The earth survive forever?

by sayitsnotso 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Caedes

    There is no fundamental difference between a supernatural being and a supernatural being doing magic. So if your hypothesis helps you sleep at night go for it. For me the idea of the supernatural is a deeply unfulfilling "it's magic" answer.

  • PSacramento

    If we beleive that God created us ( which ever method he did it by) then we also have to beleive that this unlimited potential we have called "imagination" and our inante ability to NOT be conform to an established "reality" means that we do indeed have the potential for the "unlimited".

  • yknot

    New Heaven, New Earth.....Jehovah sets up his tent amongst his people.

    I will be the simpleton here....... I just have faith in what has been promised.

    I don't really think it matters whether the earth is 'made anew' like after the flood or if we get a brand spanking new planet.....

    It is kinda like debating whether Jesus was raised a as a spirit or in a body.......... it can go rounds and rounds based on opinion but both believe and profess Christ was raised. Why we squabble to the point of missing the forest for some trees is beyond me.....

  • sayitsnotso

    I see that the immortality of the soul has crept in here. How can anyone believe that when the bible is clear:

    The dead are conscious of nothing.

    Like animals have the same eventuallity at death.

    The soul that is sinning, it itself will die.

  • PSacramento

    Does God have a soul? Does Jesus ?

  • sacolton

    A corpse is conscious of nothing. You can talk to it. Hit it. Burn it. It will not feel or know anything that is happening.

    Your spirit is a whole different matter.

    Examine this scripture:

    Ecclesiastes 12:7

    and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

    Consider the dust as the corpse "the dead" - it is conscious of nothing, but the spirit returns to God.

    You're asking the right questions ... keep up the good work.

  • sayitsnotso
    Does God have a soul? Does Jesus ?

    I don't think God has a soul. When he speaks of "my soul" this he is refearing to "myself" or "my person". God is a spirit and so is Jesus.

  • yknot

    I still am at peace in still believing the core 3 (no hellfire, immortality of soul or trinity)

    Granted I am also open to the 'soul' being more than physical life....... but still lean toward the sleeping part until Jesus wakes everybody up.

    Why does there have to be an answer for everything?

  • PSacramento
    I don't think God has a soul. When he speaks of "my soul" this he is refearing to "myself" or "my person". God is a spirit and so is Jesus.

    I guess the next question is, what is a soul in your opinion?

    and how do we have something that God and Jesus don't ?

  • PSacramento
    I still am at peace in still believing the core 3 (no hellfire, immortality of soul or trinity)
    Granted I am also open to the 'soul' being more than physical life....... but still lean toward the sleeping part until Jesus wakes everybody up.
    Why does there have to be an answer for everything?

    IF the souls is only physical life then when we die, it dies, so why would Jesus warn against those that can kil the soul?

    Hellfire is interpretive and the Trinity is ONE of man's attemtps to understand God's nature, no more, no less.

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