I have found the truth about the truth now...

by truthseeker12 42 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sacolton
    Still Jehovah Witnesses have a lot or some truth in their belief to...

    First, welcome aboard! Glad your eyes (and mind) have been opened.

    Just curious about your statement above. You said the Jehovah's Witnesses have alot or some truth in their beliefs ... could you elaborate on this?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    That is quite some first post.

    Congratulations for working it out as soon as you did.

    Still Jehovah Witnesses have a lot or some truth in their belief

    I don't agree with that though.

    When I finally worked out that the JWs were full of BS, I decided that everything I had been taught from childhood was not trustworthy. Everything. I knew that if I 'cherry picked' the bits I liked, I would be no better off than I would be with my parent's religion, as they had done that too.

    I bought myself a Bible, 'Moffat's', and read it as though I had never read a Bible before. I'll repeat that, as I think it is very important....

    ....read it as though I had never read a Bible before ....

    When you come out of a cult, it is very easy to 'cult hop' into another one. When you come out of a cult you must treat everything you learned from the cult with the deepest suspicion. Just because you are from a Christian, Muslim, Buddist, Scientologist/whatever culture or background, should not have any influence whatsoever on your beliefs for your future. You are a spiritual babe. You can trust nothing from your childhood. Everything has to be proven.... beyond reasonable doubt.... like it or not. Personal preference has nothing to do with truth.

    Welcome to your new journey



  • Desilusionnee

    Welcome aboard Nice to have you here!

    Take care Desi

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Welcome TS12,

    I too am reducing my faith to the point of my beginning:

    God is good. Jesus lived and taught what is good and necessary to know about his father. He taught us how we should treat each other.

    You are not afraid of information. That is good. This is a healthy forum for people made sick by religion. But the medicine is very strong here. The posters give a genuine greeting and then they will thoroughly and smartly, sometimes rudely and sometimes crudely examine any idea that you float out on the board. So take care. And God bless you. Maeve

  • truthseeker12

    Thank you for the welcome messages and yes I really like
    education the only problem is I can't stop reading now:-
    I am, for the moment, exploring gods name, and I think they
    even have not said it right either.

    Eustace Mullins are talking about "Jehovah" in one of his books,
    and I am sure Fritz Springmeier is talking about it. I have not
    yet found the book "Be wise as serpents" however, I have read
    the book "Watchtower and the masons".

    I have as I wrote read a lot about freemasons and other similar groups
    and their most important word is Jehovah a double sexed god, so I have
    stopped call the creator Jehovah. If I want to say the name I just say.
    YAH it should mean the word god in hebrew if I am right.

    Explore what "hovah" means in hebrew and I think you will be surprised.
    I am looking for the proof of what I found about this...

    About Charles Taze Russell. Half of the information I have got is that he
    is not a Satanist and a pedophilia and half of it is the opposite that he
    is a Satanist and pedophilia...My conclusion is...if you read about the
    illuminate you will find out, they are luciferins. One of their spiritual
    centers are in Pennsylvania. They have created many of the religions. They have,
    for example, created the Mormons. There were many illuminate religions and beliefs
    around the time for Charles Russel.
    If he was a freemason, or if he was not it does not really matter because I can prove
    that he had a lot of knowledge about the freemasons. He knew all their words, and he even
    mixed them up with the information he took from the bible.
    For example: He called Jesus Christ the Grand Master... and even today Jehovah Witnesses
    calls him the master...not the grand master only master...and that is not the only
    word he mixed up. About the pyramidology that is used by the freemasons to.
    However, if he was a freemason it does not surprise me if he was. There is too much money involved
    were did he get them from in the beginning? Even if he wrote popular books still how could he afford to
    market them. There is of course someone behind that money, and you are not free when you take loans
    you will do what your master has instructed you.

    About the Toga party: I have only heard that Charles Taze Russel was out in some white clothes in the middle
    of the night waiting for Jesus to rapture him.

    Ronald: I am not trying to offend you if you are a "bible student"...in my case...when I started to read some of.
    Charles Taze Russell books I first read all his _ preaching and I was really happy after reading the book and
    also discovered that he was not interested in organized religion.
    I said to myself maybe I should be a "bible student" the message sounds so positive....
    Then I started to compare his teaching with the freemasons...and I also studied the illuminate and their beliefs
    and their goals. One question you could ask yourself:
    Why are there so many religions from Pennsylvania? Why is Charles Taze Russell using the same word as the freemasons?
    Why have there been so many meetings from the followers of Charles Taze Russell in the Masonic temple?
    I mean if Charles Taze Russel was not a Satanist and not a pedophilia etc. and all the other negative things they say about him.
    He stills know everything about it. He writes about it in his books. For example the name watchtower is pagan...and before that
    the tower...(the tower is important in freemasonary and I think you know of the tarot card with the tower)...My conclusion is even if he was not any of the things he is accused of the creator would never use a person who is connected to Satanism and his good friends were also masons...no, I can't believe that. Even if there are only small connections with satanism and the masons the creator would never use a person in that position. That is my concolusion.

    About if the bible is gods word or not. I think the bible is gods word however I am not sure if it has not been manipulated during the years. For example in one part of the bible it is said that the creator could never test your faith with evil still he ask Abraham to sacrifice his only son. If you compare to satanism who is asking for human sacrifice...it is satan/lucifer never god. Eustace Mullins wrote that they have manipulated the bible...and he is not the only one with that claim. I will read more about this to.

    I am happy I could comfort some people with my little story.


  • tenyearsafter


    Have you read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz? It is an excellent examination of the WT Society from the inside out. It might provide some excellent insight into how the governing body comes to its decisions on doctrinal issues affecting all JW's. I would highly recommend your reading this book as part of your search for truth.

  • truthseeker12

    I agree that everything that the Jehovahs witnessess has taught must be checked again I can't trust

    a word because this is false religion still I have some points I think they are right:

    1. There are no hell

    2. I don't think we the people should go to heaven, not in a rapture and not after we are dead...I think they are right in that only some people will go to heaven.

    3. The world government are created with the UN as the top and 10 "horns" under it

    4. Jesus Christ will be king in gods kingdom for 1000 years.

    5. The Earth will be restored some day...I don't know the time and the date

    6. Eternal Life are for most of us on the earth not in heaven

    I can come back later on with some more thoughts this is what I am thinking about first...


  • aniron

    I am a third generation of Jehovah Witnesses, even if I never got baptized. However, they disfellowship me when I was around 15.

    Hi Truthseeker, and welcome

    Bit puzzled by your opening sentence are you saying were not baptised ? If so how can they disfellowship you?

  • truthseeker12

    Yes I have read Crisis of Consciene twice ...I am for the moment for the second time reading "In search for christian Freedom"

  • truthseeker12

    Before 1988 if you have been participating in the door to door activities they disfellowshipped people even if they were not baptized and 1988 or 1989 there comes "NEW LIGHT" so they had to take it back...in my case so I am not disfellowshipped anymore...

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