Not Sure What To Do....HELP!!!!!

by lostinnj83 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lostinnj83

    Hello..I have been lurking for quite some time and am finally ready to make my first post!

    I was raised a Witness and am still "active" in the congregation and am married to husband who is also and have been having some doubts for some time and voiced some of them to my husband a few months back and he IMMEDIATLY called the elders who provided a sheparding call. Doubts were mainly on the harshness of the disfellowshipping and the blood issue. The elders were definitely not harsh with me and were sincere in their efforts but my doubts didnt go away. I tried to become more zealous, studying more, doing more field service and encouraging my husband to conduct our family study but still the doubts.

    I spoke to a friend who is Christian, and I've seen the positive changes that have been made in her life since she accepted Jesus as her lord and Savior, and something said well how can such a good person be destroyed simply because they were not a JW, she told me that God had revealed himself to her and she knew the right way to go. I told my husband that I sensed a sincere inner peace that my friend had...he told me no that could only be satanic. He was immediatly judgemental without even wanting to here more so for a while I limited what I talked to him about.

    Recently despite my efforts to become a better JW I still have the doubts and no longer feel that this is "the truth". I told my mom that there were things I didnt agree with without getting into to much, and of course she told me to pray more, read the watchtower more and go the elders. My mom and dad are very active (my dad is an elder). I then started to receive phone calls from my dad talking about the Daily Text or the Watchtower. I told my mom that if she would be willing to sit and talk to me about some of the things that dont make sense that I would love to talk to her...she said the conversation would be very limited in what we would talk about. She was not willing to have any new ideas introduced or to look at anything outside of the watchtower literature...which to me is so one sided.

    What I dont understand is that if your faith is strong, no matter what I could say to you or show you should shake it?

    My husband is willing to discuss but is still blinded by the Watchtower, we spoke on the blood issue and I showed him clearly and intelligently that the Witnesses have missapplied the scriptures on blood and does not have anything to do with blood transfusions. This is a serious issue to me should we ever have children. If something happened and he refused to give our child a life saving blood transfusion because of some non sense explanation of the scriptures I could never forgive that and in my mind i would consider it murder. Any for any adult that willing dies because of blood refusal is the same as suicide to me. The point is that my husband actually did look at some "outside" websites on the blood issue and is still of JW belief even when I clearly pointed out contradictions in his own stand.

    My dilemna is that I dont want to lose my marriage or my parents over this, not sure how I should proceed but I dont think I can take any more meetings or field service. More often than not I see on these websites the husband as the one who helps his wife see the real truth about the JW religion not as much in the I'm not sure what do. If I officially disassociate myself my parents will shun me. If I stop going to meeting my husband will still go and life for me at home would most surely be miserable as active JW's do not respect other people's beliefs and opinions as seen by my numerous conversations with my husband and parents.

    Any advice as to where to go from here would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    welcome lostinnj83,

    You're in a tough position. Having close family in is very challenging. You will get lots of good advice here. I think the main thing is to proceed with caution. It is so unfair that your mom won't talk with you as a mother should. Mine hasn't either. The JWs do not show unconditional love to their family and friends.That is the harsh reality.

    I think it's important to decide which relationships are important for you to save before you make any major decisions. Then decide how much you are willing to sacrifice in order to preserve them. This will take some time. You'll be getting lots of good feedback soon. So I'll bow out for now.

  • Hadit

    Welcome lostinnj83! Wow - reading your post is almost the same as my experience (except I have a teenager too) - it actually made me panic as it's all still fresh for me. Cult classic made some excellent points - caution is extremely important. You are dealing with people who are caught up in a web of mind control and are completely blinded to your excellent reasonings. The harsh reality is - most, if not all, of our friendships including family are based on the condition of being part of the organization. That is a very, very hard thing to accept. There are many women on this board who's husbands are the ones who continue to be blinded so you are not alone - it's a tough road.

    You will have lots of good advice and suggestions as well as support from here. I wish you all the best and my heart goes out to you.


  • happy1975


    Rest assured that the position you are in right now mirrors that of so many others. I stopped attending before my husband did (he followed soon after) but I don't have any other close family in, so I didn't have that as a consideration. This was a WONDERFUL turning point in my life but also quite a ride.


  • Sapphy

    welcome lostinnj83


    You've been through a lot mentally, and you'll go through a lot emotionally. Just think through what you actually believe for yourself. It can seem a huge mountain to climb but think of how far you've come already!

    Think back to when you believed in the No Blood doctrine, and of how far you've changed to now consider it murder/suicide!

    Once you allow yourself to think, other doctrines may stop making sense to you. Are you prepared for this? What if you invstigate further and decide disfellowshipping is unscriptural? How long could you continue to preach if you find the beliefs around 1914 no longer make sense?

    Every doctrine of the WT you strip away from your mind will have an implication for your life as a witness.

    Witnesses believe that Jesus is the mediator for only the 144,000. Do you? If you believe Jesus is your mediator, then did you partake of the emblems? If not, why not?

    Setting your mind free puts your life on a very interesting journey. It's hard! But many here have suceeded and are happy. Others have lost their family and friends.

    Good luck to you with whatever you decide!

  • yknot

    Don't be in a rush......

    Indoctrination didn't happen over night, it can't be removed quickly either...... if you want to keep marriage and family.

    Have you read over poster Cognac's threads......she too woke up first.

    Questions that lead your husband into finding the truth about the troof are far more effective than you trying to 'show him' the facts.

    We are in the midst of changes not seen since Rutherford......and the WTS is encouraging knowledge of the past by constantly referencing stuff like that 1918 talk........ use these things to your advantage.

    As you know the generations change is coming up pretty soon, JWF uploaded the heart of Sunday's last DC talk on the matter too. Use these as openers for discussion. Maybe ask your husband how many times the WTS has clarified the generation, not in a defensive way, but a wife seeking knowledge from an able husband? You want to enable him, his intelligence .........

    Use the CD to your advantage..... the CD references things all the way back to the 1930s. Of course the WT only go back to 1950 and the Awakes 1970....... but many of the other referenced material can be found and scans downloaded from the internet

    Many here will suggest you read Steve Hassan, because as much as I love aspects of our social club (ie JWs/WTS)......... it is a cult.

    Can you fake your FS hours?

    If all else fails seek the path of 'help'........ ask him to guide you through the WTS history......cuz you just know it will reaffirm your faith reading how the first generation triumphed

    Here are three on Piratebay too....

    Chasson has a very nice collection online as well....

    (Here is Chasson's full directory )

  • goldensky

    Dear Lostinnj83, welcome to the board! I wish you all the best..

  • onemore

    Welcome to the board! Welcome to freedom, welcome to the light!

    Lostinnj83 , listen (read) carefully. Take it easy, don’t rush, don’t express your doubts so openly. Patience is the key.

    Many of us here have been in the same position that you are now in. We have learned that it gets a little better but you have to give it time. I expressed my concerns to my wife and I got the standard JW reaction. But after reading some of the experiences in this board, I soon realized that I needed to take care of me first before helping my wife see the truth about the “truth”.

    I suggest you to first read the NT using another bible translation such as the ASV, NIV, even the KJ version. Concentrate on letters to the Galatians and Romans.

    Pray for strength; and always keep in mind that there is a better Christianity than the one branded by the Watch Tower Corp. And above all, don’t rush into making any drastic decision, not now until you are ready to face the consequences.

    Romans 8:35-39 (New International Version)

    35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36As it is written:
    "For your sake we face death all day long;
    we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." [ a ] 37No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, [ b ] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Are you from NJ?

  • snowbird

    It's good to have more believers.


  • undercover

    Welcome, lost

    Yknot said it best:

    Indoctrination didn't happen over night, it can't be removed quickly either...... if you want to keep marriage and family.

    I too am someone who woke up to the lie that is the JW religion and could no longer live the life of a JW. I faded and became inactive and have been so for some time now. But I still have JW family, probably always will.

    I have slowly worked to free those closest to me...with varying degrees of success. I have learned...the hard way... to not always press the issue and to not always harp on the mistakes of the WTS or the incorrectness of their doctrines. At first, when you realize the sham that it is, you research and research and you find all kinds of damnable things about this fiendish relgion...and you want to grab your family members still trapped and show them everything and you expect them to be logical and reseasonable enough to see what you're talking about

    It doesn't work. People indoctrinated deep enough never question the authority and if they want to believe, they'll believe it, no matter the evidence contrary to it.

    You have to be patient. And discerning. Not every little aspect of the religion needs to be nitpicked. Pick the ones that bother you the most, like the blood doctrine, since you have kids. Know that subject inside and out and keep up with all the WT changes. When the oppurtunity presents itself to drop a hint or make a single comment that can could lodge in their brain, do so...but avoid trying to be argumentative. They'll only get defensive and their brain will shut down.

    If the time comes that they actually ask you questions or they question the WTS, then you can strike...but still using baby steps. Once there's a crack there, you can drive a wedge in and pour more info in.

    It can be done...has been done, but you should know that you may never free your spouse, no matter what you do. If you want to keep your marriage and your family, you may have to get used to the fact that you'll have to always tread lightly when it comes to religious things...even if you fade completely away never to return.

    No two situations turn out the same because everyone thinks and reacts differently. Some have been able to free their spouses relatively quickly, others have been working for years at it with no success.

    So in these early days of awakening, don't do anything rash, think things through and remember that many here have been where you are and can offer support.

    Good luck on your journey to freedom

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