ecc 12:7). Animials are said to have spirts as well at, amont other places, Ge 7:15 (

    The idea of the spirit returning to God does not require that we think of actual movement form on place to another does it? When Jehovah told the isrealies to to return to him at Malachi 3:7 did this require actual momevent from place to place? Couldn't the spirit returning to God mean that the ability to have existence reverts to God once a person dies? That the spirit is the force that allows a person to live?

  • JWoods

    Well, it looks like this has gone off the topic of the earth surviving forever -

    I still say clear evidence shows that it will not do so.

  • PSacramento


    Tell me what YOU believe.

  • notverylikely

    I just feel if you think you have superior knowledge, then you should share it without insulting others. BTW I'm in no need of education in basic physics having started my education in high school in college physics.

    The physics of how stars work is beyond explaining in a few paragraphs. I don't think I am SMARTER, per se, than anyone else in particular. Sorry you found my response impolite, but an JW apologists that claims to understand things that won't do basic research on his own shouldn't get info spoonfed.

  • sayitsnotso
    Sorry you found my response impolite, but an JW apologists that claims to understand things that won't do basic research on his own shouldn't get info spoonfed.

    Maybe the term "refuel" isn't the best one to use. Couldn't Jehovah do whatever is needed to prevent the sun from dying? Since he wrote the laws of physics couldn't he circumvent them? Couldn't the creator of the sun prevent it from dying? Arguing this is like saying he could not part the red sea or give Jesus the power to turn water in to wine or resurrect the dead. If these things could happen and since the bible says the earth will remain forever, why is it so hard to think the "impossible" could happen. Perhaps you don't believe that the red sea was parted or the water turned to wine or that people where resurrected. To each the own I suppose.

  • Twitch

    If you believe in miracles, then sure, why not?

  • PSacramento

    If God didn't want the sun to be finite, why make it so?

    We must believe that things are the way they are because that is the way they are meant to be.

    Can and has God stepped in on occasion and made miracles?

    Yes, I believe he has.

    Will God do so again?

    After Jesus's ressurection and Jesus' saying that no more signs will be given...I don't know if God will or won't.

    To me it doesn't matter because, one way or another, I have faith in God's plan for Us.

  • JWoods
    Maybe the term "refuel" isn't the best one to use. Couldn't Jehovah do whatever is needed to prevent the sun from dying? Since he wrote the laws of physics couldn't he circumvent them? Couldn't the creator of the sun prevent it from dying?

    Makes you wonder why he didn't just do that in the first place, huh? I mean - if keeping it going forever was really always the intent, and he has the power to do it, why not just make it that way in the beginning?

    Lots of hand-waving explanations needed for the JW world-view of Armageddon killing off everyone but them, and then living on a paradise earth forever in violation of proven laws of physics.

  • notverylikely

    Maybe the term "refuel" isn't the best one to use. Couldn't Jehovah do whatever is needed to prevent the sun from dying? Since he wrote the laws of physics couldn't he circumvent them?

    Sure. he would just have to change gravity, the strong and weak nuclear forces, the structure of atoms and space time itself, but why not.

    Because we are JUST THAT IMPORTANT!

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